1 - 20 of 522 Works in Erwin Smith/Hange Zoë
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Laços de Sangue e Fúria by Amanteyaois
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, 進撃の巨人 | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies)
13 Dec 2024
Eren Jaeger, um lobisomem infernal, é membro de uma antiga e violenta linhagem ligada às forças do submundo. Seu clã vive em constante conflito com outros seres sobrenaturais, especialmente vampiros, criaturas que eles desprezam por sua frieza e envolvimento com a magia. No entanto, as forças do destino e do poder estão além de qualquer controle, e Eren se vê forçado a aceitar um casamento arranjado com Levi Ackerman, um vampiro do clã Ackerman, famoso por sua mescla de força física e habilidades mágicas, fruto de séculos de envolvimento com bruxaria.
- Part 1 of Shingeki no Kyojin - Ereri
Two souls collide in the darkness of a prison cell—Levi Ackerman, the infamous serial killer, and Eren Jäger, locked up for a crime of passion. Bound by fate and forbidden desire, they navigate a perilous journey of love and redemption where right and wrong become tangled in a web of twisted romance.
Or: In prison, a serial killer and a crime-of-passion convict realize that dating someone with a dark past is just another kind of chaotic drama. It’s like reality TV, but with more shivs and fewer sunsets.
Estimated reading time: 1 hour, 18 minutes.
Em uma vila cercada por histórias de medo e preconceito, Levi é um feiticeiro temido e odiado pelos moradores dos vilarejos próximos à floresta, enquanto Eren, um jovem camponês de família humilde, luta para proteger tudo o que ama. Vindos de mundos completamente opostos, ambos carregam suas próprias dores: Eren busca desesperadamente a salvação de sua mãe, enquanto Levi se isola, marcado por experiências traumáticas e a crueldade alheia.
Em meio a um cenário de desconfiança e temor, uma ligação inesperada surge. Poderia um coração endurecido por perdas irreparáveis, fruto da ignorância humana, permitir-se amar alguém que afirma ser seu companheiro destinado? A resposta ideal seria um sim, mas... o que diriam aqueles que não compreendem?
- Part 2 of Shingeki no Kyojin - Ereri
— В нього, мабуть, усі дівчата тут закохані.
Мікаса здивовано прослідкувала за поглядом нової знайомої, оскільки не могла зрозуміти, в кого та встигла закохатися в темному коридорі.
— Ти про кого? Я нікого, крім капітана, не бачу.
— Так я про нього.
— Що?
— Що?«Любов, як тінь: женись — вона втікає,
Втікай від неї — гнатись починає»
© «Віндзорські жартівниці» Вільям Шекспір
After not seeing the twins for 6 months Levi should have known they'd do some shit like this. So he played along with their game just like when they were kids. It's not like he cared, maybe Erwin would finally fire him. What he did care about is he might have to thank Hanji…and who's he kidding he's not thanking four eyes for shit!
The Matter of Substantial Decisions by Anonymous
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
16 Nov 2024
Season 4 Canon Divergent.
Erwin survived instead of Armin. The story takes place during episode 9 Brave Volunteers- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 817
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Hits:
- 99
What Do You See When You Look At Me? by I_Am_Pixxie
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
10 Nov 2024
Raised as an only child, in a happy, loving home, Liya was surrounded by love at every turn. She saw it in the way her father looked at her mother, in the little gestures, and the grand ones. However, when diagnosed with Autism (ASD) as a child, her parents feared that her social awkwardness, lack of interest in physical touch, social interactions, and displays of affection, would hold her back. Not just in school, but in life and love, as well.
When a phone call, in her third year of University, alters the life she had worked so hard to create for herself, Liya decides to return home, in the hopes she can salvage some semblance of what she once had and keep her family above water. When, upon her return to New York two years later, Liya obtains a writing job at a top Engineering magazine publisher and soon finds herself knee deep in the Biomedical Engineering world, in the middle of Toulouse, France, with the weight of her first major article on her back, and a promise to a friend that she would let go for once and 'try'. To let what happens, happen. So, when a stubborn, raven-haired man insists on taking her to dinner, she keeps her promise and tries. Tries and hopes she doesn't regret it in the morning.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 7,303
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Bookmarks:
- 1
- Hits:
- 33
Five Times They Almost Met and One Time They Actually Met Each Other by cheryl_silver
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
21 Oct 2024
I remember my past life. What happened when we fought together, the memories we made together, and what I wished for you. So in this life, I still want to be with you. This is my step in finding you, love - Y/N.
