7 Works in Germany & Poland (Hetalia)
Listing Works
Z każdą kolejną porażką Feliks utwierdza się w przekonaniu, że matczyne życzenie pomyślności, zaklęte w jego imieniu, działa całkiem na odwrót. Gdy wszystko idzie źle, mężczyzna powraca do rodzinnego miasteczka, chcąc odzyskać spokój ducha. Zamiast niego znajduje wystraszonego chłopca kochającego latawce, jego starszego brata o dość trudnym charakterze i niepokojące plakaty na niedawno odbudowanych kamienicach... Human AU.
Ludwig i Feliks, dwoje superbohaterów bierze udział w gali charytatywnej pełnej nadętych bogaczy jako ochroniarze. Ludwig jest przygnębiony i chciałby być wszędzie tylko nie tam, podczas gdy Feliks wydaje się zanurzony w charyzmatycznym, ale bezczelnym flirtowaniu z towarzyszem. Nagły alarm i podejrzenie ataku na wydarzenie powodują, że obaj superbohaterowie szybko działają, konfrontując się z Minotaurem a następnie z uczuciami do siebie nawzajem.
Pary: GERPOL- Language:
- Polski
- Words:
- 4,962
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 3
- Hits:
- 128
Feliks receives a lot of letters. Prominently from a person named Mother.
A first language says a lot about what type of person someone may be and there are feelings that come with knowing someone else's language, especially when you're a Nation.
Also known as, Nations know a lot of languages for various reasons and they often have emotions about it; they're not always positive.
- Part 3 of About Poland, In Relation To Others
It's the first World Meeting Poland gets to host and everyone's in Warsaw, except Germany isn't quite paying attention. Poland wants to find out why, in any way that doesn't involve him actually asking.
Also known as, swords are cool, Germany's relatively young, Poland considers murder, and neither of them knows how to actually talk.
- Part 2 of About Poland, In Relation To Others
Poland doesn't quite know how he feels about the four nations that have hurt him so much. Or, well, he does, but only the five of them can understand.
Also known as, personified nations' relationships are complicated. How do you deal with living next door to your murderers?
- Part 1 of About Poland, In Relation To Others
AU. When Toris learns something new about Feliks, it somehow ends up with Toris becoming Feliks’ personal pincushion. When modeling gets to be a little much, Toris always escapes onto his balcony, but unfortunately catches the eye of a man who seems bound and determined to woo this ‘lady’. Toris resists, and well. But Gilbert has a very powerful secret weapon : his adorable little brother. The problem with children though is that they are so easily led astray. PruLiet