1 - 20 of 130 Works in Horimiya Eichi
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He's a simple guy, even if a Sub, from a simple peasant's family living in peace in the forest, surviving with the fieldwork, foraging as much as is allowed for them and helping the Dom crown princes hide from the assassins-
Wait. That last part was not the regular thing, but.
Oh well, maybe he'll get an interesting friend out of it?
(He gets much, much more)Series
- Part 1 of 12 days (before and) of Christmas
When the King decides that is it time for the Prince to find a partner, everyone in the kingdom is intrigued with excitement. Of the townsfolk, one Eichi Horimiya burdened by his step mother and sisters, works hard his entire life and just wants one night to enjoy himself. Through magic, mice, and love, Eichi might finally find everything's he's ever wished for.
Mamoru’s music and songs were treasures worth more than sunken gold and jewels. But lately, Mamoru hasn't been singing or writing songs as much as he used to. Ryota thought it was a temporary mood swing at first, but the more he watched Mamoru, he could see it was something deeper that affected Mamoru.
That is, until one day when Mamoru was out looking for trinkets for Ryota from sunken ships, Mamoru found a picture protected in a glass frame of something he had never seen before.
A year after living in a small town with his younger sister, Okui Tsubasa has always felt different from the other villagers in town. There was no life, love, or passion in many of their hearts, and when his sister decides to adventure to the outside world, Tsubasa is caught in a whirlwind of magic as he is forced to stay in a hidden castle. This unexpected stay with enchanted objects and a serious purple-haired haired beast may become the push he's been needing. In a music-less life, will Tsubasa and this beast find a spark that will reignite their passions for music and maybe more?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,255
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Hits:
- 5
Issei went to Hokkaido for work. After that, he decided to stroll around and remember something.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,798
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 6
- Hits:
- 16
Smoky Heart; side story. Origin!AU [Hajishun] [kakeru/iku/rui/koi] sebelum tumbuh dan bermekaran—ia memutuskan untuk membunuhnya, sebuah perasaan tanpa nama.
- Part 2 of Origin!AU Tsukino
Eichi hanya ingin menjalankan tugas dengan baik. Sementara Shu juga ingin menunjukkan dia ayah yang bisa diandalkan. Lalu Si Kembar? Kayaknya cuma butuh sosok ibu ...
"Boleh lihat surat-suratnya?" "Surat? Ah, kayak guru Bahasa Jepang aja nih masa bikin surat!" || "Kenapa tidak minta diantar Pak Yuduki itu?" "Gak muat bertiga, Mas!" || "Mas Polisi bawel banget kayak ibu-ibu. Jadi ibu kita aja apa ya?"
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Sebuah fanfiksi yang terinspirasi dari menfess di base @mlytfess- Language:
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Words:
- 2,010
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 16
Case files of Detective Mikan and Phantom Pakira by koihoshizora (daysdreamstar)
Fandoms: TsukiPro the Animation
13 Sep 2024
Mamoru joined in the conversation in hopes that he wouldn’t seem too suspicious, “Kai-san really saved me with his bento! I’m sorry for the late introduction, but I’m Fujimura Mamoru!”
“Yaegashi Kensuke!” Kensuke introduced himself to Mamoru. “I work as a detective here with Kai-san!”
- Part 2 of Phantom Thief and Detective AU
Hyakunen Aoharu no Nichijou by allencencia
Fandoms: TsukiPro the Animation, ツキウタ。 | Tsukiuta., VAZZROCK, X Lied Project | infinit0/TOBARI/pioniX
29 Jul 2024
Just a daily life of Tsukipro series Hyakunen Aoharu 🌸
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 433
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 54
Supernatural Investigation Agency (SQIA) by arrow_dynamic
Fandoms: TsukiPro the Animation, ツキウタ。 | Tsukiuta.
06 Jul 2024
Yokai live all around us. They hide themselves in nature, or are disguised as humans, so who can really tell that they’re there? Shiki’s fascination started at a very young age when the elders of Nagano would tell him and his brother stories of yokai, bad and good. This belief in yokai didn’t stop after childhood, it stayed with him as he went into university to pursue criminology.
Follow the members of Solids & Quell as they deal with supernatural crime within Tokyo!