The way you treated me in the past makes me want to treat you better this time. I want it to be the best only for you. I want your lips to smile happily when you look at me, think of me, be with me. Because it is always about you. Always you -Levi.
Attack on Titan: Beyond Canon by SparkyWrites25
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
16 Oct 2024
A collection of one shots following the lives of many AOT characters: canonverse, canon-divergent, fix-its, modern au etc, Stories of love, loss, angst, hope, despair, envy, confusion and rage. Stories about people trying to save their world and build lives beyond the limitations set by their pasts.
The Story of the Psychotic and the Schizophrenic.
Eren and Levi have travelled around the world as a happy couple, friends with all they come across. But no one knows of the mental disorders they suffer through that imprisons them in the life of crime. Wanted by every law enforcer, they become known as the Toxic Waster, leaving a deadly path in their wake without being noticed.
Their reign goes on until they are arrested by the Wall Rose Policemen. Erwin Smith has been hired to defend them in court for innocent by means of insanity. He listens to their stories for the different perspective of the atomic couple in order to defend their case on the many murders and robberies they partook in.
Disclaimer: This is in no means to make fun of mental disorders or promote violence. This story discusses serious topics.
This is a hange and erwin fanfic its got multiple chapters but couldnt be bothered to split it up btw
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 4,387
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 69
【Eruhan】エルハンの日 - 課後研討 by Lewa_LL
Fandoms: 進撃の巨人 | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
24 Sep 2024
エルハンの日 小賀文
感覺也一段時間沒寫文 文筆都生疏了QAQ
但因為很多原因一直沒親密過 一個契機讓他們嘗試之類的
Feat.利威爾 XDD 私心想他也在文中登場 就當是個重要的配角吧w
不嫌棄的話請吃~~ 謝謝賞面^^ -
Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin: Beyond The Walls. by nattysukiii
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
14 Sep 2024
uhh aot rewrite up the season 3 and eremin
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 419
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 52
【莱饼皆右】仿生柔性触觉系统 by GluGlutinous
Fandoms: 進撃の巨人 | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies)
08 Sep 2024
这是一个充满肉欲与少许悲凉的色情故事。两个性爱仿生人末路狂花无下限,什么play都有,男同女同女男男女,姐妹磨批,daddy issue,3p乃至np,BDSM,抹布强奸,人机恋,恋物癖等等等等,只有你没想到的没有我不会写的。
偶尔当一次莱嬷,因为被人说不是莱嬷所以有了这篇文,这次发誓把莱纳嬷到底,因为亲友是饼嬷所以我还把饼也嬷到了底。大家注意避雷,注意避雷避雷避雷! -
【文韩】最后一步 by swiits818
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, 進撃の巨人 | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies)
04 Sep 2024
大概是在文韩约定关系之后,利进调查兵团之前的一点片段,其实是想看小韩喝醉酒之后窝在饼饼怀里叽里咕噜说话^ ^
- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 2,475
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 16
- Hits:
- 183
Still, I rise by mrs_black_challenges (Haber_Bosch)
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
03 Sep 2024
This was the original first chapter of I call bullshit until I forgot about it. Levi Ackerman is a omega ceo of his own company but lately he's dreading even leaving the house with all this responsibilities he just wants to have some happiness and what would make him happy is a mate and pups but with so many obstacles well he have his happy ending
Zoe doesn't know what to do; Erwin comes to her rescue.
match by 104vets
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005), Avatar: Legend of Korra
13 Aug 2024
Zoe is liking her suitor's company more than she wants to admit.
满天星 by telempathy
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, 進撃の巨人 | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies)
10 Aug 2024
- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 3,717
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 7
- Hits:
- 84