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Dean wakes up feeling like second-generation roadkill, the kind made from car-struck scavengers. Which, all told, isn’t that unusual.
Thing is, he also wakes up in a bed he doesn’t recognize. This, too, when taken on its own, isn’t all that unusual.
It’s the combination of the two that sends all his warning bells ringing.
- Part 17 of Tumblr Fic
Like everyone else Dean has always looked forward to his 21st birthday, when his countdown timer would appear and tell him how much longer he had until he met his soul mate. And at least then he would know whether or not he was an alpha like John always wanted, even though the name of his soul mate was written in a weird language he couldn't read.
But then it actually happened, and Dean was positive he actually met his soul mate... unless that was a dream. On the other hand, as the years go by and his countdown ticks away, the increased strength and vision, lack of a need for food or sleep, and weird new growths on his back that seem to be growing feathers(?!) suggest otherwise...
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 24,692
- Chapters:
- 12/12
- Comments:
- 561
- Kudos:
- 10,296
- Bookmarks:
- 1,980
- Hits:
- 144,520
Castiel is accustomed to working with mistreated submissives. At 28, he's one of the leading experts in his field, having pioneered the usage of a much softer style of domination as a treatment for Submissive Rejection Syndrome. His insistence on handling issues of "defiance" with gentleness and patience has ruffled some feathers in the world of submissive psychology, but there’s no arguing with his success rate.
When he gets the call about Dean, though, Cas almost can't believe what he's hearing. Suffering from the exceedingly rare Complete Submissive Rejection Syndrome, Dean has never once in his life gone into subspace, and has become so feral and violent in an effort to keep dominants away from him that he’s in danger of being put down.
The man is a challenge like nothing Cas has ever faced before, and he doesn’t know if mere kindness will be enough to pull him back from the brink. Chasing Dean’s trust, Cas struggles to find a way to tear down the submissive’s walls and show him he’s safe enough to let himself go.
But true trust is a two way street, and Cas has walls of his own. When Dean starts to knock on them, will Cas be brave enough to answer?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 175,113
- Chapters:
- 28/?
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 1,710
- Kudos:
- 2,892
- Bookmarks:
- 479
- Hits:
- 91,864
- Words:
- 2,547
- Works:
- 2
- Bookmarks:
- 2
“I need you to find me a Dom.”
Cas nearly choked on his pizza. “Excuse me?”Dean wants to see what the world of kinky sex is like so he turns to his best friend and roommate, Castiel Novak, who just so happens to be a Dom at a local BDSM club. Cas is happy to help Dean enter this new world, but when Dean has a bad experience with the Dom he’s paired with at the club, Cas takes it upon himself to show Dean the tricks of the trade. You know, as any good friend would do.
- Part 1 of Tricks of the Trade
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 90,503
- Chapters:
- 18/18
- Comments:
- 555
- Kudos:
- 1,494
- Bookmarks:
- 340
- Hits:
- 54,363
Dean's not feeling well, but he's not about to admit that to Sam. Good thing Sam knows his brother so well.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 2,285
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 3
- Kudos:
- 244
- Bookmarks:
- 25
- Hits:
- 5,423
Dean and Sam fell in love with The Veil of Heroes book series when they discovered the first book abandoned at a bus stop during their freshman year of high school. They quickly binged the second book and eagerly awaited the release of the third.
After four long years of waiting and experiencing life's ups and downs, they finally got their hands on the last and final book.
Sadly, the ending was not what they had hoped for, and Dean was devastated. Sam watched helplessly as his brother struggled to come to terms with the disappointing conclusion.
But then, something miraculous happened. A bright light transports them to The Veil of Heroes, changing their lives forever.
- Part 25 of Fluff one shots
Bookmark Collections:
Dean is sick, so sick he can't breathe and his whole body aches and he knows he'd dying. No one knows what it is that's killing the older Winchester, but they're searching. They're trying to find a cure for him, but will they?
Song Fic for Red Lights by Vib Gyor
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,046
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 5
- Kudos:
- 81
- Bookmarks:
- 7
- Hits:
- 2,177
Bookmark Tags:
Our love story is full of pain, grief, happiness and healing by serrawn
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
12 Nov 2024
In these heartwarming and emotional stories, Dean Winchester, an Omega, finds himself physically or emotionally hurt, but no matter the circumstance, Castiel Novak, his Alpha, is always there to save him.
Whether they are in an established relationship or still discovering the depths of their love, one thing remains constant—Cas’s unwavering devotion to protecting, caring for, and cherishing his Omega.
Each story explores moments of vulnerability, where Dean faces challenges, but Cas is always ready to step in, whether to comfort him after a difficult day or to rescue him from danger.
Filled with tender, fluffy moments, as well as angst and heartfelt emotion, this series showcases how Cas becomes Dean’s safe haven, wrapping him in love and making him feel truly cherished.
Through it all, Cas’s possessive, protective instincts drive him to ensure that his Omega feels safe and loved, no matter what life throws their way.
