3 Works in Richard Truly
Listing Works
After the JSC bombing, Aleida Rosales becomes obsessed with tracking the stranded astronauts’ dwindling food rations. As flight director of the Sojourner 2 mission to get the Mars crew safely home, she clings to her goal of rescuing them from starvation while navigating the continued fall-out in her home life.
In other words: snapshots of Aleida’s life and mental health journey in the months following Season 3.
- Part 2 of Aleida between Seasons 3 and 4
In this I've stretched out the timeline, possibly rather a lot, between Sergei's return to Houston and Sojourner landing on Mars. It will mostly cover the consequences of his incarceration in Lefortovo and his quest to get Margo to forgive him.
- Part 1 of To Mars and Beyond
I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. by GoldStar252
Fandoms: For All Mankind (TV 2019)
22 Aug 2022
As a young girl she couldn’t possibly imagine a question she didn’t want to know the answer to, and as a woman, well, an answer she didn’t like still seemed better than not knowing.
Short looks at some of Margo's scenes from 3x03 to 3x7 and a few bits I invented - investigating her oh-so-complicated feelings.