12 Works in Hippomenes | Melanion (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Listing Works
The Greek myths are something that everyone should be able to learn about. This Book should be able to Help readers get a rough feel for how Greek myths typically go.
- Part 1 of Will I Ever Finish These? Who Knows
The first time Atalanta met Hippomenes was during her hunt for the Calydonian Boar. The second time she saw him was many, many years later when he appeared as a suitor for her hand in marriage.
Short Form Dreaming in Greek by Last_Haven
Fandoms: Greek and Roman Mythology, Hadestown - Mitchell
17 Feb 2024
Several responses collected here from the Three Sentence Ficathon on Dreamwidth. Chapter 3, 9, 21, 34-Hades/Persephone, 2, 12, 14, 22, 36-Eros/Psyche, 4-Persephone Demeter, 5-Ares/Aphrodite, 6-Artemis/Orion, 7-The Fall of Troy, 8-Dionysus Persephone, 10-Dionysus/Ariadne, 11, 29-Atalanta/Hippomenes, 13-Athena/Pallas, 15-Leto Leucippus, 16-Apollo/Hycanithus, 17-Penelope/Odysseus, 18-Hera Callisto, 19-Anti Zeus/Hera, 20-Hedone Psyche/Eros, 23-Hermes (Hadestown), 24-Various Underworld citizens (Hadestown), 1, 25-Anti Hades/Persephone, 26-Daphne Apollo, 27-The Muses, 28-Helen of Troy, 30-Anti Eros/Psyche, 31-Apollo-->Persephone Artemis, 32-Psyche, 33-Ariadne Phaedra, 35-Hephaestus Pandora
- Part 1 of 3 Sentence Ficathon
- Part 1 of lilin的神话合集
sport of the chase by osamugiris
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
24 Mar 2023
“Getting slower, my Lady?”
The goddess herself, the Lady Artemis, laughed along as she ran after her friend. “Nonsense, dear Atalanta! You are simply too swift to keep pace with!”
in the time leading up to thalia's final stand on half-blood hill, she dreamed of a life that was not her own. a hero so scarcely spoken of in the stories, but felt so familiar to thalia despite knowing close to nothing of her.
she dreamed of the huntress atalanta.
- Part 1 of in another life
Invincible Atalanta; Or, How Hippomenes Stood Tall by DeltaRyan
Fandoms: Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
19 Aug 2022
The heroine Atalanta befriends a prince, whose strength resides not in his body, but his character. The two race, and the myth remains eternal.
Atalanta is a princess - but when her father leaves her out on a mountainside as a baby to die, some friendly gay shepherds take her in and so kick starts an adventure... She slays the Calydonian Boar, sails with the Argonauts, and finally falls in love with a quiet young man who might actually understand that you have to respect women...
Written as a short play.
Also, Aphrodite is a drag queen. Because why wouldn't Aphrodite be a drag queen?
Краткие формы грез о Греции by essilt, WTF History Porn 2022 (fandom_History_P_2020)
Fandoms: Greek and Roman Mythology, Hadestown - Mitchell, Historical RPF
29 Jan 2022
Коллекция виньеток по заявкам на Three Sentence Ficathon on Dreamwidth. Главы 1, 3, 9, 21 — Аид/Персефона, 2, 12, 14, 22 — Эрот/Психея, 4 — Персефона и Деметра, 5 — Арес/Афродита, 6 — Артемида/Орион, 7 — Падение Трои, 8 — Дионис и Персефона, 10 — Дионис/Ариадна, 11, 29 — Аталанта/Гиппомен, 13 — Афина/Паллада, 15 — Лето и Левкипп, 16 — Аполлон/Гиацинт, 17 — Пенелопа/Одиссей, 18 — Гера и Каллисто, 19 — анти-Зевс/Гера, 20 — Гедона и Эрот/Психея, 23 — Гермес (Царство мертвых), 24 — разные жители подземного мира (Царство мертвых), 25 — анти-Аид/Персефона, 26 — Дафна и Аполлон, 27 — Музы, 28 — Елена Троянская
Atalanta, her thoughts on the gods, and what happened after the worst decision of her life that Aphrodite made for her.
The Myrmidon Cycle by lnhammer
Fandoms: Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Metamorphoses - Ovid
29 Oct 2020
The plague came out of nowhere. No one knew
What god or goddess sent it, and the signs,
When not ambiguous, were all too few:
The oak leaves still, the livers whole and fine,
From left and right the birds flew in straight lines,
And worst of all, the tea leaves all refused
To form a pattern readers could have used.Or, because the mythographers were mistaken about certain fundamental facts of the natural history of ants, such as that workers and soldiers are female, they got several stories completely wrong.
- Part 1 of Greek Myth Sex Farces
Dying was an odd sensation, he realized as he stared up into starry blue eyes. Sometimes it was painful, stealing the breath from his lungs forcefully, dragging each moment out in utter agony. Sometimes it was warm and soothing, like sinking into a warm bath, surrounded by a feeling of love he never wanted to end.
- Part 5 of My Miraculous One Shots and Shorts
The Apples by roaming_aster
Fandoms: Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Metamorphoses - Ovid
08 Feb 2020
Atalanta races, and loses, and leaves.