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Obsession & Abduction: Taken by Trickster32 for PiffyEQ, PotionsChaos, elvirakitties, Sugahhuney, Misty123, Genuka, CrazyGlitch, Lizzybeth74, ThePhoenixandTheDragon, pekeleke, Tracy_Martell, AlixdeBlois, katiekrum
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
10 Nov 2024
The Princes develop a plan after Severus had escaped their clutches 1975 to change the course of history. To save and protect Severus, Honoria Prince will use a special time turner and return to the past - 9th January 1962 - she will rescue the toddler and bring him home to the Prince Estate. He will be blood-adopted and raised as a pureblood. Lord Prince had declared war against Albus Dumbledore and his ilk. He will nobody allow to use his heir for any crazy schemes, and personally choose the best suitor for his son and heir A.S.A.Prince
Who will it be James Potter or someone else?
- Part 2 of Obsession
Bookmarked by DOCTORWHO11
13 Dec 2024