12 Bookmarked Items in Luke Skywalker & Original Child Character(s)
List of Bookmarks
Let The Stars Fall Down On Us [ENG] by The_Consulting_Storyteller
Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV)
18 Jun 2023
- Words:
- 112,117
- Works:
- 5
- Bookmarks:
- 209
Bookmark Notes:
4'of 5
Bookmark Tags:
Through Heaven's Eyes by countryskywalker
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
25 Jun 2024
- Words:
- 13,778
- Works:
- 4
- Bookmarks:
- 10
Bookmark Tags:
They soon arrived in what Din couldn’t help but compare to an arena. A large empty space was surrounded by high tiers.
These tiers were full, occupied by beings dressed in black. Hundreds of beings dressed in black. From these beings rose a slow melody, their voices chanting gravely.
And at the end of this arena, like a wilted flower, a throne surrounded by stone arches. It was empty. But a large mechanical arm unfolded before landing in front of the throne, and the hooded figure it was carrying raised his arms in invitation.
“Long have I waited...”Series
- Part 5 of Let The Stars Fall Down On Us [ENG]
Bookmark Notes:
Good series, hope it continues.
Let The Stars Fall Down On Us [FRA] by The_Consulting_Storyteller
Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV)
18 Jun 2023
- Words:
- 118,024
- Works:
- 5
- Bookmarks:
- 5
Bookmark Tags:
Somehow Palpatine escaped prison seven years after the war ended and has set his sights on a new apprentice.
12 BBY
(Don't worry, unlike Rise of Skywalker, I actually explain how he escaped. The pun was just too good to pass up.)
- Part 4 of Through Heaven's Eyes
Bookmark Notes:
anakin luke 1 luke se fait kinnape par palpatine
JE VEUX LA SUITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The flutter of a butterfly's wing is enough to create a chain reaction powerful enough to change the course of fate. Two boys meet when they never did in any other Universe. Somehow it could be enough to save people that couldn't be saved before or maybe not.
Or : Luke Skywalker is a teen dad, it changes everything and nothing
- Part 1 of Chrysalis
"He knew he was irrational. He knew it. Fett was right. Luke would never have found him, even if he had wanted to. And Mando didn’t care if Luke was a Jedi. But he needed to be angry. He had lost his Tribe, he had lost his ship, he had lost his creed, and he had seen Luke return with the hope of being able to rebuild his life, before realizing that he had also lost six years of his son’s life. He had been stripped of everything he had, anger was all he had left."
- Part 4 of Let The Stars Fall Down On Us [ENG]
Bookmark Tags:
It's been a week since Luke left Tatooine, with a lighter heart and his head filled with unspeakable memories. Back on his quest for Jedi artifacts, feeling reassured about his status, everything predisposed him to believe that his affair with the bounty hunter was a thing of the past.
A thing of the past, certainly.
But not without consequences.Series
- Part 3 of Let The Stars Fall Down On Us [ENG]
SW: Change of Fate timeline by Reece_Morningsun_2003
Fandom: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Star Wars, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types
13 Dec 2024
During the battle of Scarif. Something happened which resulted in the fate of Jyn Erso changing becoming the only survivor of Rogue One. Following this she went on to meet Luke Skywalker and form a relationship with him and live through the events of the galactic civil war.
Because of this mysterious and unknown divergence. A new timeline has born.
- Words:
- 276,107
- Works:
- 6
- Bookmarks:
- 1
- Words:
- 5,479
- Works:
- 1
- Bookmarks:
- 1
"Il savait qu’il était irrationnel. Il le savait. Fett avait raison. Luke ne l’aurait jamais retrouvé, même s’il l’avait voulu. Et Mando se fichait bien que Luke fût un Jedi. Mais il avait besoin d’être en colère. Il avait perdu sa Tribu, il avait perdu son vaisseau, il avait perdu son crédo, et il avait vu revenir Luke avec l’espoir de pouvoir reconstruire sa vie, avant de se rendre compte qu’il avait également perdu six ans de la vie de son fils. Il n’avait plus rien, et la colère était tout ce qui lui restait."
- Part 4 of Let The Stars Fall Down On Us [FRA]
Voilà une semaine que Luke a quitté Tatooine après sa rencontre avec le mystérieux Mandalorien, le coeur léger et la tête remplie de souvenirs inavouables. Reparti dans sa quête des reliques Jedi, réconforté dans son statut, tout le prédisposait à croire que son aventure avec le chasseur de primes était une histoire sans lendemain.
Sans lendemain, certes.
Mais pas sans conséquences.Series
- Part 3 of Let The Stars Fall Down On Us [FRA]