1 - 20 of 32 Works in Virgin Enjolras (Les Misérables)
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I Don't Know What To Do (With Your Kiss On My Neck) by pumpkinspiceprouvaire for Riotstar
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types
06 Jun 2024
“You ‘consent to try me again?’” Grantaire quotes, confused. “What do you mean by that?”
For a moment, Enjolras almost looks like he’s going to smile. “If you don’t know that,” he says, “We may have a problem.”
morning glow by orestesdrunk (pettifogger)
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables - Schönberg/Boublil
09 Mar 2024
Enjolras is fast asleep beside Grantaire wearing only a pair of tight black briefs, which drives Grantaire utterly mad. They haven’t had sex yet—he shouldn’t say yet, he doesn’t want to obligate Enjolras to have sex with him, he doesn’t expect it—but Enjolras is gloriously unselfconscious about showing his body to Grantaire. On their first outing after they became an item, a poetry reading at a bookstore-slash-café that Jehan had invited them all to, Enjolras had changed in front of Grantaire while they got ready together. Grantaire looked up and Enjolras was half-naked in front of his closet and Grantaire had nearly choked on his tongue.
(“Are you quite alright?” Enjolras had said, pulling a crisp white button-up off a hanger.
“Completely,” Grantaire lied, looking everywhere but Enjolras’ bare chest.
He doesn’t think he imagined the slight smirk on Enjolras’ face as he turned away and pulled the shirt on.)
It might be creepy to look at Enjolras while he’s sleeping, Grantaire knows this, but he thinks he deserves it, after nigh-on six years of pining for the man.
总之这是一篇古费xR的友情向 ER爱情向的pwp,格朗泰赶场跟两个人做了!还顺带和E在一起了(题外话我真的很喜欢ABC友情向色色,后续还会有更多怪东西!嘿嘿,除了E是1以外,他们会随意乱炖!!) -
总之是ER,zzz睡午觉去了,想得起来补预警,想不起来就算了! -
WHO IS HE? by metallucky
Fandoms: Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables (2012), The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde, Dorian Gray (2009)
20 Sep 2022
𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘 ▌ dorian encuentra en enjolras, su salvación.
evitemos malos entendidos, corazones<3
—fanfic de un crackship?de mis personajes favoritos de mis libros favoritos. enjolras x dorian, ¿enjorian?; Nada es canon, por lo tanto, el retrato de gray, fue realizado por grantaire. Jóvenes veinteañeros, físicos de las películas.- Language:
- Español
- Words:
- 1,073
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Hits:
- 67
des autels pour chaque dieu (altars for every god) by Cymbidia
Fandoms: Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables (2012)
25 Feb 2021
Courfeyrac writes a volume of horrible erotic poetry. The Amis pile into Enjolras' lodgings for an impromptu poetry reading and orgy. Enjolras thoroughly loses his virginity.
Transmasc!Grantaire-centric. -
I've Been Called Worse Things by Better People by SlowBurnRomantic
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (2012)
27 Jan 2021
Local Jersey dockside lad Grantaire has made a life for himself off of his self discipline. He boxes. He competes in the local Lindy Hop circuit with his next door neighbor Eponine. His whole, comfortable life of fighting, dancing, drinking, lunch counters, and taking men into back alleyways after his performances gets thrown for a loop when a group of mostly Princeton students show up at a local bar and plot to change the direction of the country. He considers it his duty to disrupt their meetings with his smart mouth, and over the months that follow, he relishes in the frustration he wrings out of the Princeton boy leading the way. Will a bet on the boxing match between the Brown Bomber and Rocky Marciano change the course of their relationship? And more importantly, in the time of McCarthyism, is there also time for... love?
He never fell in love with someone with a perfect body, others always came too thin or too fat or too unworked. But Enjolras didn't care. He didn’t look at them as the object of his desire, but of the love that made everything perfect for his partner. And Grantaire was the body of a man whom others would call normal and nothing special, until Enjolras saw the damn tattoo. He had something on his shoulder that he didn't recognize, and something he didn't understand shot out from under his pants on his left hip. But both were painted in black ink. It fit him perfectly. The tattoo stood out on his pale skin and complemented his mischievous smile. Enjolras's knees shaked for the first time and he had to grab the chair he had been leaning on for another half hour. He tried to see Grantaire as a friend and not perceive at times the strange desire to ask him where he was tattooed, hoping to strip naked and let him circle every shape with his fingertips.
