9 Works in Herb Ertlinger
Listing Works
It’s Friday, for fuck’s sake. David did not have ‘death’ on the agenda for today.
But here he is, on a bus, attempting to steer this twin-axle six-wheeler despite lacking a valid regular license, let alone a commercial one, because to add insult to severe injury, the driver’s been fucking shot and if the speedometer drops below 80 kilometers per hour, said bus will explode.
Because some idiot decided to go ahead and put a bomb on it.
Or, the Speed AU that at least one of you asked for.
While a larger team worked across the state, country, and globe to gather up the ring of thieves and murderers that threatened the family, it was his job to lead the boots on the ground.
He would hunker down.
Blend in.
Because that’s what they did in this branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
At all costs.And Special Agent Patrick Brewer always his did his job well.
The Ver-Ray Best of Ray of Sunshine by AlexisSomethingRose (Whovian906), Amanita_Fierce, Cosbrarian, cottagepodfics, doingthemost, eafay70, Five678Patty, GoLBCollabs (GodOfLaundryBaskets), hullomoon, hullosweetpea, Januarium, JanuariumPods (Januarium), JocundaSykesEncore, kiranerys42, KiwianaPods (kiwiana), lilythesilly, Lisamc21, Little_Black_Bow, MayoToffees (Ceewelsh), midnightstreet, Mo_on_raccoon (yue_ix), petrodobreva, reginahalliwell, RhetoricalQuestions, roguebaby, schittpodding (schittposting), schittposting, sonlali, sunlightsymphony, TheLordOfLaMancha, thetomkatwholived, treepyful (treeperson), wi22iou, with (olive2read), yourbuttervoicedbeau (kiwiana)
Fandoms: Schitt's Creek
12 Jun 2021
In this ver-Ray special episode of Ray of Sunshine, Ray looks back at some of his most popular interviews and segments, with full transcripts!
Features interviews with local business owners, investigRAYtive journalism and a very special performance by the Jazzagals.
Today's episode is brought to you by: Jake's Woodworking, Herb Ertlinger Fruit Wines, Mr. Hockley's Tea, The House Barn, and many more!
David and Patrick are at a small business convention together. David tries a wine that’s amazing, but turns out to be from Herb Ertlingers winery. He has to make a decision about whether to start selling Herb Ertlingers win in Rose Apothecary or not.
When Patrick decides to run for town council, David does too much to make sure he wins. Featuring Ronnie, cows, and terrible wine.
Schitt's Creek Flufftoberfest 2020 Podbook by Amanita_Fierce, carboncopies, DelilahMcMuffin, eafay70, Elswherefumbling, GoLBCollabs (GodOfLaundryBaskets), hullomoon, Jet_pods (Jetainia), petrodobreva, read by (bluedreaming), RevolutionaryJo, RhetoricalQuestions, sunlightsymphony
Fandoms: Schitt's Creek
03 Nov 2020
A compilation of podfics published to the collection "Schitt's Creek Flufftoberfest: Fall Into A Pod of Fluff."
Collecting David and Mrs. Rose from the Ertlinger Winery was as entertaining as Patrick had been expecting. If nothing else, the unbridled joy that had washed over David’s face when he’d walked into the tasting room would have been enough. Though, it was immediately very clear that David and Mrs. Rose had consumed enough wine for an entire party, between the table covered in wine glasses, the box of empties and the smell that wafted off of David.
Deleted Scenes from Johnny and Patrick going to collect their bold designated grapes.
[Podfic of "In the Fading Golden Light," written by DoubleL27]
Collecting David and Mrs. Rose from the Ertlinger Winery was as entertaining as Patrick had been expecting. If nothing else, the unbridled joy that had washed over David’s face when he’d walked into the tasting room would have been enough. Though, it was immediately very clear that David and Mrs. Rose had consumed enough wine for an entire party, between the table covered in wine glasses, the box of empties and the smell that wafted off of David.
Deleted Scenes from Johnny and Patrick going to collect their bold designated grapes.
When their wedding venue burns to the ground, only the people of Schitt’s Creek can help Patrick save the day.