Recent works
The cliché and gay fake dating AU that Taejun Pak was too cowardly to write.
Snapper finally grows a pair.
Posting my prompts from Tumblr here.
The world to humans was dull and gray, black and white. It stays that way for life, but there had been stories, borderline myths, about how that if you touch your soulmate, you would begin to see colors. But that was a children's tale, a story to give hope to children and pull them into slumber.
But Alex swore he saw it.
This is a fic that I promised for Virusap on Tumblr.
This is also my first hamilton fic, so wish me luck.
My friend made this. I just posted it.
Recent bookmarks
"He’ll hold Laf’s hand, charm his family, sit through the vows and the speeches and the cake cutting and determinedly not think about how that could have been him, once, up there, declaring his love in front of everyone. He’s got Lafayette, he’s got a free bar, practically nothing can go wrong, surely.
It turns out that everything can go wrong in a very short amount of time."
The One Where alex is forced to spend a painful week being exposed to his ex-boyfriend who he's probably still not over and his adorable baby girl all the while having to convince his best friend's family that they're dating, when they're really, really not
[author name used to be rosenbergs]