- Part 4 of Birthday Fanfictions Project
Nikdy se nezamiloval do někoho, kdo by měl dokonalé tělo, vždycky ostatním přišli moc hubení nebo moc tlustí nebo moc nevypracování. Ale Enjolrasovi to bylo jedno. Nekoukal se na ně jako na objekt jeho touhy, ale lásky, díky které mu na partnerovi přišlo vše dokonalé. A Grantaire byl tělem muž, kterého by ostatní označili za normální a ničím zajímavou, do doby, než Enjolras uviděl to proklaté tetování. Na rameni měl cosi, co nerozeznal a zpod kalhot mu na levý bok vystřelovalo něco, co nechápal. Ale obojí bylo namalované černým inkoustem, který nešel smýt. Dokonale mu padnul. Tetování vynikalo na jeho bledé pokožce a doplňovalo jeho šibalský úsměv. Enjolrasovi se napoprvé podlomila kolena a musel se chytit židle, o kterou se další půl hodinu opíral. Snažil se Grantaira vidět jako kamaráda a nevnímat občas tu podivnou touhu se ho zeptat, kde všude je potetovaný v naději, že by se svlékl do naha a nechal ho konečky prstů obkroužit každý tvar.
- Part 3 of Birthday Fanfictions Project
- Language:
- Čeština
- Words:
- 18,146
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 6
- Hits:
- 140
so tell me why my gods look like you by Anonymous
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types
13 Jul 2020
“There’s a part of me, you know, that kind of— kinda wishes I had done it.”
Grantaire falters. “You mean—?”
Enjolras nods, blush creeping again down her chest. “I don’t know. It was awkward, and I wasn’t really all that attracted to him, but he seemed— decent enough, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because he’s the only person that ever kissed me, but it was nice to— to feel wanted. Even if it was nothing.” She shrugs again, and Grantaire frowns as sadness flickers in her eyes. She huffs a laugh that sounds too self-deprecating to be genuine. “Even if it was bad, at least then I’d know what it’s like.”
Grantaire wants to tell her, You’re a fucking goddess and you’re mad at yourself for not letting some rando fuck you?, and You deserve more than a one-night stand who only cares about shoving his tongue down your throat, and, alarmingly, How can you not know what it’s like to feel wanted when all I ever do is want you?
- Part 1 of but i love it when you try to save me
They returned to Jehan’s parents’ house just before the whole sky turned dark blue. They didn’t even realize they had been in the glade for so long. Isabelle was already waiting for them with a hot dinner. “Mom, you should rest down,” Jehan scolded her gently, but it was he who went a second time to add her delicious, vegetable soups.
“Do you think we can make it?” Jehan asked his friends cautiously as they went to bed after dinner.
“Together we can do everything,” Enjolras said for everyone.Written as part of the Beltain challenge on the website of the Czech and Slovak slash community.
Vrátili se do domu Jehanových rodičů těsně před tím, než se celé nebe zbarvilo do tmavě modré. Ani jim nedošlo, že byli na mýtině tak dlouho. Isabelle už je čekala s horkou večeří. „Mami, měla bys ležet,“ pokáral ji Jehan jemně, ale byl to právě on, kdo si šel ještě podruhé přidat její výborné, zeleninové polévky.
„Myslíte, že se to všechno zvládne?“ zeptal se Jehan svých přátel opatrně, když odešli po večeři spát.
„Společně zvládneme všechno,“ řekl Enjolras za všechny.Napsáno v rámci Beltain výzvy na stránce české a slovenské slash komunity.
A situation in which Enjolras finally does something about his human emotions and Grantaire is more than happy to show him what he’s been missing out on...
Revolutionary Passions by ancslove for within_a_dream
Fandoms: Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
14 Feb 2018
A late-night meeting gone awry leads Enjolras and Bahorel to seek release. And what better release after an adrenaline rush, than sex?
The Atmosphere of a Party by ejr
Fandoms: Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Les Misérables - All Media Types
28 Sep 2017
Bored at a Halloween party, Grantaire finds a way to entertain himself.
Oh, and Enjolras too. -
i touch on you more and more by orphan_account
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types
01 Oct 2016
“I always thought myself an asexual,” Enjolras started and as soon as he said that, Grantaire recognised he was using his ‘professional voice’ and knew that this was a serious conversation that they were about to have. “However, over the past few months, I’ve been recognising some… new feelings for you.”
Grantaire raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at his lips when he understood what Enjolras was trying to imply. “Oh?” He asked softly, “And what are these feelings you’re talking about?”
I can't title for shit: an autobiography by Avid_sinner
Fandoms: Les Misérables - All Media Types
29 Jun 2016
This is from a prompt on the kink meme from like 2013, its 2am, and I didn't edit or re read just wrote it all in one go, Fight me.
Enj is innocent™
Enj and R start dating and Enjolras really wants Grantaire to kiss him but Grantaire is very sweet and is worried about over stepping a boundary cue some fun makeouts and awkward smut which I don't understand.
For a kink meme prompt.
Grantaire is a prince. Enjolras is a servant who is forced by his master to have sex with him despite him not wanting to. Eventually he starts to realise that perhaps this prince isn't so bad...