- Words:
- 104,500
- Works:
- 26
- Bookmarks:
- 25
COMFORTEMBER 2022 by ddaz3dandcc0nfused
Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV), Daredevil (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Supernatural (TV 2005), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Walking Dead (TV)
01 Dec 2022
Hello everyone! I am here again with another month long challenge! This time, the month of November will be filled with comfort fics of your favorite characters! So stayed tuned if you're ever in need of some fall loving ♡
- Words:
- 13,472
- Works:
- 30
- Bookmarks:
- 10
Somehow Sam and Dean managed to get themselves transported to an alternate dimension… one filled with humanoid creatures that are giant in comparison to the two hunters, the kind-natured Sevit. But these creatures know about the other dimensions, and have extensive notes on humans and how they are cared for. Unfortunately, their notes aren’t entirely accurate nor complete, and they don’t seem to get that Sam and Dean are ADULT humans. In an effort to learn about humans more and take care of the small little beings that appeared from nowhere, the boys are in for a caretaking experience filled with outrageous misunderstandings. Castiel is on the way to rescue them, but in the meantime, the Winchester brothers are at the mercy of their well-meaning, if clueless new caretakers.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 50,531
- Chapters:
- 33/?
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 1,011
- Kudos:
- 2,626
- Bookmarks:
- 319
- Hits:
- 80,779
“It was a marvelous night, the sort of night one only experiences when one is young. The sky was so bright, and there were so many stars that, gazing upward, one couldn't help wondering how so many whimsical, wicked people could live under such a sky.” -Dostoyevsky, White Nights.
Or: Dean Winchester is de-aged, he has issues and Sam... Sam does what he can. Set somewhere during season 2
Bookmark Collections:
Six Months Ago, Dean received the stigmata- wounds that suddenly appeared on his body, bringing with them visions of crucifixion and the sickening smell of roses. He hoped turning water into wine and fighting Lucifer would be the extent of being The Second Coming, but he was wrong.
The Apocalypse is here and Dean will have more to fight than he ever imagined.
Dean may be the Messiah, but he doesn't feel like it.
Here are some companion character playlists:
Enjoy!Update 9/11/2024: Chapter 7 is up.
- Part 2 of Lazarusverse
Three weeks ago, Dean woke up in a pine box. He thought dealing with the nightmares was going to be the most difficult part of his new life after Hell, but at least they were something he could understand. Something he could deal with. Something he deserved.
Then he began having agonizing visions of crucifixion. Wounds appeared on his body out of nowhere. Wounds that refused to heal and coated his skin with the sickly sweet smell of roses.
Stigmata are said to be the marks of saints, but Dean is not a saint and the wounds are only the beginning.
Here are some companion character playlists:
Enjoy!Update 9/11/2024: Chapter 7 of the sequel is posted.
- Part 1 of Lazarusverse
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 90,365
- Chapters:
- 15/15
- Comments:
- 349
- Kudos:
- 1,360
- Bookmarks:
- 451
- Hits:
- 37,003
- Words:
- 143,547
- Works:
- 3
- Bookmarks:
- 171
Bookmark Notes:
Three weeks ago, Dean woke up in a pine box. He thought dealing with the nightmares was going to be the most difficult part of his new life after Hell, but at least they were something he could understand. Something he could deal with. Something he deserved.
Then he began having agonizing visions of crucifixion. Wounds appeared on his body out of nowhere. Wounds that refused to heal and coated his skin with the sickly sweet smell of roses.
Stigmata are said to be the marks of saints, but Dean is not a saint and the wounds are only the beginning.
“Top or bottom?” Dean asked.
Castiel didn't look up from his suitcase. “Top,” he said.
Dean nodded.and tossed his sleep equipment onto the bottom bunk.
Castiel looked up, eyebrows creased. “Oh, you meant bunks? Bottom, please.”
Dean paused. He frowned loudly, and threw a questioning look at his bunkmate.
Castiel had turned his back to him and was rooting through his bag. He pulled out a striped fitted sheet and moved to put it on the bottom bunk.
“What,” Dean said suspiciously, making the question sound more like a statement.
“Bottom, Dean. That is, if you don't mind,” he answered, unfolding the sheet.
Dean nodded warily, eyes narrowed.
“O... kay. I'll take the top.”
Dean couldn't be sure, but he thought he heard the other man snort quietly.
Dean starts a summer job wrangling children. His co-counselor is kinda pretty…
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 28,483
- Chapters:
- 12/12
- Comments:
- 114
- Kudos:
- 1,248
- Bookmarks:
- 154
- Hits:
- 13,412
Dean crashes after a string of bad jobs. A final, terrible incident pushes him to the edge. The Moonstar Hotel is the last place Dean needs to be.
18 chapters within the single post.Authors note: I attempted to show possession in a couple of parts and treat it as a combination of both characters so I hope it isn't confusing.
Bookmark Tags:
His hand shot out before he even registered that he was moving, gripping the railing to get another look at the patient, desperate to prove that it wasn’t his brother.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 8,080
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 8
- Kudos:
- 201
- Bookmarks:
- 37
- Hits:
- 3,234
Dean Winchester is a 17-year-old high school student trying to make do. With his father checked out after his mother's death, Dean takes on the responsibility of raising his younger brother. However, when Dean falls ill, his younger brother tries to help out, and Dean may find love in an unexpected place.
- Part 1 of In Sickness and In Health
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 77,729
- Chapters:
- 32/32
- Comments:
- 378
- Kudos:
- 654
- Bookmarks:
- 142
- Hits:
- 30,704
- Words:
- 138,010
- Works:
- 5
- Bookmarks:
- 107
Bookmark Tags: