20 Works in Dango Milk (Genshin Impact)
Listing Works
Just two old past lovers, catching up after 500 years of longing and yearning for each other. The awkwardness still hangs in the air as the two communicate, how will they fix that?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,538
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 21
- Hits:
- 452
Shogun Scaramouche (and all of his names) 500 years by Personyes
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
04 May 2024
“Raiden Shogun?” The envoy asks, the golden feather - the source of Ei’s emotions - swinging gently as he leans forward. “You are…” he starts, like he’s afraid that she will reject him. “Nevermind. You will help us?”
Shogun nods.
“I shall go to the docks at noon.” With that, she calls for a ship to be prepared quickly. “You may join me if that is what you wish. It is not a long journey to Yashiori Island.”
The other nods, if a little stiffly. Shogun steps off the dais and prepares to leave the room, turning to look back at the envoy, whose head is still bowed in respect.
There’s a little something at the base of his neck, and faint purple smudge that has the Shogun mentally noting down a potential healer to bring with her.
(In which Shogun has a little bit more emotions and curiosity, and it changes a lot.)
- Part 7 of Genshin Impact Writing Practice
- Part 1 of haha Shogun emotions go brrr
Meeting By Ei’s Love of Sweets and Yae Miko’s Blackmail by FlamboyantBanana
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
16 Jan 2024
| The Raiden Shogun Fangroup |
| ____________________________ |Shogunate❣️: Guess what I found outtttttttttt
IwishIwasyaemiko: What is it!
Friendlyfan🤩: oooooOOOooo tell us
Shogunate❣️: The Raiden Shogun officially LOVES dango! Yae said that they’re her FAVORITE! Whenever someone offered them, she just couldnt deny them!
IwishIwasyaemiko: Yae miko has dango shops, do u think that The Raiden Shogun likes that specific type of dango her shopes make
Shogunate❣️: I was htinking the same!
Sara is already on the subway, might as well stop by one of the shops to see if they're hiring.
Kujou Sara wants to impress Raiden Ei, the ruler of their country, by making the most delicious dango she's ever tasted, but to do that, she needs to know how to make dango. Sangonomiya Kokomi is one of the best friends one can make, so when her friend, Gorou, finds out Yae Miko is blackmailing him and is forcing him to work at one of her shops, she works there to pay off his debt with him.
A twist on your average Coffee AU.Written by ByRoyalDecree
A sudden shortage in Dango Milk supply forces Miko's hand. The things people do for love...
- Part 5 of "Requests"
Sly Foxes and Lightning Spears by orphan_account
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
01 Aug 2023
Yae Miko takes her girlfriend out for a date
Ever since the traveler came in Inazuma, everything started to change drastically, even for the goddess of eternity that hates changes. Raiden Ei, the said goddess, came out of "The Plane of Euthymia" where she resided for an unknown amount of time to protect herself from changes and corrosion. Now that she is accepting what she lacked as the Archon of Inazuma and facing the consequences of leaving everything behind when she chased her interpretation of "Eternity," Ei realizes that she misses her best friend, Yae Miko.
"After being alive for so many millennia, you’d think she would have gotten used to it, but Ei was not the type to “get used” to things."
"It seemed ironic, considering a goddess was to have her arms held behind her back by her own insecurities."
- Part 3 of Will You be My Eternity?
Yae scoured the city, to no avail. Turned out that Ei had gone far. If she didn't love Ei, she probably would've gotten her a collar at this point.
- Part 2 of Will You be My Eternity?
Eternity Is Far too Cruel for you, Ei. by lumineedsgrass
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
31 May 2023
yae convinces ei to go out with her and stroll around inazuma while eating dango milk
Sometime all you need is a talk, not a deep, serious talk but just the daily life one.
Shogun puppet: But what if i took control of my creator to have a deep serious talk with the Traveler concerning the futur of his relationship with my creator ?
Shogun no.
Shogun: Shogun yes.
- Part 1 of Raiden Shoguns romantic disaster.
POV: You ask Ayato how he met his wife.
Always, Even When You Don’t Know You Need Me by yeste_rye_ars
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
19 Feb 2023
No one can get you to stop working, not even Ayato. So, why not hold a festival to try to make your work more fun so you don't work yourself to death?
Itto was a fucking genius. That was the only fitting descriptor for someone who had come up with as brilliant a plan as Arataki Itto just did. Every time he thought he couldn’t outdo himself, he went and proved himself wrong.
Or “Itto wants to fuck Gorou and Aether at the same time and he has just the Dango Milk to make it happen”
- Part 1 of Arataki Itto: Master of Plans
home isn't a place, it's a feeling by yaepublishing
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
05 Jan 2023
Ei loves Christmas, but not nearly as much as Yae Miko loves her.
Dear Miss Hina: How Do I Know If I Like Boys? by LeviathansQuill
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
18 Dec 2022
Alas, there was only one person he could think of who might take the card packs. He groaned. It would definitely be… An experience trying to get them into his hands, but it seemed he didn’t have any other choice. He turned his attention to the corner of his desk where a stack of papers sat. Submissions for the next issue of That’s Life's advice column.
And right on top… A submission from a frequent writer. One who, despite the submissions being anonymous, Gorou knew exactly who it was.
Scribbled in not-so-refined handwriting, “miss hina i gotta know. what do YOU,” the word was underlined multiple times, “do when you keep losing and losing and losing and even though you KNOW,” more underlines, “you can win it just doesnt taste as sweet as a complete sweep? this is definitely not about a game by the way haha”
- Part 4 of Genshin HoliGays 2022
Эи утопает в цветущем, вишнево-сладком запахе своей кицунэ, и, говоря откровенно, ее все устраивает. Ее устраивает то, как уверенно скользят по ней чужие пальцы, устраивает тепло прижавшегося к ней тела, устраивает мягкий поцелуй в область шеи, скользящий чуть ниже к лопаткам и вынуждающий расслабленно выдохнуть.
Ее все устраивает.
He heard her coming, and wanted to know why, the reason was not what he expected.
(Tittle may change)
Girl Talk (Between a Pirate and a Crow) by English_Narwhal
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
18 Sep 2022
The Raiden Shogun wishes to learn more about Inazuma's needs. Sara just wants to make sure she's safe.
A trip to the docks, wherein Sara learns little of Inazuma's needs, but a lot about herself.
- Part 3 of Girl Talk
Your boss yae miko tells you to take a well deserved break and where else to go but the hot springs of course! Only to find your crush showing up unannounced…
Dango Milf || FRANTIC FANFIC (THIS IS A JOKE) by lotus_petals for dango milf authors
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
29 Dec 2021
Lady D has a visit with the Raiden Shogun, when she's offered a dessert from Inazuma, she can't help but be disgusted.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 338
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 5
- Hits:
- 94