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For Those We Can Yet Save - Book II: Heavensward by CharlemagneXVII
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XIV
27 Nov 2024
The Warrior of Light has suffered greatly at the hands of betrayal. Now, his journey takes him north to Ishgard, his eyes ever fixed heavensward to what a new dawn may bring.
Welcome! This is Book II based in Heavensward. If you're curious about how the story started, including changes to the MSQ, please consider reading the fully completed Book I! Just as before, this will include both familiar and unique scenes and is not meant to be 1:1 with the game. It's meant to be a more seamless experience with an evolving cast of characters, consistencies, tie-ins, and references that weren't accounted for early in the game's development, but we'll see how I do! This is not me “fixing” or “improving” anything. It’s just my reinterpretation and rewrite.
More than anything, this is practice for me, so please feel free to leave any feedback you have or thoughts along the way. It really does help! The prologue and epilogue will be written differently than the rest of the fic and each chapter has pictures done in gpose. Appendicies will also be added, though mostly after the main story is done.
- Part 2 of For Those We Can Yet Save
Ser Zephirin and the Heavens' Ward have a conversation with Ser Aymeric...
This story is not about a warrior of light. It is not about heroic deeds and saving the world.
It is a look at life in Ishgard through the eyes of a youth trying to make sense of the world, to pass the test and not to perish in the snows of Coerthas. A view from the side of someone who everyone looks at with utter contempt. But is he as simple as he seems at first glance?
Let's look a year and a half before the events of Heavensward, before the warrior of light arrives in Ishgard.Series
- Part 1 of Ashborn
"The metal collar is heavy, forcing him to hang his head when he becomes too weak to resist the pull of gravity.
How long has it been since the initial questioning? It had been sunrise in that cold room within the Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine. He remembers the feeble pink sunbeams that fell upon the dull glint of the tarnished manacles built into the stone table.
He must have lost track of time after the first branding."
An alternate version of Aymeric's imprisonment in the Vault where he is not rescued right away, incorporating elements from the Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate.
Ishgard ran on blood.
The centuries of turmoil against the dragons may have sent the jewelled city’s streets running with the blood of man and dragon alike, but even as it dripped from Ishgard’s stones and steel spires, blood ran all the more thickly through its veins.
Thus, when the call for service came, even in the midst of the season’s violent turn towards sudden storms, there was only one answer to give.
While the Saints are Away Prompt Two: Forbidden
- Part 2 of divinity's creatures;
For FFXIVwrites 2024.
Focused on a specific Warrior of Light, an Ishgardian Auri woman. Set in an AU where 7 of the Heavens' Ward survive (and the rest come back later). Her timeline is ARR -> StB -> HW -> ShB -> EW -> DT.
EDIT: Rating, warnings, and tags are showing the most egregious stuff in here. Chapter summaries list the specific chapter's rating and content warnings.
A collection of writing exercises/character studies featuring the Heavens' Ward and their first (or close enough to first) impressions of my Auri Ishgardian Warrior of Light, Odeline.
EDIT: The rating jumped up solely because of Charibert.
They shouldn’t be where they’re standing, is all. It should be a straight shot to the airship — has always been a straight shot, in every dream, every nightmare she’s ever had of this place. She’s played through this moment in her mind more times than she can count, willingly or otherwise, to have it wrong now. Grinnaux with his hands on the wheel of the airship, Adelphel already on board, Charibert ushering their Archbishop along.
None of them should be as they are now — already all metal, their weapons drawn, staring her down from across the landing.
The Warrior of Light doesn't dream. Instead, she fights — again, and again, until she gets it right.
- Part 8 of of vice and virtue.
What if there wasn't only one warrior of light? What if the burden found itself thrust upon the shoulders of two orphans, travelling different paths? Dark secrets hidden in the depths of their memories, come to the surface to haunt them. Follow the journey between the events of A realm reborn, to Heavensward and beyond.
‘Tis the fate of all dragons to shed one form for another.
A reimagining of the Dragonsong War, an AU in which there is no Warrior of Light, and the race known as Au Ra are instead an unusual manifestation of dragonkin. Told from four perspectives, this tale of loss, fire, and faith follows two well-loved Elezen and two dragons of the First Brood as their paths overlap in a quest to end the Dragonsong War.
Aymeric seeks to protect Ishgard from the Dravanian horde, and to that end, he finds himself allied with the creature currently protecting Ishgard from destruction – the Beast, the twisted form of the great wyrm Nidhogg and the last Azure Dragoon. As they work through their tempestuous partnership, they find the secret to ending the Dragonsong War – and to opening their hearts.
A retelling of Beauty and the Beast set during a reimagined Dragonsong War.
Written for the Fantastic Fauxlore Mini Bang
Amazing art by the wonderful @stardustinjune -
Alphinaud and Tataru are brought before the Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine, on trial for consorting with heretics. Hikari Sakamoto, Warrior of Light and second Azure Dragoon attempting to keep that latter fact under wraps, decides that sometimes, you just have to show someone how big of a mistake they've made.
In other words, do you ever think about the religious and political power move of showing up to the Tribunal as the Azure Dragoon?
I wrote this back for FFXIV Writes 2022, but decided to clean it up and post it so I have it archived somewhere.
Iriya finds herself invited to the annual Grand Ball of the four High Houses…
- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 4,404
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Hits:
- 103
- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 1,810
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Hits:
- 65
- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 3,833
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 4
- Hits:
- 147
Their names blackened with royal blood, Celaena and the remaining Scions are finally afforded refuge into war-torn Ishgard. Wishing to repay the kindness of those that granted them asylum, the warrior and her friends volunteer to help in whatever capacity they can. Their deeds would set in motion great change, though none knew then how great...
This is the sequel to Strength in Unity. While not required, I highly recommend reading that one first to give you some context on Celaena and Aymeric's relationship so far.
Estinien hates not knowing, Alphinaud wants to know oh so very much and Zenos, well, he knows very well to keep his mouth shut. And the one that binds those three, well…
谁还没妄想过泡一泡苍穹男团呢?但这真的很离谱。不建议需要更多避雷预警的读者阅读。- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 10,964
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 7
- Hits:
- 321