Gifts for MokuK
List of Gifts
Ariadne has A Plan.
Breakfast at Denny´s (More like Half-assed midnight Dinner at Denny´s but we can work with that) by ThatOneGirlBehindYou for MokuK
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
24 Dec 2014
Entry for 2014 FrostironFest, prompt #25: Stuck outside dorm room because both sexiled from respective rooms AU
"Again? Really?" Startled by the words, Loki looks up from his book to Tony's tired face.
"We have to stop meeting like this." He smirks "Maybe a real date sometime, with a late dinner that doesn't involve Doritos for once."
- Part 5 of Short(er) Frostiron stories
Happiness comes from our own actions. by DarkWaterFalls for MokuK
Fandoms: Thor - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man - All Media Types
15 Dec 2013
Written for Frostiron Fest Gift Request #57, prompts one and two!
Promises are made, a deal is struck, and Loki gives Tony a powerful gift.
Tony creates and sculpts wonders with Loki's help, but doesn't know if he'll be able to hold up his side of the bargain.
What will Loki ask of him in return?