6 Works in Bisexual Chuck Bass
Listing Works
La mesa aún tiene puesto el mantel blanco que usaron anoche, salpicado de manchas de vino y de salsa oscura. Los platos los llegaron a meter en el lavavajillas, pero aún quedan desperdigadas media docena de copas teñidas del violeta del Malbec, un par de botellas de vino vacías, un manojo de servilletas de papel arrugadas.
[Epílogo a Barely Friends - The Greatest]
- Part 3 of The Divorced Dad Trilogy
Con veinte años se hicieron amigos, casi a regañadientes. Con treinta y dos Chuck pagó la cena, y se tomó ese whisky que se habían prometido, y al terminar se metió en un taxi y se volvió a su hotel. Como un gilipollas.
[Secuela de Barely Friends]
- Part 2 of The Divorced Dad Trilogy
Basically a retelling of Bad News Blair
I truly can't believe I've been so emotionally compromised by this rich straight couple....
So here's three times Blair saves Chuck from himself-- and one time he has to save her.
(Because clichés are fun, okay?)
Title taken from Sondheim's Assassins.
Chuck's younger half-sister Alexandra Bass returns to New York after going through a hard time. Her father wants to keep his daughter ot of the tabloids and away from a certain gossip bloggers website and so his strict rules keep Alex from having a big comeback. But when she sneaks out to go to Blair Waldorf's Masquerade Party, smartly dressed in a tuxedo instead of a dress, she ends up on Gossip Girl's blog anyway.
It's a good thing Alex can count on her best friend and soon to be step brother Eric van der Woodsen. Once her first little scandal is dealt with Alex is ready to jump head first into the social life of an Upper East Side girl as well as a budding romance with one Jenny Humphrey. -
Dan Humphrey is Serena's gay best friend. His father is a member of the famous band Lincoln Hawk and his little sister Jenny is an up and coming teen fashion icon.
When Serena left after making her mistakes, Dan left with her because a blast to Gossip Girl almost forced him out of the closet. But now they've come back to the Upper East Side and its going to turn everything upside down.