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Evbo doesn’t reply, just burrows his face into his chest harder, until he almost believes that the heartbeat he hears is his own.
evbo struggles with godhoodSeries
- Part 4 of seavbo stuff :p
this view of you, of the top of your head, makes me forgive you by BluSunflowr
Fandoms: Parkour Civilization (Web Series)
27 Oct 2024
The warmth lingers, Evbo knows that’s just how he is; a being made of warmth, born and raised under the burning sun, made for more than he’s forced to be. His heart hurts again.
evbo comes back with injured hands, seawatt helps himSeries
- Part 3 of seavbo stuff :p
The turtle shifts around before noticing Seawatt and clumsily making its way towards him. Evbo lets it, placing it onto Seawatt’s silky white robes. He looks at it with tears in his eyes, like it’s life itself, completely enamored. Evbo’s chest tightens impossibly.
evbo wants seawatt back, seawatt wants a turtleSeries
- Part 1 of seavbo stuff :p
Evbo’s breath hitches.
“I hate you so bad.” He says, mostly to himself. Seawatt raises his eyebrows, confusion dancing in his eyes for a split second. It’s almost like he forgot who they’re supposed to be. It’s almost like Evbo forgot, too.-----
nights get super cold on the secret level, they try to surviveSeries
- Part 2 of seavbo stuff :p
“What else do you have waiting for you after that?” He asks.
He’s avoiding looking at her, squeezes the fingers in his left hand one last time and gets off the bed, ready to leave.
He’s right.
What else awaits her?---
guilt eats laura alive and amandus has a proposition for her - a yuri version made just for my friend sonia, enjoy >__<- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 994
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 28
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- Words:
- 5,694
- Works:
- 4
- Bookmarks:
- 7
me putting kyle and stan under a microscope to study their brains by BluSunflowr
Fandom: South Park
03 Jul 2022
- Words:
- 2,942
- Works:
- 2
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Light had no choice but to steal L’s shirts when the man stole his—fair is fair.
Translation into 中文 available inside: 【L月/授翻】Is That My Shirt?那是我的衬衫吗? by TINOJM17
Bookmarked by BluSunflowr
19 May 2024
Having found out L’s name, Light can finally have everything he wants: the world and, more importantly, L. Convincing L, however, turns out to be more difficult than killing him, especially with a house full of orphans to stir the soup. Christmas fluff balanced by a power struggle between the dynamic duo.
Warnings: Slash; consent issues; morally questionable actions and ideals; delightfully AU after the end of Yotsuba Arc. Oh, and fluff. Like, cotton candy all around. Grab your xylitol.
Written and originally published on FF net between Jan 2009 and Jan 2012; edited and re-published also on FF net in Jan 2017.
Bookmarked by BluSunflowr
25 Feb 2024
Matt doesn't have a problem being the kidnap victim of an angry mob-boss - he's fully willing to sit in front of a computer somewhere and hack something, alone, for whatever criminal purpose - especially since Mello's going to be paying him. Dragging him directly into the action is a risk he's not sure Mello should be taking...
Bookmarked by BluSunflowr
22 Feb 2024