1 - 20 of 25 Works in Female Mello | Mihael Keehl
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On the night of 12/13, Molly comes back to her apartment super tired, she has worked all day, everyone forgot about her birthday and she hasn't even had time to talk to her girlfriend, with whom she lives, due to how early in the morning she had to leave, BUT HER DAY IS ABOUT TO GET BETTER
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 390
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 10
Near is unfortunate enough to have a menstrual cycle, but Mello is there to take care of her.
- Part 3 of Death Note Kinktober 2024
Kinktober day two
Prompts: Subspace/punishment/voice kink"I miss you."
"You do?" asked Near.
"Fuck off," snapped Mello. "Get on a plane."
"It's the middle of the night," said Near.
"So? Airports don't close."
Five years after the end of their relationship, Matt visits Mello in Minneapolis and meets her not-so-new girlfriend, whose face is a lot more familiar than he’d been expecting.
Mello still remembers the time when the collar in Near’s shirt had been twisted, and, without thinking, she reached to fix it, her fingertips grazing the warm skin of her neck. Mello had felt Near’s eyes on her the whole day, and her own hand burned until the next.
But Near's hair is something out of her reach; there’s almost no excuse for her to touch it, and the request is weird itself. Her pride works as a break, a halt in her intent of embarrassing herself by even asking in the first place. Because Mello knows very well that if she ever starts, she may never stop.
Sometimes, she really doesn’t trust herself. But Near does.
Maybe Mello isn’t the stupid one out of the two.
[the one where Mello's body is made out of nothing but a sadistic brain and a masochist heart]
The sting of alcohol is sharp on Mello’s split lip, but she suppresses the wince that threatens to surface. It’s bad enough that she lost her shit in front of Near; like hell she’ll let Near see her look weak, too.
Mello is demonstrably capable of killing, and has perhaps more reason to want Near dead than anyone else on the face of the earth. They were once rivals, and Near knows a fragment of that resentment lingers even now. She is also likely the only person who could successfully bring Mello to justice, so her very existence is a threat to Mello’s, in a sense. If that weren’t enough, there is the fact that Mello could make a fortune, too, were she to kill Near. There are no shortage of people who would pay a handsome sum to see L’s head on a platter.
And it would be so simple for her to do it, so easy. She’s had countless opportunities— the two of them alone, Near in all kinds of vulnerable positions, any number of potentially deadly weapons within reach— but she’s never taken one. Despite having every possible motive and every possible chance, Mello has not killed her. On more than one occasion, she’s even protected Near.
This is how she knows Mello loves her in her way, even if she has not said it aloud. Even if it isn’t enough to make her stay.
Mello and Near through the years, in love and in agony.
"She's going by Evelyn Bishop," said Rester, placing a folder down in front of Near.
She opened it up to examine it. A photo of Mello, a Californian ID, a fake birth certificate.
A deed to a large sum of property.
- Part 2 of Leviticus
Near walked slowly across the floor, being led along by Linda. SPK students typically weren't welcomed very warmly at St. Dismas parties, so they covered their faces with masquerade masks from Linda's closet. Invisible amongst the crowd, Near was able to spot Mello from a safe distance.
She wore a tight, sleeveless red bodysuit with matching gloves and a horned headband. Of course she was a devil, they could never be on the same side. Always opposing, always rivals, always forbidden. -
When Near was thirteen, or perhaps even younger, she had (for the most part) broken out of the programming that Wammy's had worked to instill in their pupils from a young age. The Bible was strict and contradictory, it meant little to her besides the constant pressure and fear mongering.
Mello, on the other hand, was as devout as one could be. It was ironic, honestly. Near would be the model Christian if she was a believer. Mello, on the other hand, could practically be the poster child of sin.
- Part 1 of Leviticus
“What are you wearing?”
Near’s brow furrows in confusion. “What I always have worn.”
“Mm. It’s summer, so— linen, right?”
She wonders, then, if Mello asked the question to prompt Near to ask the same in return. Sometimes people do that. This is something she has learned since Mello left.
“What are you wearing?” Near asks politely.
“I am wearing,” Mello says, breathy, “black lace. It’s this— this fucking expensive set, you know— nice lingerie. I look good in it.”
The description is extremely vague. Near does not know what nice lingerie looks like— she wears the same kind of cotton boyshort underwear every single day and a soft, thin bra. She also does not, honestly, know what Mello’s aim is in telling her this. It seems unlikely that she would call for the first time in five years to gloat about her finery, so there must be some kind of purpose to it, she just—
“I’m touching myself,” Mello announces.
Near drops the phone.
- Part 1 of unforeseen circumstances
Mello wants to torment Near, as she has been making her go insane, inavding her senses and mind, so she finds her thinking of her in the library at exactly midnight.
wedding doves & leather gloves by neallo for twinknote
Fandoms: Death Note (Anime & Manga)
17 Oct 2023
“Don’t tell me,” Near says, derisive tone tainted by her words wavering. “You want to hear that I’m yours.”
Exquisite pain blossoms across her scalp as Mello yanks on her hair.
“Don’t be a fucking brat,” Mello hisses. “Answer me. What are you, Near?”
“I’m a detective,” she replies flatly. “Just like you are.”
Mello cannot get Near out of her mind to the point where it making her go mad and spills into her dreams and 'safe' subconscious.
The solutions to this problem, according to her, is to taunt and tease Near—however, it is always what she does, and it proves to be more than futile as it ends up worsening the problem.
Once she reaches the first floor and steps out of the elevator, Near hears a voice floating down the hall. It’s a woman’s voice, so it must be Lidner, but the pitch of it and the cadence of speech seems painfully similar to the way Mello talked, even without being able to hear the actual words. The closer she gets, the more it sounds like her dead lover, and Near curses how cruel her mind’s tricks are. She has to grit her teeth and breathe in deep to get herself to push through the door into the main office, feeling almost nauseous with grief again already.
A blonde woman in a red winter jacket stands with her back to Near, but she turns when the toy in Near’s hand clatters to the ground.
Mello’s eyes are tired, underlined by dark circles, but she grins. “Hey, Near.”
- Part 2 of together (always)
It’s the fourth of July.
Or, rather, it’s still the fourth of July in the United States, which is where they live, but they’re in Madrid at the moment, so technically where they are it’s the fifth. It’s not hard math to figure out what time it is back home— it’s a little before six in the morning here, so it’ll be a little before midnight in New York. Somewhere on the West Coast or in the Rocky Mountains, though, there are fireworks going off.
That’s what Near is thinking when Mello kisses her for the first time.
- Part 2 of you got your eyes from the stars
The game which Mello had made and sometimes plays with Near in her bedroom—in order to one day successfully top and dominate her has finally rewarded Mello with its wonderfull, juicy fruits, or so, she thinks, when it takes place in Near's churchy and solemnly quiet bedroom; is the discovery of discretely hidden secrets, feelings, and emotions not enough to stop Mello on her hunt for dominance over her impassive rival?
Has Mello's fervour for her rival driven her kind of mad?
Two thirds of this work was inspired by a fever dream I had some weeks ago, so it might look a bit insane and unhinged, but it's gentle.
what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more by neallo
Fandoms: Death Note (Anime & Manga)
01 Feb 2023
“Poor Near,” Mello says, stepping closer and pulling Near’s head back further, tilting her face up as Mello cages her against the wall. “How long have you liked me?”
Near’s heart is kicking against her ribcage so hard it almost hurts, and her ears are burning with embarrassment. She squeezes her eyes shut, unable to hold the blonde’s gaze. “Mello, I...” she tries to speak, hoarse.
“Has it been months?” Mello asks, her voice getting closer as Near feels her lean down. She braves a glimpse through her lashes and watches as Mello bends her head to brush her cheek against Near’s, putting her lips next to Near’s ear. “Years, maybe?” The older girl teases.
Near finds it in herself to squeak out a “yes,” and almost jumps at Mello’s sharp intake of breath.
“Years,” Mello marvels.
Near has a nightmare on the flight back to New York after the end of the Kira case; Mello, still tipsy off of the red wine they served in first class, is unexpectedly tender.
- Part 1 of you got your eyes from the stars
There's only one girl that Matt understands, and even then, he's still pretty much in the dark. One thing he does understand is that Mello's cramps are a bitch, and she needs some help.
What are friends for?