14 Works in Lalasa Isran & Keladry of Mindelan
Listing Works
of hearts, sunflowers, and dates, or, 4 times Kel was oblivious to flirting and 1 time she reciprocated by sixofsnakes for aureliarose
Fandoms: Tortall - Tamora Pierce
16 Dec 2024
"She was flirting with you, dumbass," Neal says, visibly fighting off another round of laughter.
Kel stares at him.
"She was what?"
"Flirting," Neal repeats, "Do you need me to define it-"
"No," Kel interrupts, dropping her head into her hands, "No, I- oh, I feel so bad. I didn't even-" -
Five Times Kel Didn't Notice Someone Was Interested by cricketnationrise for aureliarose
Fandoms: Tortall - Tamora Pierce
24 Jun 2024
...And One Time She Did.
Kel spent most of her life thinking she wanted to join the police force, but the more she learns about what police actually do, the less sure she is that's her path. But that's the only path she's ever thought about, and she's always been so sure.
She just has to find a new dream to be just as sure about. Easy, right?
[podfic] Without Further Ado by Aliteralgarbageheap, Amanita_Fierce, blackglass, deepestbluesky, flamingwell_collabs, GoLBCollabs (GodOfLaundryBaskets), Jet_pods (Jetainia), kitartpods (kitsunerei88), kittona multivoice pods (kittona), LRRH_Collabs (LittleRedRobinHood), minnapods (minnabird), pandamug, Rambling_Company, read by (horchatapods), schittpodding (schittposting), semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona), vexbatch pods (vexbatch), with (Tipsy_Kitty), with irrationalpie (irrationalpie)
Fandoms: Tortall - Tamora Pierce, Game Changer (Web Series)
17 May 2024
Podfic of Without Further Ado by cricketnationrise. Author's original summary:
EPISODE NUMBER/TITLE: 1 / Can You Hear Me Now?
SHOW TITLE: Game Changer
LENGTH: 32m 28s (thirty-two minutes and twenty-eight seconds)
PROJECTED AIR DATE: September 4th, 2023
CAST: Keladry Mindelan, Merric Hollyrose, Owen Jesslaw, Neal Queenscove -
Without Further Ado by cricketnationrise for Vita_sine_fantasy_mors_est
Fandoms: Tortall - Tamora Pierce, Protector of the Small Quartet, Game Changer (Web Series)
11 Nov 2023
EPISODE NUMBER/TITLE: 1 / Can You Hear Me Now?
SHOW TITLE: Game Changer
LENGTH: 32m 28s (thirty-two minutes and twenty-eight seconds)
PROJECTED AIR DATE: September 4th, 2023
CAST: Keladry Mindelan, Merric Hollyrose, Owen Jesslaw, Neal Queenscove -
that we are not tragedies by Frances
Fandoms: PIERCE Tamora - Works, Tortall - Tamora Pierce
26 Jul 2021
It was only on his face for the barest instant but Lalasa still noticed. She had decades of experience of studying the expressions of men for even these slight changes, being struck or worse in the event she failed to notice that small shift, to be somewhere else in time.
He looked at Daine and his face melted into an expression of fond longing, then pain, then something glum and resigned. He turned his attention back to the lovely auburn-haired woman next to him, to all appearances animated and cheerful.Or: AU set during Page. Lalasa builds a life worth living and helps others do the same (without their permission).
Lalasa looks forward to welcoming a friend home.
Kel has a mystery suitor. It's definitely not Faleron though; Faleron just wants to get dinner with her.
to heed the voice of honor by dirgewithoutmusic
Fandoms: Tortall - Tamora Pierce, PIERCE Tamora - Works
21 Sep 2017
Kel sat and thought about it all through the long summer-- thought about joining the Riders when she turned sixteen, or going back to the Yamani Isles with her parents, or running away to become an unlawful bandit hunter. She drank tea with her mother and accepted her quiet sympathy. She wondered what was going to happen to Peachblossom. She did her morning glaive practice dances in the heady air of the tiny courtyard garden of her parents' townhouse, where the cook grew herbs and spices in big overflowing boxes.
Summer rolled on. She sat, and she thought, and she did not tell her thoughts to anyone. On the first day of what would have been her second year of page training, she woke before the sun and had a quiet breakfast with her father, and then she jogged up the big dusty hill to the palace.
When the pages trailed out to the practice yards with dubious enthusiasm, she was waiting just outside their ground. Her chin was high, her shoulders loose while her hands gripped her weighted staff.
"Probationer," Wyldon barked out her, when one of the boys went to fetch him. "Was I unclear in the spring?"
Kel stared him down, fingers white on her staff, and said, "I'm not a probationer anymore."
Philosophical Discussions by eymberfyire (gracefulfallen)
Fandoms: Tortall - Tamora Pierce
22 Feb 2017
A collection of ficlets about the relationship between Kel and Lalasa, written for Goldenlake's SMACKDOWN in 2010 and 2013. Other than the paring there is no theme or continuity to the works. They are mostly canon compliant, and have been loosely arranged in chronological order.
- Part 6 of Loose Threads
During a visit to Corus, Kel introduces Tobe to Lalasa. They both know the lady knight too well.
Just a quick one-shot because I have lots of feelings about both these relationships.
[Podfic] the things you carry by dirgewithoutmusic by trickywooesq
Fandoms: Protector of the Small - Tamora Pierce, Tortall - Tamora Pierce
18 Feb 2016
A podfic of dirgewithout music's work "the things you carry"
After Kel breaks orders and invades Scanra to rescue her Haven civilians in Lady Knight, she is found guilty of treason in wartime.
She escapes with the help of friends and does the only thing Kel could ever conceive of doing in that instance-- she keeps fighting Tortall's war.
This is Kel, however; she is always willing to fight her battles alone, but people will always rise up to fight alongside her.
(Drabble answer to a tumblr prompt)
the things you carry by dirgewithoutmusic for heartsinger
Fandoms: Protector of the Small - Tamora Pierce, Tortall - Tamora Pierce, PIERCE Tamora - Works
03 May 2015
After Kel breaks orders and invades Scanra to rescue her Haven civilians in Lady Knight, she is found guilty of treason in wartime.
She escapes with the help of friends and does the only thing Kel could ever conceive of doing in that instance-- she keeps fighting Tortall's war.
This is Kel, however; she is always willing to fight her battles alone, but people will always rise up to fight alongside her.
(Drabble answer to a tumblr prompt)
Conversations We Regret by Dawnfire321
Fandoms: Protector of the Small - Tamora Pierce, Tortall - Tamora Pierce, PIERCE Tamora - Works
21 Feb 2013
Before Lalasa went missing in Page, she and Tian had an argument.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 384
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 24
- Hits:
- 617