11 Works in Cole Cassidy's Father (Overwatch)
Listing Works
Cole Cassidy was 7 when he first saw a dead body, and his life seemed to be nothing but hardships since. He had brief respites and people by his side for a while, but life, as it always does, proves to be cruel in only the worst of manners.
- Part 1 of Army Dreamers
McCree reunites with his parents, and they get to meet Hanzo. Yes I named the father John and the mother Angela. No, Mercy is not McCree's mom lol XD I just didn't know what else to name her.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,160
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 13
- Hits:
- 496
...and the one time he knew he found a new home.
- Part 3 of Colbra Bad Things Happen Bingo
- Part 12 of Colbra One-Shots
Hanzo Shimada oli koko klaanin perijä, joten hän oli koko elämänsä oli kirjoitettu ylös. Hanzo oli luvannut noudattaa ”Perijän kymmentä käskyä”. Ne olivat kymmenen sääntöä Shimada-klaanin perijälle. Kyseessä ei tietenkään ollut mikään uskonnollinen juttu. Näillä säännöillä yritettiin vain pitää Shimada-klaanin pyhä perijä siveellisenä sekä osana Shimada-klaania. Säännöt muistuttivat, että klaani ja sen vanhimmat omistivat Hanzon, kunnes hän menisi naimisiin – jolloin edelleen klaani omisti Hanzon, mutta nyt hän omistaisi myös puolison. Joka tapauksessa säännöt olivat selvät ja Hanzo luetteli ne itselleen joka ilta. Ja oli valmis noudattamaan niitä kuolemaansa asti. Myös nytkin, kun hän oli astunut Overwatchin palvelukseen veljensä ehdotuksen vuoksi.
Kunnes eräs cowboy astuu kuvaan ja sekoittaa Hanzon suunnitelmat ja säännöt täysin.
- Part 5 of Gibraltar
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,544
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 11
- Hits:
- 95
Try to kill it all away, But I remember everything by JustWaitAndSee
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
03 Jan 2019
Jesse McCree is war-torn, living his second life, and just trying to do his best.
Jesse McCree is a lie that's been told so many times that no one can find the grave of who he used to be.
Jesse McCree is someone. Tired, anxious, and frustrated.
Joel Morricone Junior is dirt.
Joel Morricone Junior is nothing.
Jesse's past is a mystery shrouded in sand and dirt and he'd like it to stay there, but the desert calls him home. The only problem is that Hanzo and Gabe follow him there. On the way, they dig up the boy who hungered for freedom so much that he sold his soul to the desert.
(Could standalone if you want to read McCree backstory and power lore, but should read If I Could Start Again first)
- Part 3 of My Empire of Dirt
Hanzo was there, kneeling down by the water, and he had some kind of bread with him. Hanzo was tearing off small pieces of the bread and tossing it to the water, letting the fish swallow the bites whole. During all of this, Hanzo had a smile on his face. A smile that Jesse had never seen before, but that he definitely liked. It looked way better than the scowls Hanzo had been wearing a few days prior when they had met for the first time.
"Hey there," Jesse said, grinning as he waved to Hanzo.
Upon hearing a voice, Hanzo looked up very quickly, acting like a child that had been caught in the cookie jar. As soon as he saw Jesse, though, the other boy scowled and moved to stand up. That was when Jesse realized he had disturbed some sort of private moment, and he felt a pang of guilt. Hanzo had been enjoying himself, so why was having someone else here a problem?
(Written for the 2018 McHanzo Reverse Bang)
What if the Omnic Crisis hadn't happened with Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes' generation, but the one prior?
John Morrison was the leader of a refugee town in Indiana before the United States Army came to offer him the position of leader of the newly established Overwatch Initiative to deal with the ongoing threat of omnic incursion. Thrust back into war, John must lead the team of highly skilled soldiers into certain death and still manage to come out victorious or all of humanity will be wiped out by the omnics.
Santa Fe Don't Need You (Jesse McCree x reader) by orphan_account
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
19 Jul 2017
My Mama owns a brothel in a small town in Santa Fe, we lived in a mining town called Reloj, my Papa moved out family out here from Utah for the big mining bust here in New Mexico, Mama told me that Papa caught gold fever and went mad.
He Might be Your Father, but he's not Your Dad by The_Degu
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
03 Jul 2017
Jesse has lived with his adopted father, Gabriel, for ten years now, and he is as happy as he has ever been. until he gets a note in the mail that changes everything.
- Part 1 of The Not Yours Universe
The Deadlock crew has some unfinished business to take care of with some old friends. Things may or may not get carried away
(corny I know but stay with me)- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 612
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 7
- Hits:
- 132