Recent works
The End of the Rainy Season by Helga_Samuel
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
26 Dec 2024
In a world where soulmates emerged almost simultaneously with quirks but, unlike the latter, remain insufficiently studied and are a frequent subject of speculation among scientists, Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shoto are revealed to be a pair. Unfortunately for both, they belong to a rare type of soulmates whose bond manifests differently.
Midoriya Izuku, a sweet boy without a quirk, struggled with his type of bond, which inevitably landed him in the hospital. The youngest of the Todoroki family, on the other hand, is entirely convinced he belongs to the rare category of people who simply have no soulmate, as his bond has never manifested throughout his short life.
Fortunately for both, their mothers, Rei and Inko, are far more observant and determined than their sons and will do everything possible to ensure Izuku and Shoto get their happy ending.
The Mystery of the Forgotten Castle by Helga_Samuel
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Beauty and the Beast (Disney Animated Movies), Beauty and the Beast (2017)
26 Dec 2024
In the small town where Harry and his godfather Sirius Black live, the young man is not particularly liked. His love for books and his tendency toward romance and daydreaming are especially disapproved. As for Sirius, he is probably not favored by the locals due to his inventive nature.
One day, Sirius, for the first time in many years, decided to visit Paris again and, if possible, find a new place to live. But his plans were not meant to be, as a pack of wolves attacked him on the way.
It was probably not the best decision to head for the nearest ominous castle to hide from danger.
Using someone else's furniture without the owner's permission was already too much.
Of course, stealing roses from someone else's garden wasn't the smartest choice either...
Is there still anyone questioning why he was locked up in a dungeon by some monster resembling a ferret, which is now demanding his life in exchange for the flower he picked?!
Таємниця забутого замку by Helga_Samuel
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Beauty and the Beast (Disney Animated Movies), Beauty and the Beast (2017)
25 Dec 2024
У містечку, де живуть Гаррі та його хрещений батько Сіріус Блек, юнака не дуже люблять. Особливо не схвалюють його любов до книжок і схильність до романтики та мрійливості. Сіріус ж, ймовірно, не подобається місцевим через його натуру винахідника.
Якось Сіріус, вперше за багато років, вирішив знову відвідати Париж і, якщо зможе, знайти там нове житло. Але його планам не судилося здійснитися, адже дорогою на нього нападає зграя вовків.
Ймовірно, йти в перший-ліпший зловісний замок, щоб сховатися від небезпеки, було не найкращим його рішенням.
Використовувати чужі меблі без дозволу господаря було вже занадто.
Звісно, красти троянди з чужої клумби теж не був найрозумніший його вибір...
Чи є ще в когось питання щодо того, чому його замкнуло в темниці якесь чудовисько, яке схоже на тхора, і зараз вимагає його життя в обмін на квітку, яку він зірвав?!
Кінець сезону дощів by Helga_Samuel
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
22 Oct 2024
У світі, де споріднені душі з'явилися майже одночасно з дарами, але, на відміну від останніх, все ще недостатньо вивчені й залишаються предметом частих спекуляцій серед учених, Мідорія Ізуку та Тодорокі Шото виявилися парою. На жаль для обох, вони належать до рідкісного типу, у яких зв'язок проявляється по-різному. Мідорія Ізуку, милий хлопець без здібності, не зміг впоратися зі своїм типом зв'язку, через що неминуче опинився в лікарні. Наймолодший з сім'ї Тодорокі ж, зі свого боку, цілком впевнений, що належить до рідкого типу людей, у котрих зовсім не має спорідненої душі, оскільки за все його коротке життя зв'язок себе так і не проявив. На щастя для обох, їхні матері, Рей та Інко, більш спостережливі та рішучі за своїх дітей, й зроблять усе можливе, щоб Ізуку та Шото отримали щасливий фінал.
Recent bookmarks
The Marriage of the Outcasts by Jacky_Of_All_Trades
Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
11 Nov 2024
Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangshan make a deal.
The Wens will be protected in exchange for Wei Wuxian's incentives. Jin Guangshan decides to marry him to Jin Guangyao. They marry and Wei Wuxian becomes the Third Madam Jin.
- Part 87 of Multiverse of Madness
To Change the Wind by Xejis
Fandoms: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
20 Jun 2024
In the end, Gongyi Xiao didn’t even know who had killed him. Luckily for him, his death wasn't the end of the line. In a confusing turn of events he finds himself thrown back into the past thanks to an odd being that calls itself The System. His task? Avoid his death and live a fulfilling life.
held within the sharp and curving by corduroyserpent for biancaboop
Fandoms: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
17 Oct 2024
The former snake-man of Bai Lu Forest watched Gongyi Xiao writhe and shudder and cry, and eventually go still.
It was a pitiful end, but it was not the end. Because, many years later, the former snake-man of Bai Lu Forest also watched Gongyi Xiao wake up.
Mishaps bring good luck by RottenFruitsTree for huabinan
Fandoms: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
31 Dec 2024
The Cang Qiong Sect Leader cannot be an alpha as alphas are perceived as too irrational to hold such an important role. As such, Yue Qingyuan is a beta.
Or is he?
During a political meeting with other sect leaders, Shen Qingqiu makes a troubling discovery about his former childhood best friend. After all these years, it seems like Yue Qingyuan still keeps many secrets from him.
But what if this time it led to a positive outcome?
It seemed as if a second became eternity as the spell struck the Potter child. The innocent curiosity on his face did not change as the curse hit and bounced, and then suddenly the viridian light was flaring and brightening, and Tom Marvolo Riddle swore as he realised he was within point blank range, there was no chance to avoid-
And he felt the curse wash over him, and it was as gentle as silk.