
Profile pic by Lorvikk

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O my muse
Sometimes I wonder

I jump between fandoms as inspiration take me. I mainly write fluff, badassery, solemn introspection and light angst, but the world of stories is a large place and there is lots of fun to have with exploring different styles and writing conventions.

Profile pic by Lorvikk ( as a comission for my fic "Queen Glimmer - Supreme ruler of the universe"

Fanfic focus:

  • Glimmer in the She-Ra fandom, especially that part in S4 and early S5 when her ascension to queenhood went horribly wrong. So much angst, so much drama, but also so much passion, ambition, joy and sweet support of her friends and lovers. More often then not I write her together with Catra because they have the best* chemistry.
    *) You know what I mean.
  • Webby in the Ducktales fandom, bouncy bundle of joy that she is. I like how she balances reckless adventure, caring support and sentimental family feels. I also really, really like her interaction with Lena.
  • Trixie in the Lucifer fandom, cute little brat that she is. I like how she brings out the most endearing parts of those around her.
  • Luna in the Harry Potter fandom, sincere and integrity-filled fairy that she is. My Luna balances the world of her friends and a larger, wilder older world.
  • Gabrielle in the Xena fandom, especially centered around angst concering her daughter Hope. I have some horribly bad old fanfic is Swedish that I probably won't bother translating. But you never quite forget your first fandom.

Most of my fanfics are posted at fanfiction dot net, and in time I will migrate them here.

Tumblring here: