2 Bookmarked Items in Eva/Owen (Total Drama)
List of Bookmarks
Total Mega Mix: The Black Keys, KT Tunstall, T. Rex & More by Wrenched56
Fandoms: Total Drama (Cartoon)
04 Jul 2024
- No Archive Warnings Apply
- Cody Anderson/Sadie
- Beth/Bridgette (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Ezekiel
- Eva/Owen (Total Drama)
- Heather/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Trent (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Heather (Total Drama)
- Beth/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Owen/Trent (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Duncan (Total Drama)
- Beth/Eva (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Alejandro Burromuerto
- Duncan/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Owen (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Heather
- Eva/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Trent
- Cody Anderson
- Sadie (Total Drama)
- Beth (Total Drama)
- Bridgette (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto
- Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- Eva (Total Drama)
- Owen (Total Drama)
- Heather (Total Drama)
- Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Duncan (Total Drama)
- Trent (Total Drama)
- Drabble Collection
- Shuffle Challenge
- iPod Meme
- Inspired by Music
- Song: Hell of a Season (The Black Keys)
- Song: Miniature Disasters (KT Tunstall)
- Song: Mystic Lady (T. Rex)
- Song: Fidelity (Regina Spektor)
- Song: The Prawn Song (Superorganism)
- Song: On the Radio (Regina Spektor)
- Song: Hermit the Frog (Marina & the Diamonds)
- Song: Voulez-Vous (ABBA)
- Song: High 5 (Rock The Catskills) (Beck)
- Song: Southern Point (Grizzly Bear)
- Song: Streets of Laredo (Johnny Cash)
- Song: Leper Messiah (Metallica)
- Song: Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen)
- Song: I See You (MIKA)
- Song: Something Special (Steve Miller Band)
- Song: Curse in the Trees (Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats)
- Song: Boy In A Rock And Roll Band (The Pierces)
- Song: Sorrow (IAMX)
18 pairings, 18 drabbles, 18 songs.
Wherein I chose a pairing, put my music playlist on shuffle, then write a drabble for them in the time it takes for the song to play all the way through. This features 12 characters, included in three drabbles each.
Not all drabbles are of equal quality. Some also push the T rating: read with discretion.
- Part 6 of Total Mega Mix
Bookmark Tags:
Bookmark Notes:
i fucking LOVE this fanfic..
- No Archive Warnings Apply
- Leshawna/Noah (Total Drama)
- Gwen/Heather (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Bridgette/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Eva (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Courtney/Noah (Total Drama)
- Heather/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Owen
- Duncan/Gwen (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Courtney (Total Drama)
- Noah/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Heather
- Bridgette/Eva (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Owen (Total Drama)
- Eva/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Gwen/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Owen
- Lindsay/Trent (Total Drama)
- Sadie/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Justin (Total Drama)
- Izzy/Harold McGrady V
- Katie/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Trent
- Beth/Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- Katie/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Geoff
- Ezekiel/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Beth/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Justin/Harold McGrady V
- Cody Anderson/Beth
- Izzy/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Harold McGrady V/Trent
- Geoff/Katie (Total Drama)
- Lindsay/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Justin (Total Drama)
- Heather/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Izzy/Katie (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Bridgette
- Eva/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Noah/Trent (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- Eva/Heather (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Noah
- Sierra/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Eva/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Trent/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Izzy
- Bridgette/Katie (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Noah
- Katie/Trent (Total Drama)
- Heather/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Ezekiel
- Courtney/Duncan (Total Drama)
- Leshawna/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Justin/Owen (Total Drama)
- Beth/Alejandro Burromuerto
- Gwen/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Harold McGrady V
- Justin/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Beth/Gwen (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Geoff
- Justin/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Harold McGrady V
- Lindsay/Owen (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Gwen (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Duncan
- Geoff/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Beth/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Harold McGrady V/Owen
- Courtney/Geoff (Total Drama)
- Gwen/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Justin
- Izzy/Noah (Total Drama)
- Katie/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Harold McGrady V/Tyler
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Katie
- Leshawna/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Noah (Total Drama)
- Harold McGrady V/Sierra
- Gwen/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Justin/Noah (Total Drama)
- Leshawna/Harold McGrady V
- Courtney/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Gwen/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Katie (Total Drama)
- Justin/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Sadie
- Beth/Bridgette (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Ezekiel
- Eva/Owen (Total Drama)
- Heather/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Trent (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Heather (Total Drama)
- Beth/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Owen/Trent (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Duncan (Total Drama)
- Beth/Eva (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Alejandro Burromuerto
- Duncan/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Owen (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Heather
- Eva/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Trent
- Eva/Justin (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Heather (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Harold McGrady V
- Geoff/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Gwen (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Trent (Total Drama)
- Heather/Harold McGrady V
- Eva/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Trent (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Justin (Total Drama)
- Eva/Gwen (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Harold McGrady V
- Cody Anderson/Courtney
- Bridgette/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Geoff (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Gwen
- Bridgette/Heather (Total Drama)
- Justin/Trent (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Katie
- Izzy/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Lindsay
- Beth/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Noah/Owen (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Sadie
- Izzy/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Noah (Total Drama)
- Katie/Owen (Total Drama)
- Lindsay/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Tyler
- Duncan/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Beth/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Owen/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Sadie
- Beth/Katie (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Noah
- Gwen/Harold McGrady V
- Izzy/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Duncan/Heather (Total Drama)
- Sadie/Trent (Total Drama)
- Gwen/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Harold McGrady V/Noah
- Duncan/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Lindsay
- Heather/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Trent
- Gwen/Noah (Total Drama)
- Izzy/Trent (Total Drama)
- Leshawna/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Harold McGrady V
- Lindsay/Noah (Total Drama)
- Heather/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Duncan
- Ezekiel/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Eva/Katie (Total Drama)
- Owen (Total Drama)/Reader
- Katie/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Geoff (Total Drama)
- Beth/Courtney (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Justin
- Eva/Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Justin (Total Drama)
- Beth (Total Drama)/Reader
- Geoff/Owen (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Eva
- Bridgette/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Tyler
- Justin/Katie (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Beth/Geoff (Total Drama)
- Sierra (Total Drama)/Reader
- Duncan/Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Leshawna
- Heather/Justin (Total Drama)
- Gwen/Katie (Total Drama)
- Noah (Total Drama)/Reader
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Sierra
- Beth/Justin (Total Drama)
- Heather/Katie (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Geoff (Total Drama)
- Gwen/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Ezekiel/Katie (Total Drama)
- Leshawna (Total Drama)/Reader
- Duncan/Justin (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Gwen (Total Drama)
- Beth/Heather (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Noah (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Owen (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Tyler
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Izzy
- Lindsay/Harold McGrady V
- Eva/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Trent (Total Drama)/Reader
- Izzy/Owen (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Harold McGrady V
- Bridgette/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Owen
- Eva/Trent (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Lindsay
- Bridgette/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Tyler (Total Drama)/Reader
- Cody Anderson/Eva
- Courtney/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Harold McGrady V
- Noah/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Trent (Total Drama)
- Beth/Harold McGrady V
- Eva/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Ezekiel/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Gwen/Owen (Total Drama)
- Eva/Noah (Total Drama)
- Sierra/Trent (Total Drama)
- Courtney/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Harold McGrady V/Sadie
- Gwen (Total Drama)/Reader
- Beth/Trent (Total Drama)
- Owen/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Eva/Harold McGrady V
- Noah/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel (Total Drama)/Reader
- Courtney/Owen (Total Drama)
- Beth/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Izzy/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Heather (Total Drama)/Reader
- Cody Anderson/Leshawna
- Duncan/Katie (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Bridgette
- Izzy/Justin (Total Drama)
- Katie/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Geoff (Total Drama)/Reader
- Heather/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Justin (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Bridgette (Total Drama)/Reader
- Leshawna/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Katie
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Reader
- Duncan/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Justin/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Gwen
- Bridgette/Noah (Total Drama)
- Eva/Geoff (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Sierra
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Reader
- Beth/Owen (Total Drama)
- Duncan (Total Drama)/Reader
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Courtney
- Harold/Katie (Total Drama)
- Heather/Trent (Total Drama)
- Sadie (Total Drama)/Reader
- Lindsay/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Izzy (Total Drama)
- Justin/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Leshawna/Owen (Total Drama)
- Bridgette/Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Gwen/Trent (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Sierra (Total Drama)
- Katie (Total Drama)/Reader
- Owen/Sadie (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Ezekiel
- Lindsay (Total Drama)/Reader
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Leshawna
- Beth/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Justin (Total Drama)/Reader
- Courtney/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Heather/Noah (Total Drama)
- Duncan/Eva (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Gwen (Total Drama)
- Izzy (Total Drama)/Reader
- Bridgette/Harold McGrady V
- Katie/Noah (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel/Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Beth/Duncan (Total Drama)
- Harold McGrady V/Reader
- Bridgette/Trent (Total Drama)
- Courtney (Total Drama)/Reader
- Heather/Owen (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson/Reader
- Devon "DJ" Joseph/Izzy
- Gwen/Justin (Total Drama)
- Eva (Total Drama)/Reader
- Beth/Noah (Total Drama)
- Leshawna/Trent (Total Drama)
- Sadie/Tyler (Total Drama)
- Geoff/Heather (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto/Sierra
- Leshawna (Total Drama)
- Noah (Total Drama)
- Gwen (Total Drama)
- Heather (Total Drama)
- Alejandro Burromuerto
- Devon "DJ" Joseph
- Bridgette (Total Drama)
- Tyler (Total Drama)
- Courtney (Total Drama)
- Eva (Total Drama)
- Duncan (Total Drama)
- Owen (Total Drama)
- Lindsay (Total Drama)
- Trent (Total Drama)
- Sierra (Total Drama)
- Sadie (Total Drama)
- Ezekiel (Total Drama)
- Justin (Total Drama)
- Harold McGrady V
- Izzy (Total Drama)
- Katie (Total Drama)
- Cody Anderson
- Beth (Total Drama)
- Geoff (Total Drama)
- Drabble Collection
- Shuffle Challenge
- iPod Meme
- Inspired by Music
- Song: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) (ABBA)
- Song: One More Night (Cascada)
- Song: World in My Eyes (Depeche Mode)
- Song: Have a Talk With God (Stevie Wonder)
- Song: New Genius (Brother) (Gorillaz)
- Song: Brave (Kells)
- Song: Potential Breakup Song (Aly & AJ)
- Song: Greyhound (The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion)
- Song: Polly Von (Peter Paul and Mary)
- Song: Hold Still (Grizzly Bear)
- Song: Jewel Eyed Judy (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: 5/4 (Gorillaz)
- Song: Strip Tease Organ (Sam Paglia)
- Song: Femme Fatale (The Velvet Underground)
- Song: Never Going Back Again (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: The Waiting Room (Sixpence None the Richer)
- Song: Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: Praise You (Fatboy Slim)
- Song: Highlight of My Life (Dolly Parton)
- Song: Kill Rock 'n Roll (System of a Down)
- Song: Tribute to Tino (Taco)
- Song: I Dream of Spring (k.d. lang)
- Song: The Beach (New Order)
- Song: Heard Somebody Cry (Oingo Boingo)
- Song: Only If For A Night (Florence The Machine)
- Song: Criminal (Stuck in the Sound)
- Song: Hoodoo (Muse)
- Song: La La (Ashlee Simpson)
- Song: Idioteque (Radiohead)
- Song: Miss America (Blur)
- Song: Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love (They Might Be Giants)
- Song: 22nd Century (Kells)
- Song: Something For You M.I.N.D. (Superorganism)
- Song: Every Day Is Exactly The Same (Radiohead)
- Song: We Can Dance (Caravan Palace)
- Song: Stealing Society (System of a Down)
- Song: Only (Nine Inch Nails)
- Song: Erase (MIKA)
- Song: Jumpin' Jumpin' (Destiny's Child)
- Song: Jack-Ass (Beck)
- Song: Please Do Not Go (Violent Femmes)
- Song: While I'm Waiting (Steve Miller Band)
- Song: Living On Memories of You (Dolly Parton)
- Song: When the World Was Mine (Brandi Burkhardt)
- Song: Everything I Said (The Cranberries)
- Song: Piece of Your Heart (Natasha Bedingfield)
- Song: Photographs & Memories (Jim Croce)
- Song: Go To Sleep (Radiohead)
- Song: Blue Dress (Depeche Mode)
- Song: Home (Kells)
- Song: Love Shines (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: Band on The Run (Wings)
- Song: Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
- Song: Bad Wings (The Glitch Mob)
- Song: Tell It on the Mountain (Peter Paul and Mary)
- Song: Go To Heaven (The Pierces)
- Song: Glorious Day (Weezer)
- Song: Billy Brown (MIKA)
- Song: The First Taste (Fiona Apple)
- Song: Now That She's Gone (Destiny's Child)
- Song: Delius (Kate Bush)
- Song: Docteur (PhemieC)
- Song: The Umbrella Salesman (Steampianist)
- Song: Morning Bell (Radiohead)
- Song: When the Levee Breaks (Led Zeppelin)
- Song: Girl With One Eye (Florence The Machine)
- Song: Wallet (Regina Spektor)
- Song: If I Were a Boy (Beyoncé)
- Song: Land Ho! (The Doors)
- Song: Autobiography (Ashlee Simpson)
- Song: Division (Aly & AJ)
- Song: Other Side Of The World (KT Tunstall)
- Song: The Tourist (Radiohead)
- Song: Dance Dance Dance (Steve Miller Band)
- Song: Anthem (Leonard Cohen)
- Song: Soul Surfing (Fatboy Slim)
- Song: Après Moi (Regina Spektor)
- Song: Quit Your Low Down Ways (Peter Paul and Mary)
- Song: Mr. Soul (Buffalo Springfield)
- Song: Pick Up Off The Floor (MIKA)
- Song: Sweet Maree (Steve Miller Band)
- Song: Contact (Daft Punk)
- Song: 2 Plus 2 Equals 5 (Radiohead)
- Song: Don't Let Go (Weezer)
- Song: U-Fig (System of a Down)
- Song: Joy Inside My Tears (Stevie Wonder)
- Song: Texas Skies (PhemieC)
- Song: Mamunia (Wings)
- Song: Birthday (The Beatles)
- Song: Easier (Grizzly Bear)
- Song: Hell of a Season (The Black Keys)
- Song: Miniature Disasters (KT Tunstall)
- Song: Mystic Lady (T. Rex)
- Song: Fidelity (Regina Spektor)
- Song: The Prawn Song (Superorganism)
- Song: On the Radio (Regina Spektor)
- Song: Hermit the Frog (Marina & the Diamonds)
- Song: Voulez-Vous (ABBA)
- Song: High 5 (Rock The Catskills) (Beck)
- Song: Southern Point (Grizzly Bear)
- Song: Streets of Laredo (Johnny Cash)
- Song: Leper Messiah (Metallica)
- Song: Everybody Knows (Leonard Cohen)
- Song: I See You (MIKA)
- Song: Something Special (Steve Miller Band)
- Song: Curse in the Trees (Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats)
- Song: Boy In A Rock And Roll Band (The Pierces)
- Song: Sorrow (IAMX)
- Song: All Day Sucker (Stevie Wonder)
- Song: Army Dreamers (Kate Bush)
- Song: Long Long Long (The Beatles)
- Song: Democracy (Leonard Cohen)
- Song: Sleepyhead (Steampianist & morbid-morsel feat. Zal & Angular)
- Song: Küss mich (Fellfrosch) (Rammstein)
- Song: Laughing With (Regina Spektor)
- Song: Your Horoscope for Today ("Weird Al" Yankovic)
- Song: Medborgarinnan Agda Gustavssons lott (Cornelis Vreeswijk & Ann-Louise Hanson)
- Song: Dance Me To The End Of Love (Leonard Cohen)
- Song: Nai's March (Superorganism)
- Song: One Foot Wrong (PINK)
- Song: Halo (Beyoncé)
- Song: Stay (Destiny's Child)
- Song: The Infant Kiss (Kate Bush)
- Song: Pacify Her (Melanie Martinez)
- Song: Glitter in the Air (Pink)
- Song: Particle Man (They Might Be Giants)
- Song: Just One Kiss (Alannah Myles)
- Song: Brotherswing (Caravan Palace)
- Song: Luna (Smashing Pumpkins)
- Song: Someone Keeps Moving My Chair (They Might Be Giants)
- Song: Too Long (Daft Punk)
- Song: I'm Your Man (Leonard Cohen)
- Song: Goon Gumpas (Aphex Twin)
- Song: Tag You're It (Melanie Martinez)
- Song: In Heaven (Fatboy Slim)
- Song: Human Being (KT Tunstall)
- Song: Mama's Gun (Glass Animals)
- Song: Big Love (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: I Am The Pilot (KT Tunstall)
- Song: Going to California (Led Zeppelin)
- Song: Glass Onion (The Beatles)
- Song: Criminal (Fiona Apple)
- Song: Operator (That's Not the Way It Feels) (Jim Croce)
- Song: The Ghost of Tomorrow (Madeleine Peyroux)
- Song: These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You) (Erroll Garner)
- Song: Soulmate (Natasha Bedingfield)
- Song: Demon Cleaner (Kyuss)
- Song: The Lights Go Down (Electric Light Orchestra)
- Song: Golden Slumbers (The End) (k.d. lang)
- Song: Oily Water (Blur)
- Song: The Midnight Special (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
- Song: Kiss With A Fist (Florence The Machine)
- Song: When All Is Said And Done (ABBA)
- Song: Track me (1000mods)
- Song: Things Goin' On (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
- Song: Hash Pipe (Weezer)
- Song: Scared of Lonely (Beyoncé)
- Song: Poorboy Shuffle (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
- Song: We'll Never Know the Place (Fever The Ghost)
- Song: Vegetables (Steampianist & morbid-morsel)
- Song: Sea of Voices (Porter Robinson)
- Song: On The Tram (PhemieC)
- Song: Turn The Lights Off (Tally Hall)
- Song: Steal Away (Charlie Haden & Hank Jones)
- Song: Tourniquet (Evanescence)
- Song: If You Leave (Destiny's Child feat. Next)
- Song: Going Under (Evanescence)
- Song: Soldier's Poem (Muse)
- Song: We Swarm (The Glitch Mob)
- Song: Memento Mori (Crywank)
- Song: Ah Women (Thomas Borchert & Jesper Tyden)
- Song: Danger Zone (Gwen Stefani)
- Song: Out Of Touch (KT Tunstall)
- Song: Because All Men Are Brothers (Peter Paul and Mary)
- Song: We Only Come Out At Night (Smashing Pumpkins)
- Song: The Last True Knight (PhemieC)
- Song: Planet Queen (T. Rex)
- Song: Sweat (The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion)
- Song: Pools (Glass Animals)
- Song: Ngiculela (Es Una Historia) (I Am Singing) (Stevie Wonder)
- Song: Hungry People (The Happy Fits)
- Song: Polygon Dust (Porter Robinson feat. Lemaitre)
- Song: Warm Ways (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: SPRORGNSM (Superorganism)
- Song: To Your Love (Fiona Apple)
- Song: Take a Chance on Me (ABBA)
- Song: Lonely Day (System of a Down)
- Song: Happy (Natasha Bedingfield)
- Song: Pennies (Smashing Pumpkins)
- Song: When We Are Kings (Thomas Borchert & Alexander Goebel)
- Song: Forgotten (Avril Lavigne)
- Song: An Ode To No One (Smashing Pumpkins)
- Song: Toes (Glass Animals)
- Song: Hello (Beyoncé)
- Song: Sticks and Stones (The Pierces)
- Song: Life Itself (Glass Animals)
- Song: Plastic Fantastic Lover (Jefferson Airplane)
- Song: Serenade (Steve Miller Band)
- Song: Central and Remote (Grizzly Bear)
- Song: Single Girl (The Kossoy Sisters)
- Song: Walla Walla (Glass Animals)
- Song: Policy of Truth (Depeche mode)
- Song: Can't Go Back Baby (Troye Sivan)
- Song: Hurry Make Love (Alannah Myles)
- Song: Carn Marth (Aphex Twin)
- Song: Disposable Heroes (Metallica)
- Song: Voyager (Daft Punk)
- Song: Chemical World (Blur)