Hoy Shu hace treinta años y su día comienza antes del amanecer atendiendo a sus bebés… Para su fortuna, no está solo en esta aventura llamada paternidad.
- Language:
- Español
- Words:
- 602
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 6
- Hits:
- 17
Sebuah cerita tentang seorang sopir angkot dan kesehariannya dengan anak-anak sekolah yang makin ada-ada saja.
Terinspirasi(?) dari Kau Bidadari Jatuh dari Angkot di Wattpad. Directionless tapi ya sudahlah.
- Part 1 of angkot
While Shu takes out his roommate's dog out on a walk, he meets someone, without knowing how special he would be.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,446
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 4
- Hits:
- 20
Stealing a Detective Boy's Treasure by koihoshizora (daysdreamstar)
Fandoms: TsukiPro the Animation
26 Apr 2024
“Are you ready to wrap up, Phantom Pakira? They should buy the story I gave Kai-san that you escaped from the roof,” Kensuke figured out.
“Mm! Let me leave my message card that I’ve taken the jewel. We don’t want to be late for dinner after all, Detective Mikan!” Mamoru said.
- Part 3 of Phantom Thief and Detective AU
Kumpulan kisah keseharian seorang Horizumi Seiru (OC) sebagai siswi di Akademi Tsukino, anggota Klub Penyiaran dan Klub Sastra, anak asuh ketiga Izumi Shu-sensei, dan ... kekasih rahasia Yayoi Haru-sensei?
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Cerita ditulis tidak secara kronologis, setiap chapter bisa dibaca secara terpisah.- Language:
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Words:
- 21,166
- Chapters:
- 17/?
- Hits:
- 22
Shu se dedica a elogiar y a admirar la sonrisa de su novio Eichi.
Shu es solo un meloso.
Eichi sedang liburan di Jakarta, Indonesia, memesan kendaraan online untuk berpergian. Shu sudah lama tinggal di Jakarta, mengisi waktu luang di sela-sela aktivitas kuliahnya sebagai pengemudi kendaraan online.
"Enggak usah bayar, Mas." || "Anak saya jomblo. Mau, enggak?" || "Boleh minta kontak LINE-nya?"
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Sebuah fanfiksi yang terinspirasi dari pengalaman netizen Indonesia yang mendapat supir kendaraan online yang tak terduga.- Language:
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Words:
- 837
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 3
- Hits:
- 16
Shu dan Eichi terlibat proyek pemotretran untuk kegiatan amal. Mereka berpasangan dengan bayi kembar dari panti asuhan yang memakai kostum panda untuk mempromosikan koleksi kostum hewan untuk anak milik sponsor. Kemudian mereka jatuh hati dengan bayi kembar itu dan memutuskan untuk mengadopsi keduanya.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Setiap chapter bisa dibaca secara terpisah sebagai drabble yang berdiri sendiri.
Status: Update jika dapat ide -
Saat berusia 16 tahun, Izumi Shu mendapatkan mimpi yang terasa asing baginya. Dan kini, usianya 25 tahun. Selama 9 tahun mimpi tersebut selalu hadir dalam tidurnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, perasaan yang semula asing berubah menjadi sesuatu yang begitu hangat dan terasa dekat.
Sementara itu, dalam suatu lamunan di musim panas saat umurnya 16 tahun, Horimiya Eichi melihat dua sosok anak lelaki yang terlihat begitu mirip satu sama lain. Sejak hari itu, dua sosok yang selalu bergandengan tangan sambil berbicara tentang janji-janji selalu menghantui lamunannya hingga ia kini berumur 25 tahun.
Di waktu yang lain, Kuga Issei dan Ichiru, sepasang anak kembar yang dibesarkan di sebuah panti asuhan hanya memiliki satu sama lain sebagai harta yang paling berharga. Sampai akhirnya, sebuah bencana menghantam Jepang dan merenggut segalanya ketika keduanya menginjak usia 16 tahun.
If Home is Where the Heart is, Then Our Home is You by shueis
Fandoms: TsukiPro the Animation
30 Dec 2023
QUELL reminisce their first Christmas together and Eichi realises the impact he's had on everyone's lives thus far.
Written as part of the Tsukipro Secret Santa 2023 event!!