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Poison by Chronicly Ill Girl (lilithzebra) for Raccoonwriter
Fandoms: Criminal Minds (US TV), Batman - All Media Types
26 Dec 2022
Is it really poison if it can’t hurt you?
Reid casually consumes poison around his team
- Part 13 of Chron’s CM/DC
Beyond the Keyboard by RandomReader13
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Batman (Movie 2022), Criminal Minds (US TV)
04 Feb 2023
When Garcia needs help against a team of hackers, she decides to call in an old friend.
The computer pinged and Penelope pulled up the brief message:
'37 minutes. No pay. – Grumpy Cat Uwu'
Derek blinked. “What.”
“Oh, he put his signature!” Penelope beamed.CM/DC Crossover Week Day 6: Bat and BAU Agent Hacker BFFs
Dick Grayson: A Case Study by writersagainstwritersblock
Fandoms: Criminal Minds (US TV), Batman - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics)
25 Oct 2024
Dick rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I’m mostly used to sparring with my little brothers, it’s kind of just habit, and I was having fun. I didn’t want the match to be over too quick.”
“Too quick?” Derek asked, eyebrows raised. “I’m twice your size, kid.”
Dick shrugged. “So’s Bruce and we’re pretty much tied at this point, or at least according to the score board the kids started to keep for Saturday spars.”
“Saturday spars?” Derek repeated, following him towards the locker room.
Dick flashed him a smile. “What? Don’t have any weird family traditions?”
“Not ones that include hitting each other,” Derek said
OR The BAU gets a probationary profiler who is a little more than he appears at first glance. Or second. Or third. Just how many secrets can Dick Grayson be hiding from a team full of profilers?
Crossroads and Confessions by btpjo
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types
15 Dec 2024
"I'd get as far away as possible from those boys if I were you..."
"They wouldn't hurt me," Percy found himself defending the Winchesters before he could even decide if he thought his statement was true or not.
She seemed to sense his uncertainty and frowned. "Why do you stay with them? When you know what they'll do to you? To us?"
"I need their help," he admitted softly, "and I'm hoping I'm human enough to..."
To change their minds, Percy finished the idea silently. He shook his head at it-he was an idiot.
"Men like them can't be changed," she said, "and you'd be foolish to think otherwise...Never trust a hunter, child."
With the yellow-eyed demon still on the loose, Percy Jackson and the Winchesters return to the hunting scene after their brutal car crash. The number of secrets floating around, though, could very well ruin all of their efforts to find him.
- Part 2 of Supernatural/Percy Jackson Crossover
Demons, Demigods, and Winchesters by btpjo
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Supernatural (TV 2005)
17 Oct 2024
"I'm Sam," he introduced, nodding in Dean's direction. "That's my brother, Dean."
The boy was too busy staring down the barrel of Dean's gun to care much about what Sam had to say. "Could you maybe tell Dean to put that thing down?"
When Percy Jackson's life is flipped upside down, he sets out to find the one man who might be able to help him-John Winchester. The only problem is that he's been missing for weeks. Percy supposes his two sons will have to do.
- Part 1 of Supernatural/Percy Jackson Crossover