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Nothing Else by AutumnVine
Fandoms: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses
03 Jul 2024
“You’re quite welcome, Your Majesty.” Byleth finishes cleaning and bows her head. “Is there anything else I can do for you right now?”
“Not currently…” It was growing late enough that she didn’t think there was much else that needed to be done for the day. “Though perhaps… would you care to join me next time? Tea always tastes better with company.”
Byleth’s deep cobalt eyes flash briefly, but quickly return to their usual dull sheen. “That would be inappropriate of me, Your Majesty. I am your servant.”
In which Byleth doesn’t become a teacher, and instead goes on the run with her father from the Church, subsquently ending up in the Empire during the war.
And in Edelgard’s service.
Bookmarked by Joevin
29 Jul 2021