1 - 20 of 36 Works in Possessive Mikage Reo
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Of Great Dreams, Specialty Coffee, and Moments Stolen In-Between by 70Ytterbium
Fandoms: Blue Lock (Anime), Blue Lock (Manga)
16 Dec 2024
Reo and Nagi's relationship over the years, viewed through the lens of one sudden change. All set in a coffee shop setting, where all the baristas are extremely competitive, and the coffee is described in an over-the-top way
When you’ve been starving for affection, even the smallest kindness feels like salvation.
It was in the middle of the usual quiet, cold night when Seishirou met his 'life'. In the darkness of a small alley littered with rubble and detritus, Seishirou, for the first time in his life saw light and he wanted it to embrace him forever.
“Hey! Are you okay?” A soft, worried voice broke through the silence. The stranger in front of him knelt, hovering for a moment before brushing his icy cheek. It felt warm. For the first time, Seishirou didn’t pull away nor did he feel the urge to defend himself or scream ‘stop’ at the top of his lungs.
Reo finds a metaphorical map to his treasure, and it involves soccer and Seishiro Nagi.
- Part 1 of Treasured
so here he is staring down at a basically half asleep, pilant nagi. nagi who is just sitting there on the toilet seat, mouth hung open and stupidly big eyes staring up at him. reo swallows harshly just what did he get himself into?
the only thing his horny gremlin brain can think about is just how pretty nagi looks from this angle.
reo brushes nagi's teeth and likes it, like a lot. maybe that leads to more.
take a look at my boyfriend (he's the only one I got) by h3xc0de
Fandoms: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime)
07 Aug 2024
idk I got bored
La adolescente Isagi Yui siempre había sido una romántica en ascenso, amaba las películas románticas y esperaba poder vivir un amor de ensueño. Sin embargo, una desilusión hace que se vuelva insegura de si misma.
Que bueno que tiene lindas amigas para ayudarla a enseñarle como se siente el amor.
Kunigami... was clearly aroused, his penis was thick, a few visible veins covering it and the glistening bead of precum at the tip.
Reo quickly ducked back down in embarrassment, his face burning. Reo tried to hurry up, eager to leave the awkward situation behind. In his rush, he fumbled with the soap. It slipped from his grasp and clattered against the tiled floor.
"Ah... shit," he muttered under the sound of running water, bending down quickly to retrieve it.
Isagi sends him knowing looks each time they brush past each other, followed by an encouraging smile and pat. A conversation may follow some days, and others, only silence.
Reo looks forward to them all just the same.
But it is with the same breath Reo starts to want more and hate and yearns and thinks—
If a rival is someone you want to beat, and a treasure is something you want to cover and hold close, what do you call a person, an enemy you want?
Isagi doesn't stop sending him those smiles. But he also doesn't ever linger long enough, never playing with him.
Reo wishes to see more. Of them or of Isagi playing, he doesn't want to choose.
He wonders if this is what Nagi feels. Felt. He sees Nagi looking at him and wonders if it’s actually the other way around, if it’s him looking at Nagi, if Nagi reminds Reo of Reo.
Maybe there are still some common grounds between them after all.
Mikage Reo has wanted and will never stop wanting. Isagi Yoichi is not exempted from his desire, even if it takes Reo long to realize it. But that's okay—the chase is always welcome.
It makes the want sweeter when fulfilled.
Ennui —a gripping listlessness or melancholia caused by boredom; depression
Itoshi Sae has a new toy. Itoshi Rin wants one, too.
Rich Heir Fucks His Slutty Treasure by kittynagi
Fandoms: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime)
02 Dec 2023
“And how is my naughty little whore?” Reo would ask tenderly, like he didn’t just call Nagi a whore, as if “whore” was his name and Reo was simply greeting him.
Nagi loved it.
Their dorm room was far away from the rest of campus, and Nagi often wonders if Reo planned it that way. So that nobody could hear what would be going on, what Reo would do to him daily, hear Nagi’s screams of pleasure as he’s being fucked silly into the sheets. When did the plan start?
When did Reo begin thinking about using his precious treasure as his fuck toy? When did he decide he was going to fulfill his fantasies, to make Nagi into his personal cocksucker?
The first time they hit the showers together and he sees Nagi in the nude, Reo has an awakening–not of the football variety.
Reo a beau savoir que ce n'est qu'une photo... le Nagi du magazine a l'air si réel.
- Part 4 of À la mi-temps
Reo grimaces. He shouldn’t like this at all. He should be pissed at his rivals for taking his precious Nagi just like that.
‘Fuck! Why am I hard just from watching them?!’ -
Persistence, Persuasion, Passion by Vendoomed
Fandoms: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime)
03 Oct 2023
Reo would never call what he was doing stalking. He would call it “persuasion.” He and Nagi were meant to be. Surely, Nagi knew that. Nagi wanted it too. Everything Reo saw from Nagi was only giving him green lights.
In reality, Nagi isn't sure how to feel about Reo yet. They haven't known each other for that long. Reo's incessant displays of passion mostly come off as power plays that Nagi tries not to concern himself with, but he can't just ignore and accept Reo's moves on him forever, as they continue to escalate...or can he?
aka: "service creep" Reo set in episode Nagi ch.1
Blowing Past Limits (let’s blow this) by Gnix404
Fandoms: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime)
16 Sep 2023
“So how’s your gaming going? I haven’t had the chance to ask you about that in a while”
“Hiori and I get to it every night. He’s real good.”
“Yeah? Every night?”
Hands roaming his chest, one settled on rubbing his sensitive nub while the other went to settle near his throat, a whine leaving his mouth against his will as he simultaneously felt hardness press against the curve of his ass in teasing forward circles. Nagi couldn’t help but wonder how what seemed like an innocent conversation had derailed into Reo pressing him face first against the mattress of his own bed in the shared dorms where anyone could come and find them in such an undeniably compromising position.
There are urges, carnal urges—to mark, to own, to sink his teeth and claw his nails into Nagi’s translucent skin.
To carve himself inside Nagi so that Nagi would remember him, always.Series
- Part 7 of LITTLE PLUMS: A Reo x Nagi Collection
Nagi rarely gets jealous—but even his patience has a limit.
Case in hand: some of Reo's fans are so shameless that they intentionally let their scents linger on Reo.
And they were roommates by Chameleonardodicaprio
Fandoms: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime)
06 Aug 2023
Can someone please explain to me what Nagi and Reo’s relationship is???
@SirKevin They’re ‘roommates’
Or: Ego Jinpachi launched his brand-new project for Blue Lock, which is basically a 24/7 reality TV following each of the rising stars, and viewers are rooting for Nagi and Reo.
Nagi trails behind them, slowly slugging across the grocery iles. "Reo..." He whines, mildly inconvenienced by the way Reo was pampering Isagi, dropping everything that said omega even glanced at in the cart.
It's always like this, they were dating(perhaps even mated) ever since Nagi met the two.
Reo wordlessly hands Nagi one the multiple black cards in his wallet. "Buy whatever you want." He doesn't even turn back to glance at Nagi.
Isagi does turn back though, and tells Nagi that they'll be finished soon, and pick up something for him to eat.
'They're like parents..Mama y papa...Mama y Papa'. He busies himself, spending an unidentified Mount of money on some cheap game he's engrossed in.
Distantly, he hears the word baby come up in their conversation multiple times.
(Accidentally put the wrong warning but it's fixed now)