11 Works in Model Neil Josten
Listing Works
“Allison is pretty famous around the younger celebs,” Renee said when she saw Andrew’s eyes linger on the mass of people slowly filtering into the room.
“There’s a lot of people here; didn’t think it was this anticipated.” Andrew murmured, leaning closer into Renee’s side.
The woman hummed, her eyes straying from row to row. “It’s probably because Neil is gonna walk.”
Andrew had heard that name before. Neil Josten.
Neil is a supermodel at the height of his career, and Andrew is a famous actor from the Marvel franchise.
– Б'юся об заклад, цього року монстр знову прийде сам, - голос Ґордона хрипить, як звук блендера рано-вранці.
Аарон застигає поруч із братом, його плечі напружуються, перш ніж він розплющує очі. Хлопець обертається до Сета з насмішкою. За лічені секунди Міньярд перейшов від сну до повного пробудження, гнів кипить під поверхнею його шкіри, вода закипає.
– Парі прийнято, - каже Аарон, дивлячись на чистий аркуш паперу. Гнів застигає за його очима. Якби це все ще був коледж, він дозволив би гніву взяти гору, пустив би в хід кулаки. Та з віком хлопець зрозумів, що є речі, набагато жорстокіші, ніж насильство.
– П'ятсот баксів, - відказує Сет, в очах якого виблискують іскри веселощів. У нього обличчя людини, яка вважає, що вона вже перемогла.
– Тисяча, - підраховує Аарон. Ендрю непомітно вигинає брову, відчуваючи, як сміх підступає до горла.
Світ, у якому Ніл та Ендрю таємно одружені.
Summary: In a past life, Neil was a runaway staying under the radar of his father. But once his father was taken down for good, Neil started walking the runway and now his name is famous, specifically for being highly in demand while simultaneously having the worst fashion sense ever.
Enter Andrew Minyard.
“I bet the monster will come alone again this year,” he says, his voice scratchy like the sound of a blender in the early hours of the morning.
Aaron stiffens beside his brother, shoulders creeping up to his ears before he opens his eyes. He turns to Seth with a sneer. In seconds, Aaron had gone from asleep to fully awake, an anger simmering under the surface of his skin, water boiling over.
“I’ll take that bet,” Aaron says, face a blank slate, anger cooling behind his eyes. If this were still college, Aaron would’ve let anger take over, let fists fly. With age, Aaron had learned that there are crueler things than violence.
“Five hundred bucks,” Seth replies, eyes sparkling in amusement. He’s got the face of someone who thinks they’ve won.
“A thousand,” Aaron counters. Andrew’s eyebrow twitches up imperceptibly, a feeling like a laugh bubbling up his throat.
In which Neil and Andrew are secretly married.
“You still think this is a waste of time anyways, don’t you?” Kevin said, sounding tired.
Andrew sighed. “Oh, Kevin, I’m helping you, of course it’s a waste of time.”
1. (noun) a strong and barely containable emotion
2. The theme for the winter issue of the fashion magazine Andrew works for
3. Something that Andrew has carefully and systematically removed his lifeMaybe it’s Kevin’s annoying involvement in Andrew’s life, maybe it’s the expiration date on a lifetime supply of apathy, maybe it’s the scarred chest of the model Andrew has to work with. Andrew doesn’t want to think too much about the new feelings burrowing their way into his chest.
Neil shows up at Andrew's sketching class as the nude model, but Andrew's sketch doesn't turn out right. Later, he poses for Andrew again, privately this time.
- Part 2 of Yes and Yes and Yes
You're Looking At It by justadreamfox for makebelieveanything
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
04 Mar 2021
Kevin Day, one half of the world famous pop duo Nevermore, just wants to step out of Riko's shadow - and out from underneath him too. It takes a car crash to get free, but Andrew and Neil are there to pick up the pieces.
Sometimes it just takes a little drama to get back to the place you were supposed to be the whole time.
Andrew and Neil have a meet-hate. The enemies to roommates to lovers fic you need with a side dose of pining.
Neil is the face of Andrew's couture label, but some shit went down and now we're all just trying to sort it out, okay?
- Part 5 of AFTG Bingo 2020
"Even when I turn away I can't unsee it," Aaron continued, his back to the rest of them. "It's disgusting."
Neil follows Kevin's advice and agrees to be part of an ad campaign for Exy shoes. This ends up with Neil's face on an eight-hundred-foot-wide moving billboard, and he's not at all sure what to make of it. Neither is everyone else. Especially when Andrew notices everything.