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I won't leave without you, but please leave with me by Lucigoo89 for mithrilhearts
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
16 Sep 2024
Bilbo has been consort under the mountain for 20 years now and he justs wants a measly 6 months with his husband to go on the honeymoon they never made it to all those years ago.
Bilbo wants to hold Thorin's hand as they walk through th Shire, to show him where he came from, why is that to much for one hobbit to ask for?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 7,439
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 13
- Kudos:
- 165
- Bookmarks:
- 23
- Hits:
- 1,068
Bookmarked by Azheni410
19 Dec 2024
Unexpected Journey of the Mountain Flower by Orion_fanficlover
Fandoms: The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types
09 Aug 2024
In a land far northwest of Middle-earth, the Shire settled with the greenest hill in all of Arda. The inlands and uphills are inhabited by small creatures called Hobbits. They are peaceful folks, and the other people of Middle-earth have known them for the peace and bliss they have lived in for hundreds of years.
Hobbits are not fighters. They are healers, crafters, caregivers, gardeners, cooks, and more and are not suited for impromptu frontline combat like the rest of the races of Middle-earth. They are simple creatures with simple desires in life. Change has been long unwelcome in the Shire, for they believe that things don't need to change and things are perfect the way they are and have been for hundreds of years. Shire folks strive to achieve peace. Peace makes things simple.
And yet an ancient whisper travels the wind. A tale foretold that when the fatherlands are in need of a helping hand, the once hidden race will come out of their hills and stand forth finally to assist with their gifts and finish what others had failed to do.
What these gifts are, nobody knows. Not yet at least.
But it is close to knowing. So close indeed.
- Part 1 of The Hobbits Adventure
Bookmarked by Azheni410
19 Dec 2024
Bilbo is a hobbit. He, like every other hobbit, will reach maturity only upon finding his mate. And being that he was well beyond the age that most other hobbits settled down at, he just figured he took after one of his uncles who never went through the change.
But then Thorin had to hug him.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 4,285
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 24
- Kudos:
- 308
- Bookmarks:
- 37
- Hits:
- 2,789
Bookmarked by Azheni410
18 Dec 2024
Bilbo's Beard by MoroseBarnacle
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
03 Sep 2023
A silly hobbit one shot.
Hobbits being beardless is cultural, not biological. Hobbit men shave. And for weeks Bilbo’s been shaving without any of the Company noticing. But Bilbo lost his shaving razor somewhere under the Misty Mountains, and by the time they reach Beorn’s, he’s got quite a beard going. The dwarves appropriately freak out (especially the royal brooding one). Bilbo doesn’t notice and makes pie.
Or, a one-shot featuring the dwarvish equivalent of the overalls-wearing girl taking off her glasses and putting on a sundress trope.
Bookmarked by Azheni410
17 Dec 2024
Acceptance and Comfort by akblake
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
21 Feb 2015
AU from beginning of Goblin Town. Bilbo draws the goblins' attention, and falls in full view of the company, changing his status with the dwarves to one of grateful acceptance rather than suspicion. Shameless H/C
Bookmarked by Azheni410
16 Dec 2024
Tears are Gems of the Soul by akblake
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
28 Oct 2024
Hobbits have the most unusual ability- when they cry, their single tear crystallizes into a colored gem... Bilbo Baggins hasn't felt emotion since the death of his parents decades ago, but being dragged on the quest and thrust into close contact with thirteen dwarves has awakened his emotions with a vengeance. Can he keep a hobbit's most guarded secret from the outsiders he's befriending, and what in the world does he do about the one he may be falling in love with? He really isn't equipped to handle this anymore! Slow build Thorin/Bilbo.
- Part 3 of Hobbit Kink Meme prompt fills
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 60,420
- Chapters:
- 17/17
- Collections:
- 3
- Comments:
- 621
- Kudos:
- 4,310
- Bookmarks:
- 1,549
- Hits:
- 89,023
Bookmarked by Azheni410
16 Dec 2024
Sorry, I have the crown by Orafaa
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types
03 Nov 2024
The dwarves returned to the rebuilt Erebor, Thorin sat on the throne, everything seemed to be heading in a better direction, but not everyone was happy that the King under the Mountain chose such a...lowly creature as his husband.
In short, Sassy Bilbo, who stands up for himself and his position at Thorin's side, who is content to watch his husband crush his countrymen and leave not a crumb.Bookmarked by Azheni410
10 Dec 2024
Off the beaten path by ZophieZakai
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types
10 Dec 2024
As the company of Thorin Oakenshield attempts to cross the Misty Mountains, they are caught up in a thunderstorm and an epic battle between massiv rock giants.
When Bilbo almost falls off the edge and can only just be saved, a huge fist smashes into the mountain and part of the company falls down and is separated from the rest.
Now they have to find a way to return to the others.
And as they face many dangers, some realise that they have been hiding from their feelings....Bookmarked by Azheni410
10 Dec 2024
The Sense of Belonging by daughterofsnowandice
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
06 Dec 2024
After the Carrock, Thorin realizes that there seems to be something wrong with Bilbo.
Bookmarked by Azheni410
08 Dec 2024
The Ghost Thief by Cuptivate
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
16 Dec 2024
Things go missing in the mountain
Bookmarked by Azheni410
08 Dec 2024
Echoes in Stone by Avidcatperson
Fandoms: The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
09 Dec 2024
There had been a dwarf in his home for roughly three days before the confounded wizard had shown up with all his grand announcements about adventures. His name is apparently Frerin and Bilbo is fairly certain no one else can see him. Also he might be a ghost, as much as it pains Bilbo to acknowledge that ghosts are apparently real.
