Gifts for BulletproofTrash
List of Gifts
Interrogating a Demon by MoonSilverSprite for BulletproofTrash, DeborahSEllis, jetplane
Fandoms: Criminal Minds (US TV)
03 Jan 2022
Sequel to 'Evil Within'. When David Rossi goes to Florida to interrogate a serial killer, he finds that there is more than meets the eye. This killer has been possessed by a demon, who has had numerous previous hosts. Will Rossi be able to keep the demon talking for long enough to let her guard down, or will it manage to escape his grip?
- Part 2 of Unearthly UnSubs
As I Say, Not As I Do by Melethril for SilverWolf7, mendenbar01, Christyflare, PotionsChaos, cattyk8, Nixus_Hiver, manticoregurl071134, BulletproofTrash, DisneysSlytherinPrincess, vislokawitch, Angst_BuriTTo, Maybe2Morrow, Hail_The_Angel, esteefee, LizaSandorthien, FaerieFyre, Alexandria_Reid_Winchester
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV)
30 Apr 2020
When Chloe, Dan and Linda decided to open that vault in Lucifer’s apartment, they did not really think things through.