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Cellbit has never been in love before, but when he bumps into Roier one day, the dark madness of his obsession leads him down a path that there is no going back from.
Bookmarked by Cripita11
13 Mar 2024
Cellbit used to take the easy route when it came to hunting: find a weak prey, satiate his itch then run before anyone can notice the half-eaten body in the alley.
Now that Cellbit has a family to feed— two inmates he met in prison and a few strays they picked on the run, one of them barely nine years old— he’s more cautious to investigate his victims before attacking and grew used to mostly feeding on the scum of the scum, the vicious monsters who kill for the sake of it and entitled assholes who can’t take no for an answer, bastards who roam the world like they own it.
He said mostly.
There are desperate times when one does not ask where the meat came from.or: A Spiderbit fanfic inspired by that scene in Bones and All. You know the one.
Bookmarked by Cripita11
08 Feb 2024