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Meet Gwendolyn Grindelwald, YES she knows WHO her dad is, but she has never met her dad and knows of him and his crimes but she does not KNOW him. Her mother dies during birth, even with magic it sometimes just happens. She lives with her aunt Tina and uncle Newt. Her uncle and she traveled the world when she was younger, as her Aunt was and is an Auror and her work in the beginning took her all over the world. So while Tina would be working her cases, Newt would take Gwen with him on studies of different creatures for his book "Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them". Helping her uncle with his work helped Gwen to discover her love of magical and non magical animals. Gwendolyn is a born Legilimens, like her mother was. She has worked VERY hard to keep it under control and block out peoples thoughts, but she also knows how to use it when she wants to, nobody can keep her out even with occlumency, and shes about to begin her first year at Hogwarts.
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The true time-turner was slammed savagely into Hermione's throat. It shattered against her neck, bits of glass and gold piercing into her skin. The last thing she saw before blackness consumed her was a plume of metallic dust and vitreous fragments, tiny prisms dancing behind her eyelids.
(In which Hermione accidentally ends up in 1950, pitted against an ascending Dark Lord in his prime, caught in the entanglement of pureblood politics, dark magic, and Tom Riddle's interest)
Podfic by Seollem available here:
볼드모트가 승리하고 해리가 죽음을 맞이한 절망적인 세상을 되돌리기 위해, 스네이프와 헤르미온느는 타임터너를 돌려 1934년으로 향한다. 그들은 7살의 외로운 어린 고아 톰 리들을 차마 죽이지 못하고, 부부로 위장해 미래의 볼드모트 경을 입양한다.
스네이프와 헤르미온느, 그리고 톰. 급조된 가족은 서로에게 천천히 스며드는데...
"저희는 모든 절차를 통과했고, 톰 리들을 입양하고 싶습니다." 헤르미온느는 멍한 표정의 여자에게 말했다.
나이 지긋한 여자는 깜짝 놀란 듯하더니, 이내 눈을 가늘게 떴다."스네이프 씨, 그리고 부인. 일곱 살짜리 아이를 정말로 입양하시겠어요? 톰은 좀 특이한 아이예요."
"확실합니다." 스네이프가 나지막이 말했다.
* 이 작품은 jpena 작가님의 "Soulless Marriage"의 한국어 번역본입니다.
* 세베루스 스네이프/헤르미온느 그레인저
* 대체우주/시간여행/슬로우번/가족물 -
During his brief stint as a prisoner of the Order, Draco Malfoy notices that Hermione doesn't look to be doing too well. He had always assumed that, given her brilliant mind and gentle nature, those on her side would ensure she is taken care of. Evidently not. Must he really do everything himself?
OR: Dark Draco decides he'd rather like to keep the pretty Healer for himself, since it seems no one else can take proper care of her.
Ministry Directive 32
To ensure moving past any and all lingering Blood-purity views, all Pureblood wizards and witches are henceforth forbidden from marrying other Purebloods.
Unmarried Purebloods who have aided, abetted and otherwise were tied to the Death Eater movement, are furthermore obliged to, without exception (unless it involves Directive 24), marry a Muggleborn. They have one year to find adequate spouses. Non-compliance with Directive 32 will result in a fine of 150.000 Galleons and 5 years’ incarceration in Azkaban.
“I understand.” Lucius Malfoy folded his hands on his cane and sat straighter. “As you may have noticed, Directive 32 has some of my former associates in a bit of a tizzy.”
Hermione snorted before she could help herself. Lucius blinked at her as if she had spat on the floor. “Apologies, please continue,” she said.
“Ah, well… I have come to you with an opportunity. As I have been told, you receive dozens of proposals a day. In person as well as in the form of letters. Were you to agree to my proposition, that would all go away.”
“And what exactly are you asking of me, Mister Malfoy?”
“In short, to marry my son and thus keeping him out of Azkaban.”