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Walburga brings Sirius to the Dark Lord when he presents as an Omega
Sirius decides to use his wiles to his advantage.
"Aunt Petunia said that bad children get taken away from good families so they won't bother anyone ever again."
Tom chuckled. This was too easy.
One cold morning Harry Potter finds a baby left on his porch. Not one to leave a baby to die he takes the poor thing in.
Tom Riddle has spent his life so far building up an empire, cold and harsh. He isn't wanting or ready for and heir. One day during his rut he is raped by one Bellatrix Lestraange. He had planned her death, until it was revealed she had fallen pregnant. After having given birth Bellatrix sends the baby away, hiding it from Tom until it's too late for him to stop her.
I suck at summary's, and writing, but anyways.
The gist of it is:
Harry becomes a single mother overnight raising Tom's kid, it takes a while but Tom is able to track his child down. Finding her living happily with Harry, they split custody after Tom explains the situation. Harrys cute Tom's hot, plot happens, wham bam thank you ma'am.
I'm not revealing all of the plot tho.
Harry is in heat and desperately needs an Alpha. A knot. Unable to control himself, he walks into a den of dangerous men. Luckily, Malfoy is there to save him.
thrown into the nest by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts for Evern (EvernKillian)
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
04 Dec 2024
Harry had assumed he was a beta. Well, he had after someone explained the absolute nonsense of secondary genders in mages to him.
Then, at the age of sixteen-and-a-half, years after most people present, Harry’s body decides it’s now an omega. It did not consult the rest of him and he’s frankly a little miffed.
(An ace ABO fic)
Second chapter: Tom's rut edition
Third chapter: Moving in together
Fourth chapter: Causing a stir
Fifth chapter: Nesting