Recent works
"And the Grammy goes to..."
The crowd held their breath. This was it. The main moment of the whole evening.
Erik gently squeezed his shoulder and sent to him telepathically.
"Liebling, so that you know, if it doesn't happen now, you're working your magic next year."
Charles chuckled, ducking his head. Warmth and pure affection was oozing from him in steady projecting pulses.
"Already got another super banger on your mind? So prolific."
Erik can't help, but snort rather ungraciously in his glass of iced tea.
Yeah, prolific indeed.
A fluffy AU where Lorna Xavier-Lehnsherr was long considered a completely human child to such a powerful mutant couple as her parents. Nevertheless she threw her whole self into defending mutant rights and mutant social visibility, started a singer career, released an album which was co-written and co-produced by infamous Magneto (a.k.a Papa) and now she's a Grammy nominee, humbly waiting for a verdict of the judges, while also experiencing her powers manifesting. Turned out she's a late bloomer after all.
Recent bookmarks
Enjoying an Indifferent Domesticity by sinuous_curve
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom
02 Jul 2011
“True,” Erik nods. “But I still think you rather enjoy playing the benevolent, fatherly dictator. After all—” his eyes narrow and suddenly the room feels rather smaller and warmer than it had. “What are we doing but playing house?”
Bookmarked by LowOLow
26 Dec 2023
All About Love by kath_ballantyne, treasuredleisure
Fandoms: X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom
03 Sep 2013
He wants a comfortable night, enough money to last him a while, and a distraction from the grueling monotony of his life on the streets.
But the kind man in the alleyway gives Erik something he needs the most; something he never thought he could ever obtain.
some like it sweet by ikeracity for midrashic
Fandoms: X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)
09 Jan 2022
He's just your sugar daddy, Erik reminds himself every day. You can't be in love with him.
Erik's got it all figured out—a delightful roommate, regular sex, his textbooks paid for. Except for the way his heart goes haywire whenever his sugar daddy is around.
Fathers of the Year by ikeracity, velvetcadence
Fandoms: X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom
26 Jun 2014
If Lorna expected her fathers to leave her alone and act like normal human beings on her first date ever with a boy, she expected wrong.
For I Mean to Conquer Troy by twelve_pastels
Fandoms: X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom
07 Dec 2011
Set one year post movie, Charles overloads himself in Cerebro, and his mind goes walkabout; wherever he is (and he’s around), it’s not in his body. Erik temporarily takes over the school in his absence, and finds that there’s little time for resentment or hatred when he’s busy organizing assigned reading for English lit, keeping the youngest children out of trouble, and trying to talk Raven into wearing clothing for the boys’ sake. Somewhere in between taking responsibility for the students and dreaming Charles’ dreams every night, he manages to remember that he’s something rather more than a weapon. In other words: A Love Story between two Gentlemen, told in Prose, Epistles, and Nonsense Rhymes.