The thing about ghosts is that there aren’t many, especially in the shire. You have to be really really stubborn to avoid the afterlife or there would be ghost just about every where. Naturally you’re unlikely to find anyone more stubborn than the line of durin.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 105,335
- Chapters:
- 30/?
- Comments:
- 567
- Kudos:
- 1,623
- Bookmarks:
- 432
- Hits:
- 35,295
Bookmarked by Azheni410
07 Dec 2024
On the Road Again by daringwolf2000
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
27 Nov 2024
"I don't know what troubles you lot ran into, but everything was so focused on you that I had a most uneventful trip."
Bella Baggins is hired to be the burglar for the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. Only, she doesn't know this; nobody bothered to tell her she was supposed to be hosting thirteen dwarves and a wizard for dinner, to explain exactly what her duties as burglar entails.
That would've been nice to know beforehand, thank you very much.
She's off on an adventure, to heal the land far to the East and over ranges and rivers that keeps calling out to her.
Without the dwarves.
Because nobody bothered to tell her anything.
Erebor may have been calling out for help, but she won't know what hit her.
Bookmarked by Azheni410
03 Dec 2024
She Lit a Fire by BessieBlackbird
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types
29 Nov 2024
"Please Gandalf... please don't tell him." She begged, her voice thick with emotion and unshed tears.
Gandalf met her eyes with as forlorn an expression as she'd ever seen on his face. There was such sadness held there at the answer she knew he had to give.
"It would be a promise I cannot keep." He told her as kindly as he possibly could. "I'd rather not keep a father and his child from each other- a King and his heir even less so."
Billa looked away but didn't flinch when a warm, rough hand touched her shoulder offering comfort. She desperately needed it. She was so frightened.
"Did you love him?" She heard him ask. She clung to the sympathy in his voice and nodded as her eyes brimmed with tears.
"Do you still?"
The answer was barely a whisper- as small and secret as the fluttering heartbeat under her shaking hand.
Bookmarked by Azheni410
03 Dec 2024
Harry's 5th year was probably the worst year of his life. First Voldemort happened, then Umbridge, then Voldemort AGAIN, and then Sirius died. Harry doesn't even have the time to properly mourn Sirius before he's shipped back to the Dursley's for the summer. He can't even think straight and with each passing day since losing Sirius, Harry feels more and more exhausted. By the time his 16th birthday rolls around, Uncle Vernon has to literally beat Harry just to wake him up.
After a rather brutal beating given to him by his uncle on the eve of his birthday, Harry wakes to find something he had never thought possible. He wakes up to find a long snake tail instead of his legs. A few days later, his family abandons him in some random forest.
What a wonderful way to start his 16th year of life after the worst year of his life.
* Do not post to another site * Do not translate without permission *
- Part 1 of The Naga Series
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 449,036
- Chapters:
- 83/?
- Collections:
- 21
- Comments:
- 6,392
- Kudos:
- 17,071
- Bookmarks:
- 4,618
- Hits:
- 972,303
Bookmarked by Azheni410
02 Dec 2024
Dragons, Snakes, and Secrets by Demondog136, EllianaNarna
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
14 Jul 2018
Harry Potter thought his fourth year was going to be peaceful, where he wouldn't have to worry about anything (except the Dark Lord out for his blood, as per bloody usual). The Tri-Wizard tournament was here at Hogwarts and he was not old enough to take place. How wrong could he turn out to be? When his name is called from the goblet, a plethora of changes and secrets are on their way. How can Harry defeat dragons and handle deceiving headmasters, while also learning things about the past that will change not just his life, but the fate of the Wizarding World?
- Part 1 of Dragons, Love, and Downfalls
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 56,293
- Chapters:
- 41/41
- Collections:
- 8
- Comments:
- 903
- Kudos:
- 3,866
- Bookmarks:
- 885
- Hits:
- 145,888
Bookmarked by Azheni410
21 Nov 2024
It started with getting put into the Triwizard Tournament, and ended up with an inheritance?! Harry navigates the Triwizard Tournament, along with a new creature inheritance, his mates are just going along with the ride of the crazy 4th year. What secrets are going to be uncovered, and what is with the mother hen of a Dragon?!
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 26,070
- Chapters:
- 11/?
- Collections:
- 3
- Comments:
- 337
- Kudos:
- 3,327
- Bookmarks:
- 1,010
- Hits:
- 79,071
Bookmarked by Azheni410
20 Nov 2024
Harry sees Severus come out of the shower and figures out he's hot for teacher, what now?
Bookmarked by Azheni410
18 Nov 2024
They had been sleeping together for months, but what happens when one realizes they are in love with the other?
Bookmarked by Azheni410
18 Nov 2024
They were suppose to be sharing their relationship with everyone... it didn't quite end up how Harry thought it would.
Bookmarked by Azheni410
18 Nov 2024
Harry gets a creature inheritance and finds that he has to bond with his mate soon... unless he wants to die. What should he do when it turns out his mate hates him?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,326
- Chapters:
- 2/2
- Collections:
- 3
- Comments:
- 9
- Kudos:
- 252
- Bookmarks:
- 18
- Hits:
- 4,529
Bookmarked by Azheni410
18 Nov 2024