Gifts for KIT10_not_K9
List of Gifts
Lethifold by corvusdraconis, Dragon_and_the_Rose for KIT10_not_K9
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
06 Sep 2024
SSSHG, AU, Hermione meets a subservient pale man in the rainforest and decides to adopt him (COMPLETE)
"Vote like your life depends on it." ~ Severus Snape ;)
For k10notk9, whose birthday falls on election day 2020! Happy Birthday, friend!
Busted! by itsLeviOsaNotLeviosAR for Dragon_and_the_Rose, corvusdraconis, KIT10_not_K9
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
12 Jul 2020
Just a little illustration I made. Disclaimer: I haven't ever seen an animated plush spider (not that I'd tell you if I did), and (possibly and probably) do not own one.
Dragon_and_the_Rose and corvusdraconis gave me inspiration, and KIT10_not_K9 and I made spider puns. :) -
Halloween surprise! by Trickster32 for A_Perverted_Romance_Addict, BeyondStarlight, alexandeer, CrazyGlitch, elvirakitties, Akee_chan, Genuka, pet_genius, Echomcload, PiffyEQ, Elyrian_XIII, Saint_Snape, Scarlet_Blade9, KaseyTrue, Grooot, MyWitch, Misty123, GrandMaster45, TheColor9, Crayonlighting, Lizzybeth74, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, Nightshade_sydneylover150, KIT10_not_K9, Sugahhuney, pekeleke, PotionsChaos, BlackBatsandCats, Shadowsandstarlight, Anis5240
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
05 Jul 2020
On Samhain 1975 - the Director of a mysterious Sub-Department in the Department of Mysteries, that only deals with magical patents, spell crafting etc. appears with his young assistent Myrtle Warren at Hogwarts. He is very keen to meet the true teenager genius prodigy, who began to craft his first spells as a teenager, and to ensure that he will be richly rewarded for it, too.
- Part 3 of Severus-centric oneshots
Mages, Miko, and Mechanical Men - Oh my! by Genuka for DarkDragonessFly, Trickster32, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, Tsukiyoko_Natsume27, KIT10_not_K9, Stillnight, PotionsChaos
Fandoms: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
16 Mar 2019
Kagome never thought she would face a battle in her native time period, or rather she never thought she would face one that had absolutely nothing to do with her and her friends from five hundred years in the past. What the hell did they do to this kid with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and why do these idiots think she and the strange American man are related to their beat up torture victim?
Here's hoping that it really is nothing to do with the stupid jewel that is her duty. If they turn out to actually be family though momma has some 'splaining to do!