
My pseuds:
Elisabeth Writes, A Legit AO3 User, and Elisabeth_H
I joined on:
My user ID is:


I’ve been writing fic since around 2001, and I’m working on transferring it all to AO3, even the messy old stuff.

Fanworks Permission Statement
If you’ve read my fic, and want to use it for some kind of other fan work, go for it. Translations, art, remixes, podfics, continuations, etc are all welcome. If I wrote something with a concept you like, but you prefer a different pairing? Feel free to use the concept for your own fic. If a line of dialogue in one of my stories strikes your fancy, go ahead and borrow it. Consider anything I’ve written totally up for grabs.

Constructive Criticism Permission Statement
I like con crit, and am always happy to receive it. Keep in mind that some of my work on AO3 is stuff that I wrote nearly 20 years ago (backdated appropriately). There’s really no point in criticizing the old stuff, because I’m owning it for what it is, and embracing the early 2000s cringiness of it all. As for the newer stuff, however, I’m totally up for hearing about it if you have some ideas for improvement.