Gifts for AdrianaBanner
List of Gifts
Before the Norns by Zaniida for ejmam, Signamino, Achika_pl, CaricatureOfAWitch, AdrianaBanner
Fandoms: Thor (Movies)
31 Oct 2020
“So… beyond that moment of choice, even the Sisters can’t see the future they weave?”
“Oh, they can see many possible futures, all the different choices you might make. Different ways that the pattern adjusts to flow around that change. It’s just that, until you have chosen, they don’t know which pattern will fill the space.”In which Thor’s coronation comes with a decision he might not be ready to make. (From an old Norsekink prompt.)
P.S. Having trouble with the posting dating. It should be October 1st (which is the date I literally just hit Post), but it's showing the date I started saving the draft way back in September, and if I correct it, the fic disappears! (No, this isn't another weird Creepyfest meta shenanigan. Not by me, anyway.) And if it has the draft date (which isn't when I Published it, obviously), it's sorted under half my September fics. Yargh. I'm gonna see if AO3 help has solutions.
- Part 1 of Creepyfest 2019
- Part 4 of Open Chapterfics (MCU)
- Part 8 of Mature Readers Only