- Song: Intermission (Blur)
- Song: My Warped Tits (My Dry Wet Mess)
- Song: Latin Simone (Que Pasa Contigo) (Gorillaz)
- Song: Everydays (Buffalo Springfield)
- Song: Fire Coming out of the Monkey's Head (Gorillaz)
- Song: Serve the Servants (Nirvana)
- Song: Sofa (Caravan Palace)
- Song: Night Time (Superorganism)
- Song: Everything in Its Right Place (Radiohead)
- Song: Picasso's Last Words (Drink to Me) (Wings)
- Song: Just Another Day (Oingo Boingo)
- Song: A Wrong Number (My Dry Wet Mess)
- Song: Blinding (Florence The Machine)
- Song: If It Wasn't For The Nights (ABBA)
- Song: Ave Maria (Beyoncé)
- Song: Happiness Is A Warm Gun (The Beatles)
- Song: Giving It All Away (Ashlee Simpson)
- Song: Save Me (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: Paper Doll (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: The World Has Turned And Left Me Here (Weezer)
- Song: Maggie M'Gill (The Doors)
- Song: Tymps (The Sick in the Head Song) (Fiona Apple)
- Song: Western Stars (k.d. lang)
- Song: Trail of Broken Hearts (k.d. lang)
- Song: I Wish (Steve Wonder)
- Song: Unreachable (Ashlee Simpson)
- Song: It Was You (The Pierces)
- Song: Where It's At (Beck)
- Song: Gargarismo (Truckfighters)
- Song: Damage Inc. (Metallica)
- Song: Freak Out (Avril Lavigne)
- Song: Cosmic Love (Florence the Machine)
- Song: Shadowboxer (Fiona Apple)
- Song: Land of Broken Promises (IAMX)
- Song: 13 Candles (Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats)
- Song: Fragments of Time (Daft Punk feat. Todd Edwards)
- Song: The Valley (k.d. lang)
- Song: Soul Kitchen (The Doors)
- Song: Knocks Me Off My Feet (Stevie Wonder)
- Song: Side O' The Road (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
- Song: Say It Again (Natasha Bedingfield)
- Song: Bells Ring (Mazzy Star)
- Song: One More Time (Daft Punk)
- Song: Dr. Miller (Laurie Anderson)
- Song: That Time (Regina Spektor)
- Song: You're OK (k.d. lang)
- Song: Three Roses (America)
- Song: Cartoon Song (Laurie Anderson)
- Song: The Motivator (T. Rex)
- Song: Rocket (Smashing Pumpkins)
- Song: 100 Degrees (Kyuss)
- Song: Mercury Blues (Steve Miller Band)
- Song: Right Here Right Now (Fatboy Slim)
- Song: A Mistake (Fiona Apple)
- Song: Blame It On Girls (MIKA)
- Song: Glorious (Muse)
- Song: All We Ask (Grizzly Bear)
- Song: Fixing A Hole (The Beatles)
- Song: My Baby's In Love With Eddie Vedder ("Weird Al" Yankovic)
- Song: Langue D'Amour (Laurie Anderson)
- Song: European Son (The Velvet Underground)
- Song: Very Rare (The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion)
- Song: Indian Summer (The Doors)
- Song: Liberté (Madeleine Peyroux)
- Song: While You Wait For The Others (Grizzly Bear)
- Song: Hello (Evanescence)
- Song: O Superman (Laurie Anderson)
- Song: Rabbit Fighter (T. Rex)
- Song: Starshine (Gorillaz)
- Song: All This Time (Brandi Burkhardt)
- Song: Please Please Please (Fiona Apple)
- Song: Anon (PhemieC)
- Song: Starve The Ego Feed The Soul (The Glitch Mob)
- Song: The Heart Of Saturday Night (Madeleine Peyroux)
- Song: Love Today (MIKA)
- Song: In The Garage (Weezer)
- Song: I'm Waiting For The Man (The Velvet Underground)
- Song: I Am Not a Robot (Marina & the Diamonds)
- Song: Aqua Dementia (Mastodon)
- Song: I Can't Be With You (The Cranberries)
- Song: L'America (The Doors)
- Song: On a Desert Island (With You in my Dreams) (Peter Paul and Mary)
- Song: Screams (IAMX)
- Song: Hung Upside Down (Buffalo Springfield)
- Song: All Tomorrow's Parties (The Velvet Underground)
- Song: Nobody's Home (Avril Lavigne)
- Song: Sweet Lavalamp (Sam Paglia)
- Song: Tangy Zizzle (Kyuss)
- Song: After Dark (Blue Oyster Cult)
- Song: Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac)
- Song: Mamma Mia! (ABBA)
- Song: That's Why You're Beautiful (Beyoncé)
- Song: Spaceboy (The Smashing Pumpkins)
Now complete!
Wherein I chose a pairing, put my music playlist on shuffle, then write a drabble for them in the time it takes for the song to play all the way through.
Planning on continuing this series until I get bored with its premise.Or until I've shipped every original TD contestant with every other original TD contestant, ( a character x reader drabble.)
Used to be called "Total Shuffled" until I realized that Fangren's TD randomized character fics already had that name. My bad!If you want to read another TD series with a similar premise, Sakura Blossom Storm made one back in 2011-2013 called Born This Way. She wrote longer ficlets than what I typically write for 20 randomly chosen couples to songs on her IPod.
- Words:
- 46,954
- Works:
- 17
- Bookmarks:
- 1