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Nine years ago, Simon lured Artemy into performing an intimate rite that was meant to let them both plumb the secrets of the Living Earth. But the Earth was more powerful than even Simon expected, taking possession of Artemy's body and fusing itself with his soul.
By sending Artemy to the capital, Simon and Isidor gave him the chance to live something like an ordinary life. But now, an urgent letter from his father has called Artemy home, and the Earth is reaching out to reclaim its beloved vessel. With a fatal disease raging through his town and an inhuman, inexorable soul growing like roots through his own, Artemy may have to choose between living on as himself and saving the people he loves.
The Changeling stands and opens his eyes, wiping the dirt off of himself as best as he can. He’s standing in a graveyard, behind him a ruined grave, dirt upturned and dipped in where he dug himself out. Despite himself he smiles, he’s alive, he’s alive.
Finally the Haruspex sees the train. Still in the early dawn, there is a spotlight… but it is empty.
The Bachelor should have never come back to this cursed town.or
Changeling Daniil, Haruspex Clara, and Bachelor Artemy fight the Sand Pest for twelve days.
- Part 1 of Pathologic Roleswap
Artemy Burakh,
I hope this letter finds you well; or finds you at all, for that matter. Considering the circumstances of our last meeting, I did not have time to become familiar with the quality of your town’s postal system. Hopefully, it is looking better there these days.
I’m writing to you on a matter that I fear nobody else can assist me with. I have recently come down with a strange affliction, and have run out of possible explanations. Be assured, it is not the return of the Pest nor any of its derivatives, however, I fear you may regardless be the only one with insight into my present condition.
I am aware we have not always gotten along in the past, and I am to blame for a large sum of that animosity, so I pray now that you find it in your heart to offer me, at the least, your counsel. The train that I will take will arrive on the fifteenth of February. Should you decide to accept my plea, I would ask you kindly to meet me then.
Until then, Haruspex.
With Respect,
Daniil Dankovsky, Bachelor of Medicine.
Мор закончился. А что же с жизнью, что же с Танатикой, где же теперь цель? Вопросы, которые роились в голове Даниила Данковского, готовые проглотить его, как кит, фильтрующий толщу воды в поисках криля. Пора домой, вот только рад ли будет ему этот "дом"? Да и есть ли теперь у него дом в широком смысле? От тяжёлых раздумий его отвлекает Александр Блок, который так и так составит ему кампанию по дороге в Столицу и который вот уже несколько дней является для Бакалавром маяком, который не даёт потеряться в своём внутреннем мраке.
В Городе-на-Горхоне же жизнь идёт по-своему. Артемий Бурах, занявший место своего отца, старается привыкнуть к новой роли и к новым навалившимся обязанностям: заботе о двух сиротах, Спичке и Мишке, что ныне стали его детьми, обучении близкого друга Стаха Рубина мудрости менху, а также нужно было попытаться всё-таки поговорить со Стахом по душам, раз какое-никакое примирение у них состоялось. -
And Let No One Be Forgotten by crazykotyara
Fandoms: Мор. Утопия | Pathologic, Пикник на обочине - Братья Стругацкие | Roadside Picnic - Arkady & Boris Strugatsky
30 Nov 2024
Recruiting a stalker that came straight out of the Zone is a shitty job. And Dankovsky is used to shitty jobs.
Daniil Dankovsky arrives in the Town-on-Gorkhon with the intention of defeating death. After he meets his untimely end, he's offered a chance to do just that, time and time again. But the rules of the game have changed, and Death never plays fair.
Still, Daniil isn't one to give up without a fight. Even if it means dying a hundred times over in this cursed town.
He'll defeat the Sand Pest and Death once and for all, no matter how many attempts it takes, or what he has to sacrifice to achieve it.
When my silly little brain starts to make little scenarios c: don't expect from me too much just a little writing.
Daniil Dankovsky had a very shitty month. However, when he wakes up in another mans body, things take another turn.
Даниилу Данковскому не до письма Исидора и уж тем более не до богом забытого города — к нему обращается сам лидер Боевой организации эсеров с предложением о финансировании и покровительстве. Данковский отказать не смеет, и город, лишенный третьего спасителя, оказывается разбомблен. Однако даже уничтоженный Горхонск зовет его: спустя три года новоиспеченный эсер прибывает на руины города. Приказ — исследовать загадочную Третью Вспышку чумы, прозванной Снежной Язвой, и заложить фундамент для организации нового террористического отряда. Удивлению Данковского нет предела, когда в качестве лидера отряда он встречает не человека от партии, а… погорельца из города, степняка и знахаря Артемия Бураха.
