10 Works in Captain Flynt (Borderlands)
Listing Works
Vaulted by SaltireSunshine
Fandoms: Borderlands (Video Games), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
17 Nov 2024
Imprisoned for 3000 years at his own behest. Now he travels Pandora with a group of Vault hunters pressed on finding the mythical Vault. He knows it'll hurt to betray them in the end but he has no choice. The alternative is unthinkable
I don't own borderlands or my hero Academia.
Claptrap's Not So Fun Adventures As Captain Flynt's Diary by Anonymous
Fandoms: Borderlands (Video Games)
06 Jul 2023
An exploration on Claptrap while he was being held captive by Captain.
"Another story? Two wasn't enough for you? Well, too bad it's over. We're finished. We're done. Kaput. Bye-bye! Don't let the door hit you on your way out! . . . Okay, we're not. Nothing ever gets done in the borderlands, eh? One minute you've thought you've closed a chapter on your life and suddenly poof! Another springs up. More tragic than the last."
This is Angel's story, really the story I've been building up to this whole time. This one like the summary suggests is darker and I will not be dependent on bl3 unlike the last two stories, there will be some of the same structure, but otherwise it's a different story. Feel free to ask me questions about the AU on my tumblr! https://darkie-parkie.tumblr.com/. All comments and criticisms are welcome.
- Part 3 of Baby on Board AU
Past and present Zane Flynt... the oldest successful living operative has more than a few skeletons in his closet and the physical and mental scars to show for it.
For Febuwhump 2021 prompt challenge. Probably mostly rated Teen, but enough language and violence that M is probably a safer overall rating.
шёл капитан флинт по пандоре, видит — дракон горит by hd189733b, WTF Borderlands 2021 (fandomborderlands)
Fandoms: Borderlands (Video Games)
20 Feb 2021
“Эй, тётя Сучка/дядя Зейн, это твой горячо любимый племянник с Пандоры, про которого ты, вероятно, уже не помнишь или даже не знаешь — ну, в любом случае, не хочешь ли прилететь и забрать меня отсюда куда угодно, пожалуйста?”
Krieg meets Maya at the Hyperion train station and follows her. Gaige has a crush on the weird assassin, Zer0.
Basically follows the game story, almost to a T, but then delves into some of the stuff I think would happen between missions.
I'll try to include each of the missions in the summary of each chapter.PSA, I'm terrible at uploading at a regular pace, but Imma try my best. :)
dr zed blanco x reader short story
Shamefully Yours by Skybloodfox
Fandoms: Borderlands (Video Games), Tales from the Borderlands - Fandom
31 Aug 2019
When he was old enough, omega Rhys was supposed to bring peace between the warring clans on Pandora but then alpha Jack showed up and everything changed. Now ten years later, Rhys is Jack's personal assistant, adopted son, and heir apparent to the Hyperion Corporation. After a competitor tries to claim Rhys's hand, he's forced to confront the feelings about the alpha that he's kept repressed for years.
Vault of the Alchemist - Chapter 2: First Steps by NeroKrohe (orphan_account)
Fandoms: Borderlands
30 Jun 2016
Our four chosen heroes take their first steps in their adventures.