Pseuds for LauraDove
List of Pseuds
Aliens hiding among the population and casting a critical gaze on humanity.
The Invaders is my absolute favourite show. The aliens captured my imagination with their unique combination of politeness and mercilessness, their pragmatic willingness to negotiate when it benefits them, and their elegant technology. The cerebral haemorrhage disc and the hypnotic crystal marked me for life.
I also write about Among Us. Love the game and the fics!
Previously used pseud, see Alien Eyes.
I used to be a big Stargate Atlantis fan until my enthusiasm died with the show. You can find more things, including my Wraith font, on my personal site.
Old disparate texts that don't really belong in a dedicated pseud. Probably mostly in French, and mostly roleplaying games or original fiction.
As the Daleks' Advocate, I write Doctor Who fics, mostly Dalek-related of course.
Daleks can and should be so much more than generic repetitive bland enemies! If you wonder why, read this thoughtful article on the narrative meaning of the Daleks. You'll never see them the same afterwards...