Daniil Dankovsky still lives. His pulse and respiration rates are on the slow side, but they’re well within the normal range. This is a miracle: he coughed up several bundles of twyre and his own heart less than an hour ago, and now he breathes as calmly as any other sleeping man.
- Part 2 of a muscle the size of your fist
Written for kinktoner meme (Late, I know) Prompts: Days 19 (Held) 23 (Creampie) 30 (Dry humping).
Well, I need somewhere to organize all my fanarts for this wretched game (affectionate).
Might be some gore or nudity, you know how it goes. Might even draw some characters jorkin it silly style. Who knows.
I'll add tags as I go -
Даниил и Артемий уже некоторое время вместе, но всё меняется после [инцидента], когда отец Артемия, Исидор, по совместительству преподаватель микробиологии у Данковского, узнаёт о их отношениях. Возмущённый, он начинает заваливать Даниила на экзаменах, но тот настойчиво не сдаётся.
"“I've become quite close to someone in the half year I've lived in this town, and I wish to make my affections and intentions clear to them. How is this usually done? I must admit, I am a little out of my depth and I never quite paid attention to how others courted each other. I figured that I could try to read about it, but I believe that practical experience will be much more valuable here than theory.”
Daniil would consider himself a worldly and experienced man, but one thing he doesn't have experience with is all the intricate rituals that come with pursuing a man for more than a tumble in the sack. He asks for a trustworthy acquaintance's advice and starts devising a plan on how woo the object of his affections.
Daniil cleared his throat.
“The Powers That Be are the embodiment of order. There are always threads in the universe that dare to hang loose, and like a moth to a flame, they are always there to tug on them. The Powers That Be unravel everything simply to see what falls.”
“So what? The plague is... it's all gone.”
Daniil noted the slight tremor in Artemy’s voice. Artemy Burakh also lost many things in the chaos. He must also suffer from the nightmares. He must.
“They wanted me to die in the plague along with Aglaya and Block and yet, the more information they received from us, the more they urged us to cure the incurable. To preserve the town. Do you hear me? They will not leave a town of miracles alone. It may not be right away… but they will send someone.”
There's no choice but to build a new life and live with the consequences, and so they do. But the events of the plague left deep wounds with the pain and fear of loss ever looming.
Artemy Burakh is summoned home by his father, and Daniil Dankovsky’s heading to Gorkhonsk for Simon Kain’s funeral. So Artemy ends up stuck in a train car with his asshole, asshole, ex-boyfriend who dumped him for a fucking job. His jackass fucking ex-boyfriend who likes to point out that actually, Artemy dumped him, when Artemy had only been reading the writing on the fucking wall. The writing which, by the way, Daniil had pretended didn’t exist until a week before he left. The jerkass fucking ex-boyfriend who came back to Moscow within the year. Who said he’d been homesick. Who hadn’t called Artemy. Who’d let Artemy find out he was back just when Artemy was finally, finally, on a date with someone new, at the cafe he had liked before Daniil did, thank you very much, and which absolutely was not their place, no matter what Daniil had texted his date, which, by the way, totally proved that he was the one who couldn’t move on, not Artemy. Who never even visited Gorkhonsk when Artemy was his boyfriend for two whole years, but deigns to for fucking Grandpa Kain, who he doesn’t even fucking like. That ex-boyfriend.
- Part 1 of Strange Bedfellows
The After-Times by ArcadeEmporia
Fandoms: BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games), Мор. Утопия | Pathologic
24 Oct 2024
He gestures to the flowers cupped in Jack’s hands. “Here we have a plant which can do a great deal of good for the human body. However, in the mouth of a dog, or a cat, it’s fatal. The same agent in different hands can inflict twice as much pain as the good it intends — sort of paradoxical, don’t you think?”
The breeze is warm against his cheek.
”Reminds me of home,” says the Haruspex quietly, lips pursing with a faraway quality which is, like the sudden ache of the scars beneath Jack’s sweater, unfamiliar to neither man.
Or, “two men with similar traumas struggle to adapt to domestic life” set in the fictional town of Wenton, Nebraska. I just think they’d have a lot to talk about.
When trapped inside during a snowstorm, Clara, Sticky, and Murky build a pillow fort.
- Part 5 of The Paths of Logic
Day unknown, in which an opportunity arises for one Artemiy Burakh, and he decides to take it.
- Part 2 of Apoptosis and proliferation