1 - 20 of 46 Works in Oblivious Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
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Martin has a crush on Jon. Everybody knows this, except Jon.
Elias has been fond of Jon for a while. He intends on making it just as known. -
Jonathan hates working at the flower shop. One day as he’s going to get a cup of coffee he makes a deal with one of the baristas, Martin Blackwood, to switch job. What ever shall happen!
Fluff of Jon and Martin (at some point when I get time to write)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 982
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 8
- Hits:
- 50
The smell of sweet tea reminds me of you by mango_cheese99
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
25 Oct 2024
Tma coffee shop au!
Jonathan Sims works at a coffee shop with Tim Stoker and Sasha James, when he gets a new coworker, who can't go two seconds without getting on his nerves.
“Oh, and Jon,” Elias' fingers travel near the collar of Jon's shirt, under the loose knot of his tie, slightly pulling it toward him. Jon jerks back and promptly adjusts his tie, clumsily thanking the other man.
It's the first time he sees his boss flush in embarrassment and Tim is positively stunned.or
Tim suspects that something is going on with Jon and Elias and tries to get to the bottom of it.
“Sorry, stupid question.” Martin shook his head. “Obviously you’re not alright, I just meant—Elias, he’s—he’s a murderer! And he kept you in there with him alone and I—” He took a breath. “Nevermind. Come on, let’s get you patched up.”
Jon felt like he’d missed several steps in this conversation. “Patched up…”
“Your neck,” Martin said, like it was obvious. “I started keeping a first aid kit in the archives a while back. I, uh…” He looked down at his feet. “Well. I can help you. If you want.”
It's odd to have to sneak into his own flat, but necessary. Ever since his new “houseguests” arrived at his front step, still sporting hospital wristbands and babbling nonsense about an approaching apocalypse, he knew things couldn't be “normal” again.
Especially when one of those guests shared his face.
Jonathan Sims is shown what would have been his future, and it all comes as a bit of a shock. Some parts are more shocking than others.
- Part 1 of Maybe Someday
Jon doesn't realize his relationship with Elias isn't just professional.
Affairs afoot. by Rozeygirl
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast), The Magnus Protocol (Podcast)
08 Jun 2024
Ok, so this is just a for funs silly kind of shit post. We're at end of season 2 beginning of season 3.
In this AU, Gerry is alive working as an archival assistant, he worked under Gertrude, his mom signed him up without his consent. Elias is married to Peter but also has a side thing with Simon Fairchild for funds for the institute. Sasha and Tim were in a relationship before she was replaced, afterwards the relationship continued with Not!Sasha. Not!Sasha hasn't been caught, but Lightner is dead.
That leaves Jon, so Jon being his ace self has not noticed the level fraternization that has arisen within the archives, nor tension between personnel.
“So,” Sasha interrupted. “Boys, what do you think of our new boss?” She leaned back in her seat and kicked her feet up on Tim’s legs. Tim immediately set to work tying her shoelaces together.
“He’s got a major stick up his ass,” Tim said as he knotted Sasha’s boots together, “but hey, as long as he doesn’t make us do team-building exercises, I’m fine!”
Martin thought many things about the new Head Archivist, but he was reluctant to say any of them aloud. He stared into his tea, transfixed by the memory of Jon’s voice as he scolded Martin over using pencil instead of pen on official documents. The way Jon said his name…
“I desire him carnally.”- - -
Martin accidentally lets his coworkers know his honest feelings about their new boss.
(Part of my Season 1 Wingmen AU, where Tim and Sasha decide that it is their mission to get Jon and Martin together.)
- Part 1 of Wingmen
it’s raining but it’s warm here by TheLocalForestWizard
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
27 Mar 2024
The morning passed slowly, the rain picking up gently, a never-ending thrum in the background. For once, Jon hadn’t been swimming in statements he still hadn’t quite figured out how to properly file, so all the caseworks he had brought home with him had been finished the day before, leaving him a whole day to do something for himself, for once.
A rare day where Jon gets to rest — filled with books, chai, and some not-so-unwanted visitors.
Martin K Blackwood's Master Plan by cult_of_the_eye
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
04 Dec 2023
"Martin K Blackwood was on a mission. Spiteful had never exactly been the first word that came to mind when describing himself - most people had usually settled on Nice. But this quality of his was a closely guarded one, one that came in handy at times like this. At times where Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute was being a pompous arsehole."
So basically Martin flirts with Jon as a sport to see how far he can take it before he notices, inspired by that one post by murderandcoffee on tumblr. It started off as lighthearted but became a lot more hurt/comfort than I thought it was gonna be. Anyway for friendly workplace antics and nothing bad ever happening, this fic is for you!
In hindsight, knowing his boss was freshly turned was rather funny.
Imagining a stumbling, confused, freshly turned vampire barely keeping himself together scolding him of all people was hilarious. Not that Martin could blame the man, he hadn't taken to the news of his turning well either. Didn’t mean he had to be such a dick though.
Now with a second chapter!
Martin is, to put it mildly, very bad at hiding his lycanthropy. Luckily for him, Jon is even worse at picking up on obvious clues than Martin is about not leaving them in the first place.
Or, five times Jon failed to pick up on the fact that Martin’s a werewolf, and one time he was forced to.
Takes place over seasons 1-4, ending in the Scottish safehouse.
- Part 1 of Werewolf Martin AU, by the numbers
The Complex Mating Rituals of Two Out of Touch, Anxious Men by IvyCpher for joxisvibing
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
11 Sep 2023
Jon works at the Magnus Animal Sactuary as the leading aviculturist, he's in charge of the raptors. Martin is an art student at Tundra College who has to sketch animals for one of his classes. Jon just thinks that it's Martin's interest in his birds that has him visiting him and talking to him every time he visits the Sanctuary. Jon is too distracted by his own joy of having a new friend to infodump to and is too dense to realize that he has a crush; and Martin is too awkward to actually do any real flirting. How are these bird brains ever going to get together?
Martin hears an odd scratching sound.
So. This was just what it was, now. Hardly the first time in my life I’d faced challenges, gray morality, and a strange situation in which I wasn’t precisely trapped, but all my other options were worse than the one I was considering.
It was heavy. Too heavy.
“Take a moment,” said Spider Martin. “Looks like you need it.”
I eyed him. “Reading my thoughts?”
“No, your face. It’s quite expressive. Whatever you’re thinking about, it’s clearly a lot?”
I hated his blue eyes.
That wasn’t his fault. Something about him just made me remember how I had watched him die.
(Then is your Martin really your Martin?)
Yes. Shut up. I couldn’t… That was not a box we were opening this afternoon.
- Part 4 of The Magnus Monsterverse
Wolves in the South by aliitvodeson
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
01 Apr 2023
Lord Commander Jeor Mormont sends Jon Snow south, all the way south, instead of bringing him on the Great Ranging. The Watch needs more supplies and men than they have gotten, and Mormont changes Snow with visiting the great Houses of Westros to plead their case in person.
He is to start from as far South as there is, and work his way North.
And right away in Dorne, he will find another lone wolf.~~~
In an alternate universe where the timeline is whatever it needs to be, Oberyn got Sansa out of King's Landing, and Jon Snow is an honourable as his father.
An unheard supplemental from Jon's investigation in S2.
Written for the second prompt of TMA-tober, "Day 2: Supplemental".Series
- Part 2 of TMA Inktober 2022
Another Mug of Tea by InArduisFidelis for crescenttwins
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
04 Aug 2022
He has stood at this door many times in the past but it still doesn't get easier.