Gifts for Dakkaman777
List of Gifts
Promptmas day 2
DWR - Inspired by The Reapers WhiteRose A funny little moment I imagined taking place after the story ends.
- Part 2 of 31 days of Promptmas 2023
Silver-Eyed Wagtails by Power_Taco for BottledLemon, X_Sraxyv_the_Dreamer, Dakkaman777, Throwaway1
Fandoms: RWBY
24 Oct 2023
It was supposed to be a business proposal on behalf of her father, but now Weiss finds herself ensnared in a much bigger game than she ever thought possible.
She'll have to do her best to decide who to trust, and do her best to navigate the treacherous game if she wants to make it out with her life.
My Best Friends' Wedding by Longclaw_1_6 for SerBronnoftheBlackwater, Libradoodle, cmfic01, Dreamfyre77, ArielChelby, Dakkaman777
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
11 Jan 2022
It is the grandest wedding of the decade, the union of Houses Stark, Lannister, and Tyrell with Robb Stark and Margaery Tyrell tying the knot after a passionate courtship. Naturally, they only want the best as their best man and maid of honor, so Robb taps his cousin Jaehaerys 'Jon' Targaryen and Margaery her best friend and college roommate Daenerys Belaerys. Both are involuntarily single, and resigned to being that for a while.
Until they meet for the wedding planning? Can they resist the sexual tension between them...
Who am I kidding? Absolutely F*****g not!
Basically smut, smut, and more smut abounding! Enjoy!