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Después del suceso en la casa de los gritos, en cuál Severus es casi asesinado Por Remus Lupin transformado en lobo, cuando James Potter lo salva, Severus Snape entra en un estado de catatonia por completo, nada ni nadie puede hacerlo reaccionar, James Potter al sentirse culpable lo visita constantemente en el hospital, termina volviéndose su principal cuidador, buscando ayudar en todo lo que se pueda para su recuperación, pero, quién diría que esa labor lo llevaría a conocer y descubrir más sobre la vida de ese desgraciado slytherin al que sus burlas solo hicieron la vida aún peor, entre más lo conoce, más se enamora de él.
La catatonia es un trastorno psiquiátrico caracterizado por una serie de síntomas motores anormales que pueden incluir inmovilidad, posturas rígidas o extrañas, agitación motora excesiva y falta de respuesta a estímulos externos. -
Will didn’t remember how he got into his bed.
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Hannibal characters watch the show. Or more accurately, they watch random scenes from the show.
- Part 2 of Movie Remedy For The Weary
What if the Becoming Hannibal had planned for Will was a much more literal one?
KINK FIC: check the tags; don't like, don't read
After Sherlock faked his death John Watson is left with the grief of losing his best friend. And with that he starts to question everything. He detaches himself with humanity, relying on himself. After some sessions with his therapist he is prescribed ant-depressions, only to start taking many pills a day. But taking a turn his life becomes exhilarating again with the return of faces, however, still facing the effects of his anger and grief.
Sherlock returns to find John in a state that makes him feel like he failed his friend.
"You're a psychiatrist," Will says. "Between your personal and professional lives you must have met thousands of people, you must know dozens of different flavors of pathology. Do you know anyone who would take me as I am? Who would be able to love me," he gestures in a sweeping motion, from his messy hair to his stained knee, "just as I am?"
"I do."
Bedelia's words shock Will into stillness.
AKA an AU where Bedelia is Will’s psychiatrist instead of Hannibal, Will makes a series of increasingly questionable life choices, and no one should ever take Bedelia’s advice. Ever.