1 - 20 of 52 Works in Pre-Gem War (Steven Universe)
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In a technical manner of speaking, there were many Quartz soldiers under all of the diamond guards. Far more advanced than all of the other common emeralds and rubies that littered the guards of all of the Diamond Authority. They were built to be durable, strong, and obedient above all else as many gems were. Their prowess and breeding making them a great asset for their armies, and strike fear into the hearts of any uncivilized lifeform.
While there were many Quartz soldiers, there was however, only one Rose.
Or, an AU where Garnet was (mostly) right. The revolution, the Crystal Gems, and the liberation of Earth was not manned and led by a diamond. It was led by Rose.
Simply, just, Rose.
A pearl too small to fit in, an alien betrayed by his own people, a peridot punished for being too kind, and a separated gem couple. These apparently unconnected characters will end being linked up by the consequences of an event that will ultimately trigger the unveiling of Homeworld"s most well hidden secrets.
Although the narration follows many points of view, two characters are the plot"s nexus, on one hand Apatite and on the other Seraphinite.
These are almost exclusively the tales of my OCs merged into the show"s history considering some wild, but still plausible, speculations.
The new point of view is not meant to alter the canon, it gives another name and an expanded context to the events to create something new instead.
This is not a compilation of one shots. Up to chapter twelve is the introduction arch and there"s much more to come. -
Una perla massa petita per encaixar, un alienígena traït per la seva gent, una olivina castigada per ser massa amable i una parella separada. Aquests personatges aparentment inconnexos es veuran units per les repercussions d"un esdeveniment que acabarà propiciant la revelació dels secrets més ben guardats del Planeta Natal.
Tot i tractar-se d"una narració que segueix molts punts de vista, hi ha dos personatges que són el nexe d"unió de la trama, per una banda l"Apatita i per l"altra la Serafinita.NOTES
Aquests són gairebé exclusivament els relats dels meus propis personatges integrats a la història de la sèrie considerant algunes especulacions intrèpides, però tot i així, possibles.
El nou punt de vista no pretén alterar el cànon, sinó donar un altre nom i un context ampliat als seus esdeveniments per crear una narració original.
Això va per llarg, no és una compilació de contes curts. -
"Pearl! Look!" Pink"s eyes traced the little creature, taking up her whole mind in an instant, as if nothing else mattered.
It was- it didn"t matter, not really. But it played a part in the web of the Earth, as everything did. As Pink now did. And - as she realised with a start - as did Pearl. However consequential she may find herself being, she was a string now, in this planet"s tapestry.// OR //
The first book of three in a sprawling tale of the entire Gem War all the way up until Steven"s birth, from Pearl"s perspective.
Welcome to Earth spans from Pearl and Pink first visiting Earth to Pink"s first time falling in love with a human, with the first battles of the gem war, the introduction of Garnet and Bismuth and more and many philosophical ramblings in between.Series
- Part 1 of Tales of a Revolution
Сьогодні днем, Рубін та Сапфір вклали договір. Ну, це лише сказати. Насправді, Рубін вирішила трохи поекспериментувати зі звичками людей. А Сапфір занотувати собі в пам"ять дещо з цього. Звичайно ж, кучерява попросила трохи стримувати свій погляд в майбутнє, а то буде не дуже цікаво.
- Language:
- Українська
- Words:
- 509
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 6
- Hits:
- 52
The Girl with the Purple Heart by Moondancer (M00ndanc3r)
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
18 Jan 2023
Amethyst (Amy) is a strange 7 year old girl.
When she and her friends find a magical hole that leads to a strange new planet, they accidentally put their own world in danger!
Can Amy, Jay and Ria save their world in time?- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,494
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 42
Pink Diamond wishes to explore this new human thing, sex. And she needs her Pearl to help.
Jasper Facet 4A6Q Cut 2DA and Tanzanite Facet 9N7X Cut 6BM
2 different gems
2 different classes
2 different timesBrought together through the terrors of war and desperate tyrants. Seemingly alone on this new and confusing planet filled with alien species, twisted monsters once called friends and the enemy still out there. Will these two be able to make it through this on their own, wounded and lonely?
“I’ll request some topazes from Yellow Diamond’s court immediately.”
Hot magma engulfs Pearl’s entire form, then solidifies. Her eyes flare, but they’re the only part of her that can move. She’s stiff as a board, mind moving a mile a minute as she tries to puzzle together what she did wrong.
“Not yet,” Pink says. “Don’t you wanna explore Earth again? Just the two of us?”
Rose and Pearl research and befriend humans as the zoo undergoes construction. They also learn how to talk to each other like real people do.
- Part 1 of Lessons In Freedom
SU AU: Gem Survivors" Introductions - Indicolite Quartz by sightlessProphet
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
31 Mar 2021
- Part 2 of Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 433
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 88
Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors" Introductions - Kunzite by sightlessProphet
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
31 Mar 2021
- Part 1 of Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 381
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 3
- Hits:
- 127
SU AU: Gem Survivors - Planet 9 and Its" Inhabitants and Their Backgrounds by sightlessProphet
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
31 Mar 2021
This is broken into chapters, because while these characters are important (and detrimental) to Plum Pearl and Augerine, to an extent, they aren"t present.
Apophyllite, Stilbite, and Chalcedony Rose won’t get standard background explanations, because they’re technically backstory characters and no longer exist, except for Phylli
- Part 8 of Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors
SU AU: Gem Survivors" Introductions - Plum Pearl by sightlessProphet
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
31 Mar 2021
- Part 7 of Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 596
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 41
SU AU: Gem Survivors" Introductions - Aegirine by sightlessProphet
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
31 Mar 2021
- Part 6 of Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 661
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 34
SU AU: Gem Survivors" Introductions - Hauyne by sightlessProphet
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
31 Mar 2021
- Part 5 of Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 703
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 35
SU AU: Gem Survivors" Introductions - Lepidolite by sightlessProphet
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
31 Mar 2021
- Part 3 of Steven Universe AU: Gem Survivors
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 624
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 54
Congratulations! You died.
Start a New Game?
It seems though Pearl has Emerald back she still is finding it hard to let her in again. How much more time will it take for Pearl to realize time means nothing compared to love? Will Emerald"s quiet love for Pearl finally win?
- Part 3 of Emerald and Pearl
this life in the stars (is all i"ve ever known) by sllux
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
29 Dec 2020
white, blue, yellow and pink: after the birth of the universe but before birth of homeworld, cosmic consciousness takes form in the shape of diamonds.
Ruby and Sapphire (Garnet too!) must navigate Earth after the events of the accidental fusion in front of Blue Diamond"s court, all while avoiding gems sent to capture them and learning about their abilities and feelings for one another.
Meanwhile, Jasper and Pearl play cat and mouse with one another. Jasper seems obsessed with catching the rebel Pearl and won"t relent. Can Pearl escape from Jasper and get to the runaway gems before they"re captured and hauled off to homeworld?
- Inspired by the song "Sanctuary" by Joji