1 - 20 of 477 Works in Shinya (Dir en grey)
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[Kyo / Kaoru] ¦ Im Dezember 2011, am Ende ihrer Amerikatour, wird Kyo in der Nacht von einer katzenhaften Kreatur angegriffen. Nur knapp entgeht er dem Tod, aber dies ist erst der Beginn eines Albtraums, den er sich nicht einmal selbst hätte dichten können. Er wird mit seinem eigenen, kaputten Selbst konfrontiert und der Frage, warum ein Monster wie er, zu einem Monster werden musste. [Horror, Psyche, schwierige Themen]
"Als er sich losriss, büßte Kyo einige Fellbüschel ein und die heißen Schmerzen in seiner Schulter zeigten deutlich, dass er sich die in oder andere, üble Fleischwunden zugezogen hatte. Blut tropfte zu Boden und versickerte zwischen den ersten grünen Grashalmen, die sich aus dem Winterschlaf heraus kämpften. Er versuchte die Schmerzen irgendwie abzuschütteln, während sein Schweif wild durch die Luft zuckte und er die Ohren an den Kopf legte. Sein Maul war geöffnet, die Lefzen gefletscht, Blut und Speichel tropfte von seinen Zähnen. Katsuo tat es ihm gleich und wieder umkreisten sich die beiden gewaltigen Wesen, wieder gingen sie aufeinander los und verwüsteten dabei den hübschen Garten in ihrem irren Kampfrausch."
Freshly 50 and coming back after the holiday break, something is off with Die.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,445
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Kudos:
- 5
- Hits:
- 21
Dies ist eine kleine, humoristische Kurzgeschichtensammlung, welche im direkten Zusammenhang zu 'Feloidea - Das Werkatzenduett' steht. Es ist nicht zwingend notwendig diese gelesen zu haben, könnte aber an einigen Stellen hilfreich sein. [Kyo / Kaoru ]
- Language:
- Deutsch
- Words:
- 1,733
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Hits:
- 5
„Nein, wirklich. Wann war dein letztes Date? Hattest du mal eins?“
Ungeahnte Gespräche im Aufnahmestudio führen dazu, dass Kaoru es auf Toshiyas Rat hin mit Online-Dating versucht, um eine neue Frau in sein Leben zu holen. Natürlich helfen da auch die anderen Bandkollegen gerne mit, denn neugierig sind sie sowieso, und vielleicht braucht ihr guter alter Bandleader ja auch Hilfe... Was kann da schon schiefgehen?
Kyo's gaze lingers on the sonogram briefly before he hands it over.
Toshiya takes the photo, the first tangible proof of this new world order. Numbly, he absorbs the nebulous shape. It seems completely alien and deeply personal all at once: a part of him, cocooned in the mystery of Kyo's body. An impossible conception.
His brain is fizzling at the edges. He's got to be the unluckiest gay man on the planet.
Or, Toshiya's life takes a wild turn when, against every law of nature, he ends up knocking up his male bandmate. Juggling that with a new relationship with someone else, 'complicated' doesn't begin to cover it. Rock, meet a really weird hard place.
In 1997, Toshiya has a fateful encounter on the night of his former band's final show.
A stupid argument ends in a catastrophe and the band has to deal with their new situation and the loss of a very good friend.
Kyo in particular suffers greatly because his world seems to be destroyed. -
The Blue Room was exactly what you'd think it was: roughly as big as Kaoru's living room, about 20 square metres of floor space, with navy pinstripe wallpapers and a soft cyan carpet. The only furniture in there were sofas and armchairs, sky-blue and turquoise, and a small table next to every piece. Royal blue glasses in various sizes and shapes waited to be used for champagne or beer or water, all stored in a mini refrigerator hidden in one of the side tables – the colour of the bottles almost black in their blueishness. The room's only source of light proved to be a kitschy chandelier made of cobalt blue glass you'd be likely to find in a brothel as well. Yes, the Blue Room was exactly what you'd think it was. Except that it wasn't. The Blue Room was about longing. It was about fulfilling your most private desires in a safe space. But was it about love, too?
