Brighton_017_A_A's Collections
2 Collections
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Any fic in here, is gonna make me regret to say “I'm an emotionless creature”, because I KNOW for a fact, that they'll prove me wrong. I just know it...
#GottaCryOverNonExistentMutants... Lol
*017's NOT fine* /Aff— 🤎🍂
(Open, Moderated)
- Works:
- 0
I have read the title, read the tags, and the description. I saw it, pictured it, and accepted my cruel destiny.... Wait until writer decides to continue, or lament that they have ONLY wrote onE MISERABLE (lying, it's probably amazing) CHAPTER INTEAD OF 10 AS MINIMUM.
Gotta read it in an all-nighter or in three weeks max.♡
(Closed, Unmoderated)