- Haikyuu!! (41)
- SK8 the Infinity (Anime) (8)
- Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) (4)
- Given (Manga) (2)
- 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) (2)
Recent works
IWAOI | Iwaizumi scopre per caso che al Seijoh esiste un club segreto in cui un gruppo di fujoshi assatanate scrive fanfiction su Oikawa. Sa che non dovrebbe farlo, davvero, lo sa che non dovrebbe leggere quelle storie, ma la curiosità è una brutta bestia e… da quel momento in poi non riuscirà più a guardare il suo stupidissimo migliore amico con gli stessi occhi di prima.
☆ IwaOi ☆ OiIwa ☆✎❤
This Fanfiction is in Italian but can be read in other languages using online browser translation 😊 I hope you enjoy it!
You can also find the English version HERE -
IWAOI | Iwaizumi accidentally discovers that there is a Secret Club at Seijoh where a group of horny fujoshi writes fanfictions about Oikawa. He really knows that he should not read those stories, but curiosity is a nasty fault and... from then on he will no longer be able to look at his stupid best friend with the same eyes as before.
☆ IwaOi ☆ OiIwa ☆✎❤
This Fanfiction is in English but you can also find the Italian version HERE.
😊 I hope you enjoy it!
Uenoyama wants to take Mafuyu to the sea right after graduation, he needs to go back to the place where Mafuyu first confessed to him. And, although the ghost of Yuki is always present among them, Uenoyama soon discovers that his fears are unfounded, and their mini-escape proves to be a good decision in all respects.
∿ ♪ ∿
This Fanfiction is in English but you can also find the Italian version HERE.
😊 I hope you enjoy it!
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
08 Dec 2024
MatchaBlossom ✶ Minor AiTada |
Kaoru, Kojiro e Ainosuke sono inseparabili. O meglio, vorrebbero esserlo. Perché la vita dopo il liceo riserva una strada diversa a ciascuno di loro, e i sentimenti di amicizia e di amore sbocciati sfrecciando sotto i cavalcavia di Okinawa potrebbero non essere così saldi come loro stessi pensano.
Ovvero: le avventure ai tempi del liceo, costellate di dichiarazioni e scorribande, di notti infuocate e lacrime amare, di tatuaggi iconici e intelligenza artificiale.
La vera storia che ancora non abbiamo visto nell’anime.☆ MatchaBlossom ☆ AiTada ☆
This Fanfiction is in Italian but you can also find the English version HERE.
😊 I hope you enjoy it!
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
07 Dec 2024
MatchaBlossom ✶ AiTada |
Kaoru, Kojiro and Ainosuke are inseparable. Or rather, they would like to be. Because life after high school reserves a different path for each of them, and the feelings of friendship and love blossoming under the Okinawan flyovers may not be as firm as they themselves think.
Or: the adventures in high school, dotted with love declarations and crazy raids, fiery nights and bitter tears, iconic tattoos and artificial intelligence.
The real story we haven’t seen in the anime yet.☆ MatchaBlossom ☆ AiTada ☆
This Fanfiction is in English but you can also find the Italian version HERE.
😊 I hope you enjoy it!
Recent series
Three is the perfect number! The stories in this collection are all threesomes, with different characters and different writing styles. ⚠ Haikyu!! ⚠ Threesome ⚠ BOYxBOYxBOY ⚠ R18 ⚠
5. IWAOIKAGE (High School)☆ IwaOiKage ☆ IwaOi ☆ OiKage ☆ IwaKage ☆ OiKageHina ☆ KageHina ☆ OiHina ☆ BoKuroAka ☆ BokuAka ☆ KuroAka ☆ BoKuro ☆ MiyaHina ☆ AtsuHina ☆ OsaHina ☆
- Words:
- 29,425
- Works:
- 5
- Bookmarks:
- 2
Tre è il numero perfetto! Le storie di questa raccolta sono tutte threesome, con personaggi diversi e stili di scrittura diversi. ⚠ Haikyu!! ⚠ Threesome ⚠ BOYxBOYxBOY ⚠ R18 ⚠
5. IWAOIKAGE (High School)☆ BoKuroAka ☆ BokuAka ☆ KuroAka ☆ BoKuro ☆ MiyaHina ☆ AtsuHina ☆ OsaHina ☆ IwaOiKage ☆ IwaOi ☆ OiKage ☆ IwaKage ☆ OiKageHina ☆ KageHina ☆ OiHina ☆
- Words:
- 29,518
- Works:
- 5
La mia personale, dissacrante, irriverente interpretazione dei sette peccati capitali nel mondo di Haikyu!!
Ci tengo a precisare che NON c’è nessuna intenzione nelle mie storie di emettere alcun giudizio morale, come non vogliono essere l’istigazione a nessuno dei comportamenti raccontati.
Semplicemente, mi sono ispirata in maniera più o meno velata ai sette vizi capitali, anche se in alcune storie saranno solo lo spunto per raccontare qualcos’altro.
☆ TsukiYama ☆ KageHina ☆ SakuAtsu ☆ IwaOi ☆ DaiSuga ☆ UshiTen ☆ BokuAka ☆- Words:
- 34,481
- Works:
- 7
Recent bookmarks
If Hinata was ugly, or if he didn’t text Kageyama all the time, or if he was anyone else, then none of this would even be happening. Kageyama would’ve been able to squash whatever childish crush he’d developed, and he wouldn’t be sitting here spending hours thinking about someone who’s halfway across the world.
If Hinata would just stop posting those fucking thrist traps, then Kageyama’d be able to look at Hinata’s pictures without getting a boner, and maybe he’d be able to dream of something other than thick thighs and pouty lips.
Oh god, the thirst traps.
Hinata tries to get Kageyama's attention.
- Part 1 of Long Distance
Bookmarked by DrkRaven
23 Dec 2024
“Master Sakurayashiki is unavailable at the moment. Please attempt contact again during business hours.”
Kojiro frowns at the automatic text message staring back at him from his phone screen. It is not the first time he went unanswered by Kaoru, nor the first time he gets the Annoying Client treatment of having his calls and messages immediately thwarted by Carla’s automatic answer. It is, however, the first time it happens since they’ve been dating.
Kaoru is having a bad day, Kojiro is determined to help.
Bookmarked by DrkRaven
22 Dec 2024
Oikawa gets a booty call from his ex and they keep hooking up.
Bookmarked by DrkRaven
14 Dec 2024
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned," Oikawa said as he leaned back against the wall of the confessional, legs spread and head tilting to the side. At just the right angle, he could catch a glimpse of Father Iwaizumi's face as he pressed his palms together around the beads of his rosary. There was a slight tremor in his hands and Oikawa couldn't help but smirk. It tickled him that he made him nervous. "It's been two days since my last confession."
Two days. How much could someone sin in two days? Well, with a mind like his, it was quite easy and quite fun, honestly. Plus, it gave him a good excuse to spend some one-on-one time with Iwaizumi.
"Go on then, tell me your sins so that I can absolve you."
Bookmarked by DrkRaven
28 Sep 2024
Their stares are heavy on Hajime’s body but he doesn’t care about their pity, their curiosity and even well-meant sympathy. What they think simply doesn’t matter.
It is not a lie.
“We don’t mind it at all,” Hajime adds, grinning, to which Oikawa nods, all sweet smiles and innocent flutter of eyelashes.
This one is.Or: Oikawa gets a soulmate mark one day, meaning that there is someone waiting for him, his perfect match, his ideal partner. That apparently isn't Iwaizumi. But it is not in their nature to give up and so they don't - against the whole world and its rules. Then one day they meet someone with the mark matching that of Oikawa's.