[ToshiyaxShinya] ~ [01/01]
[Especial Omegacember2024 - Dia 18]
Uma terrível coincidência fez com que Shinya se afastasse dos amigos da banda e principalmente de Toshiya, com quem vinha tentando se entender. Após dez anos, o baixista descobre a verdade e os motivos reais que fizeram o baterista se afastar de todos.
- Part 18 of Omegacember 2024
- Language:
- Português brasileiro
- Words:
- 2,455
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 12
Kai ama o aroma de Shinya, um dos clientes assíduos de sua pequena doceria, mas um dia, esse aroma é alterado, talvez Shinya queira impressionar alguém.
Omegaverse - Es de Fanfics
Dia 16\22
- Part 16 of Hanakotoba
- Language:
- Português brasileiro
- Words:
- 983
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 12
[ToshiyaxShinya] ~ [01/01]
[Especial Omegacember2024 - Dia 16]
Após um período de distanciamento de Toshiya, Shinya faz uso de um elixir para realçar seu feromônio, resultando em uma noite de muito prazer, e talvez no recomeço do que poderia ser a salvação de seu relacionamento.
- Part 16 of Omegacember 2024
- Language:
- Português brasileiro
- Words:
- 2,806
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 32
[ReitaxShinya] ~ [01/01]
[Especial Omegacember2024 - Dia 15]
[Continuação do Dia 10 - Cura]Quando Shinya passa alguns momentos mais perto de Akira, ambos percebem qual pode ser o caminho para a cicatrização da marca.
- Part 15 of Omegacember 2024
- Language:
- Português brasileiro
- Words:
- 1,609
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 7
[DiexShinya] ~ [01/01]
[Especial Omegacember2024 - Dia 14]
Shinya relembra parte do passado, da dificuldade que passou ao se descobrir beta até conhecer Die e perceber que a vida poderia ser muito doce.
- Part 14 of Omegacember 2024
- Language:
- Português brasileiro
- Words:
- 1,274
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 9
Shinya está a beira de um ataque de pânico ao se ver em uma tour cercado por alfas desconhecidos, e tenta o máximo se acalmar se aninhando longe dos olhares de todos
Omegacember - Es de fanfics
Dia 13\22
- Part 13 of Hanakotoba
Desde tenra idade ambos decidiram que estariam para sempre juntos, e esse vínculo nunca quebraria, Kyo sabia.
Omegacember - Es de fanfics
Dia 11\22
- Part 11 of Hanakotoba
[ReitaxShinya] ~ [01/01]
[Especial Omegacember2024 - Dia 10]
Desolado por seu destino como ômega, Shinya descobriria o poder do amor quando se deparasse com a terrível realidade de que algumas vezes as marcas apenas não conseguiam cicatrizar.
- Part 10 of Omegacember 2024
- Language:
- Português brasileiro
- Words:
- 3,970
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 11
Kaoru is a samurai in Edo period Japan who grew up with a story from his mother about a dragon that had always had a special place in his heart.
When a group of entertainers comes to his town to put on a kabuki play, he finds the lead entertainer brings back memories of said story and he can't help himself from wanting to see this real life dragon in the form of a man with his own eyes. -
[DiexShinya] ~ [01/01]
[Especial Omegacember2024 - Dia 8]
Após ouvir algumas coisas na escola, Shinya descobre que o alfa tido como problemático é bem diferente do que diziam.
- Part 8 of Omegacember 2024
- Language:
- Português brasileiro
- Words:
- 1,755
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Hits:
- 16
Um dia ruim pode ser percebido sem nenhuma palavra, assim como uma notícia boa, e tudo pode ser resolvido com um afago.
Omegacember - Es de fanfics
Dia 6\22
- Part 6 of Hanakotoba
[KaoruxShinya] ~ [01/01]
[Especial Omegacember2024 - Dia 3]
Quando o primeiro cio de Kaoru chegou, ele não esperava que seria acompanhado por toda uma noite de alívio.
- Part 3 of Omegacember 2024