Gifts for AmarArt
List of Gifts
Natereein by EntangleGame465 for criticalmonster, AmarArt, AnxiousTurtel, Sea_Shocker
Fandoms: S&D Tier - Lighthouse Raiders (Web Series)
25 Nov 2022
What do you call this?
- Part 202 of S&D Tier - Lighthouse Raiders (Web Series)
So...another year. Another birthday. by EntangleGame465 for Midnight404, Lighthouse_Raiders, Sbuep, Battlebunny, Gemna_Destiny_Seer, Moi, BisexualTwat, Eris_Laveda, Beanybeans, Corrupti0n, Lonely_June, AestasEuria, Sugarcoated_Wishes, OhNo_n_something_else, I_should_be_thy, Lovvercoffeezombie, Mama_Louie, Beacuzz, CecilyPlum, SkylerKeas, Far_Ahead_The_Rho_Has_Gone, SherlockItsOnlyLogical, Goldfish_Queen, NamelessSpirit, yukikun336, Jaxwild, Redheartsdie, SweetLover, Basic_Beth, Phanaticj, Hellyaitssnowing, PrincessMerlin45, givemeyourname, Asexual_rock, Blacksheeperton, JammyGreenRock, Ryzar_Art, mintygrasshopper, Crazy_reading_girl0, Smileyzs, Alex_Wolfe, SecretlyAnonymous, Neon_Brachiosaurus, Moooses, oopshenangians, SereneDancer, Arcanfy, BronwynStClaire, luckbandit, ArthurWinchester221B, AmarArt, BookSquared, Ditzyshine, Kaityleena, skerren, Krystal_Moonlight, byrdBibliophyle, UrFaveSlytherin, Cherry_Is_Deadly, The_Knight_Who_Says_Ni, RoseGoldLocks, RedandSilverVixen, ikeded_jpeg, GHOST_WARD, JMoriarty221b, Victory11, MostOwlicious, bttrthanSHIELD, Vyrtuoso, swishyclang
Fandoms: S&D Tier - Lighthouse Raiders (Web Series)
20 Mar 2022
This has nothing to do with the title. The title is for everyone to know its my birthday. In case its not clear.
Story is mostly thoughts. In Alex"s pov. Which is fun.Because its my birthday I want everyone to have a gift. So enjoy this story as a gift. I hope you like it.
Cloned To Homed by GothMoth for AmarArt, DarkNymfa, HeroineofTime
Fandoms: Danny Phantom
24 Apr 2021
Danny Phantom was a protector, not a hurter, there’s no way he could genuinely have destroyed those clones and maybe the Fenton parents wouldn’t be quite so bothered or quite so surprised by the existence of halfas as Danny once feared.