1 Work in Lupita (Big City Greens)
Listing Works
“Y’know, despite the really horrific memories we’ve gained during this whole thing, I think there were a lot of good memories to come from it too. Plus, you learned somethin’ valuable.”
“Hm?” Cricket hummed as he lifted his chin off of Tilly's shoulder to look at her.
“You learned that your ideas are worthwhile and that we love you to the moon and back.”
“Huh, yeah. I guess I did learn somethin’,” Cricket smiled warmly.
The two looked at each other for a few seconds, taking in the conversation, but all of those meaningful words fell flat in an instant. Not because Cricket didn’t believe them, or because they didn’t mean something to him, but because the beautiful moment was interrupted by a cough.
A harsh one at that, coming from him.