3 Works in Sam Donovan (Sports Night)
Listing Works
“Come back this summer,” Casey told him.
“That’s not up to me,” Danny said.
It wasn’t up to Casey, either, but he’d told his boss at the Tribune that the internship had to go to Danny again. Had to. Not because they were friends, but because Danny’s work was that promising. He’d been helping Casey fix up pieces since he left last summer - he would listen to Casey go on for paragraph after paragraph over the phone, or read faxed first drafts and fax them back with scribbled edits and suggestions. He could make anything Casey wrote better in some indefinable way. Casey was putting out his best work with his readership in mind.
“Sometimes he can be shockingly emotionally straightforward,” Dan said. “It's just the other ninety-nine percent of the time you have to worry about.”
Isn't it warm? Isn't it rosy? Side by side by side...