4 Bookmarked Items in Leslie Chapman
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There's a new girl living in the town of Arkham, Massachusetts. There's something strange about this new girl that the citizens of Arkham find odd. Could it be her strange appearance? The fact she just randomly showed up one day? Or is it because she's being raised by two men?
_Herbert steals the dead body of an eleven year old girl to reanimate and raise her as his and Dan’s daughter. But they're not a couple. No, they're definitely just roommates. Just two men raising a child together.
Herbert just wants Dan to look at him.
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Holy shit man
A twist to the franchise. Meg survived the end of the first movie instead of Dan. She finds herself as Herbert West's assistant in his mad experiments - but how far will their complex love-hate relationship go in the midst of the process of re-animating the dead and into the realm of creating new life?
The Screaming of the Cats by PlagueDoctor31
Fandoms: Re-Animator (Movies), From Beyond (1986)
29 Oct 2020
Dr. Daniel Cain is a well-respected forensic pathologist in the Arkham PD, but when he's stumped by a murder where the victim had their brain removed through their eye socket, he turns to the only person he knows who could have any chance at solving it, and unfortunately for him this person is currently locked up in Arkham Penitentiary and has quite the sordid past with Dr. Cain...
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