Gifts for HeyJude19
List of Gifts
Eves and Ends by HeyJude19 - a Podfic by Beatificbean, ETL_Echo_Audiobooks for HeyJude19
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
16 Dec 2024
Draco does not care how he landed in this situation. Whether curse or coma or hallucination, he has no desire to know what has trapped him in his present circumstance. There’s nothing at all stopping him from reliving Christmas Eve with Granger for the rest of time.
Written for D/Hr Advent 2024.
Podfic of Eves and Ends by HeyJude19.
- Part 1 of Holiday Fest Collection 2024
Fools for Lesser Things by HeyJude19 - a Podfic by Beatificbean, ETL_Echo_Audiobooks for HeyJude19
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
21 Oct 2024
How much control does she actually have over this narrative? Ginny refuses to be the hero’s prize at the end of his trials. She wants to obliterate that old inner voice of hers, the one that had smothered her under the guise of survival:
Don't be emotional, don't nag, don't be the needy, weepy love interest who begs the boy to stay with her. You're a distraction, you're a liability, you're collateral. Know your place.
Ginny is so tired. But she’s always found her comfort in chaos.
Remain Nameless - Maradj névtelen by Nyx_cinder for HeyJude19
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
15 Oct 2024
Milyen érzés volt? Úgy érezte, hogy alig bírja tartani magát. A lány, akit éppen kerülnie kellett volna. Vagy kiabálni vele. Megátkoznia. Leköpni. Elővenni a pálcáját, és eltörölni a föld színéről. Egyszerre érzett elsöprő bűntudatot, megkönnyebbülést és zűrzavart, amikor Hermione Grangerre nézett. Draco mindennapjainak egyhangúsága egyszerre vált mentőövvé és időhurokká. De ez az új szokása, hogy Hermione Grangerrel együtt kávézik, gyorsan okot adott arra, hogy felkeljen az ágyból, és ez arra kényszeríti őt, hogy átértékelje az életét. Hermione töredékekben éli az életét, szétszórt, különálló darabokban, és nem találja a módját, hogy hátralépjen, és hagyja a teljes képet kialakulni. Vajon miért csak reggeli találkozásoknak Draco Malfoyjal van értelme?
Movimientos, inventados e improvisados - traducción al español. by lxslxi for HeyJude19
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
09 Apr 2023
Draco y su madre se habían comportado como ciudadanos honrados durante años, donaron miles de galeones, pero aparentemente solo se necesitaba un poco de romance con Granger y él podría considerarse completamente redimido.
Una barra tan baja que apenas necesitaría levantar los pies para pasarla.
Three Words, Eight Letters by abrilas, niffizzle for HeyJude19
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
27 Apr 2022
Five times Draco Malfoy tries to say “I love you” and one time he finally does.
Rozkoszna droga ku deprawacji by Vera_Verto for HeyJude19, mightbewriting, niffizzle
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
11 Mar 2022
Projekt HeyJude19, niffizzle i mightbewriting, które zdecydowały się na wzięcie udziału w Kinktoberze. Całym. Przed wami trzydzieści jeden dni fetyszu. Trzydzieści jeden miniaturek, każda poniżej 500 słów.
Remain nameless chapter 47 (explicit art) by Cabrlita10, HeyJude19 for HeyJude19
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
27 Jul 2021
Draco sighed and gathered her against his chest and let her cry it out and barely cringed when she basically used one of his best shirts as a handkerchief.
When Hermione collected herself, she looked up at him through streaming eyes. "We're getting married," she suddenly breathed, as if the idea had only just occurred to her.
"Yes Granger, you did agree. That is, if you still want me?" he asked cheekily.
"Draco," she replied as she pushed him back down and moved over him, "I want you every day for the rest of my life."
(Included explicit art for remain nameless)
After Hermione Granger gives him a present in the form of a record by some supposedly popular Muggle band, Draco Malfoy scrambles with what to do next.
This was a great plan. An excellent plan. It was going to work fine.
This was Draco’s dumbest idea since every failed murder attempt his sixteen-year-old self was arrogant and desperate enough to believe would actually succeed.
When Hermione looked up, wrist deep in the process of crumbling cold butter into her flour mixture, Draco had stopped pacing.
“You said you liked the blueberry scones. From the café. It seemed like they were a part of your strategy. I thought I’d…” she trailed off. Ridiculousness robbed her of confidence.
Draco’s silver eyes rotated between several points of interest: her face, her hands in the mixing bowl, and the parchment still crushed in his grip. “I don’t know that the scones were part of any strategy, per se. But I do—like them. That is.”
“Good. So I’ll just”—she jostled the flour and butter in her bowl in a sad pantomime of mixing—“while you read.”
[In which Draco is a rambling, nervous mess and might have accidentally fallen in love with Hermione.]
The Perks of Farmers Markets by niffizzle for mightbewriting, HeyJude19
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling
05 Apr 2021
It was the eve of their children returning home from Hogwarts for the final time, yet Draco’s mind was elsewhere.
A farmers market. Draco Malfoy was going to a farmers market. Of his own volition, in Godric’s Hollow, with Hermione Granger. And gods damn it if he wasn’t looking forward to it.